Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Eve ...

How I spent my New Year Eve... let me recall... what I did yesterday...

Yes, after taking our sumptuous dinner, Aaron and I went to my mum's place, taking our dog, Labby for some exercise at the same time. While we were there, Aaron's cough became more consistent, he couldn't finish one sentence without "ahem" "ahem" and coughing at the same time. He told me that his throat was very itchy....

It was about 8.35pm, our family doctor was off for the day, and it suddenly dawned upon me that we could still go to the General Hospital outpatient clinic. It opens till 9pm on working days. With just another 15-20minutes, we rushed there... what a relief! It was still open and thank God for the doctor and nurse who were so pleasant and friendly. (I was expecting some sarcasm for coming in at the last minute, gosh! I was all wrong) They were so nice and it triggered me to wish them "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" with a joyful smile before we left the clinic..

Then for the rest of the night, receiving and replying sms, we witnessed the countdown on TV8.. 10..9...8......5..... 2 ... 1..... HAPPY NEW YEAR....YEHHHHHHH!!!!! That was TV8, it was not me who shouted.. LOL...

After giving my Kids a Big Kiss and wishing each other a Blessed New Year, I pummeled my pillow and zzzzzzzzzzzzz....


  1. happy new year.
    thank goodness that the clinic is still open. =]

  2. Happy New Year!

    Thanks for sharing your lovely New Year celebration.

  3. So how's AA now? Happy New Year Claire :D

  4. hope he's fine now. Happy New Year!

  5. like tat only ar? come on you are happening lady you can do more AHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHHAHA.........kidding...

  6. donna: same to u...

    richard: yes.. thank God the medicine works...

    misalyn: thanks for coming by..

    merryn: not so bad.. not so much ahem ahem like last night.. thanks for concern :)

    wenn: yes, he is.. thanks...

    manglish: oh no.. i leave happenings to young ppl like u.. please please...

  7. Another nice experience at the local GH. The staff at our govt. hospitals hv generally turned into wonderful and professional people. It's great!

    Blessed New Year ya! ^_^

  8. Hope Aaron's cough o.k. by now! I slept...from 2009 through to 2010. Will post on that tomorrow...

  9. Happy 2010!

    Hope Aaron's cough is better.

  10. Wow! Since when the doctors and nurses are so friendly? :p Anyway happy new year to you too Claire. :)

  11. i think they have improved a lot since from those years... civil servants now are realizing that they r no more the top... :)_

  12. No live fireworks? Wow! So the doctor and nurse very friendly over there! That's nice! : )

  13. foong..yeah... i didnt seee any live fireworks.. maybe too far from my place...

  14. My New Year's Eve was spent decluttering the house! Wanted to start the New Year off with a "clean slate" so to speak! Took a walk with the dog and then we had light dinner and watched tv. I always have to watch the ball drop in Time Square with Dick Clark! Happy New Year!

  15. Hope I'm not too late to wish you and your family Happy New Year 2010. We spent the NYE lepak-ing in the comfort of our home and zzzzz too. There wasn't even a sumptuous dinner to begin with haha.

  16. cheryl: that is a very clean new year welcome.. LOL...

    chloe: no, u r not too late.. everyday is a blessed day.. thanks for coming by,.,..


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...