Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Reds & The Greens

soft and nice...
the red ones are filled with bean paste
the green ones are coconut fillings

They are called Ang-koo-s... is that how it is spelt? These are miniature ang-koo-s which I bought in Eaton, Penang. Each time I go Penang, I will try to get some home, after all, I sure pass by there while driving back using the bridge way...
Who likes to eat angkoos besides Me?


  1. Yeay 1st!!!!!!!!!

    I once ate 'black' koo.. not 'ang' at all.. I so like them lah claire... can post some for me ah? :P

  2. I've never heard of them, Claire--but they look and sound good--especially the coconut. I love anything with coconut in it.


  3. merryn: next time eugene goes to KL, tumpang him la.. send to KL? basi already lo...

    betsy: yes, they taste good.. it is like a mochi...

  4. Joshua. Crazy about angkoo when he was in my tummy. Eat angloo daily. Likes the red ones.

  5. Its call "ang koo gui" - red tortoise cake:)

  6. Gosh I juz had 2 ang ku kueys this morn. :)

  7. Never had that before, outch, you can eat that, lol. Anna :)

  8. I'm assuming these are like candy or sweets? They look good.

  9. ME ME!! I like Ang koo also... but I only eat those my mum made.. :( one day if I really can, I made for you ah.. shd got to know you earlier, coz during Breanna's full moon, my mum made!! maybe her 1st birthday, I ask her made again.. hehee..

  10. I love angkoos...=)=)

    Btw, thanks for dropping by my blog...happy Sunday!

  11. Are they a sweet or candy? I like anything with a coconut flavor.

  12. Dun like them. Always reminds me of full moon. :(

  13. smallkucing: joshua too? hehe..then surely he likes these cos they are miniature size.. cute..easily eaten.

    kelvin: oh relly tortoises lookalike?

    gratitude: wat a coincidence!

    anna: u must try them one day.. chinese desserts...

    patty: they r neither .. it is more like a dessert..

  14. sjb: us, us us!!

    cynthia: hey,u must learn up yr mum's time u can make biz with those too..hokkiens'talent..

    livelife: thanks for coming by...

    cheryl: can call them desserts...

    cleff: sorry,,,but then full moon is something special, girl...

  15. Yeah... I guess... for most. But it would be special if nobody told me off for giving birth to a bastard. LOL... my son's birth made me swear off ang koo gui... lol...cuz it reminds me of 8por!

  16. Me Me Me Me Me...I love them!! Now claire, you get me craving for them :(

  17. cleffairy: gosh.. what a mean remark.. i feel so sad and sorry to hear about that..
    hope u can delete the bad memories and keep only the good ones..
    dont keep at heart..God will take good care of u and your family..

    barb: next time when u go pg, u can just get them at eaton.. hehheee..

  18. I never delete the bad memories wan... cuz it taught me a lot of important lessons in my life. It made me more aware of those who are truthful and sincere to me and who are not.

    Dun worry, Claire... God will give me justice. I did what my conscience told me, and I feel that's best for me. Well, too bad for them...the 8por one day will have a taste of their own medicine, that I'm sure of. It's not that they are great parents either. Out all day long playing mahjong and gossip around only. *snarl*

  19. Aiya, I thought Full Moon....Claire got new baby? LOL!

  20. Aiya, I thought Full Moon....Claire got new baby? LOL!

  21. fried ang koo is nice too. esp if crispy and slightly black at the sides.

  22. I love ang koo! The red ones with bean paste filling. Had that at our gathering in Kuching last night - for dessert... Nice!

  23. pete: oooooooohh..surely i will tell the whole wide world if i do have!!! hahhaaa....

    tuti: oh yeah, now only i remember.. yes, my mum used to fry it esp when they r kept overnight.. oohh.. they r yummy...yes!

    stp: yes, esp they r soft and nice... and full of fillings...

  24. it looks like puto... can i taste it?:-)

  25. have the best one i tasted while in Melaka...some made it in KK but the taste is off lah...huhuhuh....can't wait to return to melaka and have all those nyonya kuih! =p

  26. I've tasted only a few times ang koo kui bought from Eaton. I really loved those from the Penang local market.

    Besides ang koo, you can also chu chu kui or kuih bengkang.

    Anybody would love to try Penang cheap nyonya kuih? Jst let me know, I will take you there.

  27. i'm totally opposite of u. i dont eat angkoo. dunno why. never like it since young..

  28. veta: sure u can taste it.. when r u coming?

    angelbear: oh, i havent tried those from Melaka yet.. hope to, one day..

    jessie: serious? i want... i tot u r in KL? or r u in Penang now? perhaps we can meet up one day if u r in pg...

    rachel: last time i also nv like it much, i mean just eat only la.. not really like loving it so much.. but this one is soft and nice.. so i dont mind buying them once awhile when i go pg...

  29. Me too! Used to love them when I was younger but now, not so already. I love the yellow bean ones... would dig out the inti and eat them first haha.

  30. But these are different from the angkos that we have right? These are jelly angkos?

  31. I have never heard or tasted that one, was that some kind of jelly or candy?

  32. chloe: so..what happened to the skin? :)

    tekkaus: no, they r not jellies.. they r miniature angkoos..

    bryan: no, not jelly or is a chinese kueh..dessert..snack. or whatever..haha...

  33. I like! I like! Puts up hand. I like the green better than the reds though I like them both. :)

  34. ME! ME! ME! I like! I like the green ones with coconut fillings! Yummylicious!!! : )

  35. Right now these look yummy. Want to sink my teeth into one and puuulllll and then chew chew chew! :)

  36. We jes had that 2 wks ago when PIL came to visit from Johor. The whole family loves to eat this.

  37. i go for the chey koo becoz its a little bit kiam2

  38. I like the red one, the green eh filling I tak suka. Oh ya, ang ku is more sedap if fried it, yummy...

  39. waa waa.. i love this! Especially when they re made right and ot all ha on the outside... and when the inside is smooth yummy!

  40. I like them if they have a lot of fillings:-)


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