Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sour Sweet Smile

I cannot leave this overnight.. i went in to explain to her.. i cannot see an unhappy face .. i wanna sleep at peace... i .... i............i.......................
I went in to her room... after some moments of togetherness with her, she managed to smile again... my son smiled too... .... both of us "disturbed" her till she cracked her laughter... we were pummeling each other once again...

Tension melted... i m at peace again.. breathing is normal.... for now... till the next round....


  1. Congrats, Claire...
    You're a great Mum!

  2. OK la... sometimes she's also stressed in school and you stress with family matters and work...but good you guys patched up. Just see how the tuition is lor...if really really no good, then do somethign abt it. It's a tough subject!

  3. And believe me until they are old enough to live out on their own, there will be a next time. Sometimes even when they are out living on their own. LOL

  4. While my siblings and I were growing up, my mum always told us "parents and children will not have kak yeh sau". Everything will be back to normal la... no worries :-)

  5. This is so nice to know.. Phew *wipe forehead* Till tomorrow then.. nites claire :D

  6. that's the love n understanding of a family.. good night n sleep tight

  7. Between Mom and doter, where got "kak yeh sau" one? One minute unhappy the next will be tickling each other already. Well, sometimes we do feel tension at times but yes, as a Dad, I feel the same way too.

  8. See, it worked out! You gave your daughter "some space" as well as yourself from the dilemna and by going to her it sounds as if you are back on the right track with each other! You did a good job!

  9. Good to know that everything is a ok again'! After all you guys are a family. :)

  10. mingna: thanks but dont congrat me.. i dont know what to do actually.. still learning each day..

    smallkucing: :(

    chrisau: that was why i told her to go arts... i worry she cannot cope up.. but she wouldnt listen.

    patty: while they r still at home, i hope to instil the closeness of family among one another and it is not an easy task ... yes, still another 2 years to go before she ventures out to the world..

    boeyjoey: yeah. no overnight grudges.. i hope we will stay that way always..

    merryn: yeah, till tomorrow and tomorrow.. sure something else will prop up.. our challenges can never finished..

    elaine: thanks..goodnite or.. goodmorning to u now..

  11. CY: we as parents, have to learn and persevere too.. sometimes my patience just vanished and get worked up and ugly words came out.. sigh.. how to overcome that..

    cheryl: i still need to be learn.. how to interact properly with her.. yes, there will be other times later on, at this stage of life, it is a difficult task..

    tekkaus: till another time.. so when r u going to experience this?

  12. nothing is as hard as it seems. it might be frustrating at some point, but after a while, you'll just see how stupid it was for u to be so stressed about it.

  13. Glad that the water is calm now. Pray that God will lead you all to a good Add Maths tuitor soon, a good one that she will enjoyed and learn more. A good teacher do have an impact to the student studies. It happens to me and my Add Maths. God is good, He will show the way :)

  14. I also cannot stand it when there is tension!

    Glad you managed to talk it out. Other times, only prayer helps.

    Take care.

  15. Hmmmmmmmmmm, Knowing you, you can even melt the volcano,,, not just the icebergs....

    you're great mom, and infact i need to learn from you as far as parenthood is concerned..

    say hi to Fennie for me,will ya.

  16. ahhh u r posting faster than i can read i have to go back to older post to knw wat u r talking abt hahahaha....anyway glad it's over

  17. medie007: this never ends.. esp when we r humans and sensitive ones too.. yes, will try not to think so much though i dont know how not to..

    iriene: u r right, many times i have failed to call upon Him eventhough it is written that anyone who calls upon Him, He will acknowledge... thank u for reminding me.. i will do that.. cast cares and burdens..

    ann: prayer does help all the time.. it is only me who always tend to forget..

    eugene: now i need something to melt me instead..

  18. fuh yooo... not easy to handle teenage huh?.. ^_^

  19. true, being a parent is not easy. sometimes we need to respect their opinions.

  20. Good to get every misunderstanding cleared before bedtime. Congrats!

  21. cathJ: very easy one..hahahaa...

    wenn: and i wonder how much they respect ours... sometimes...not all the time...

    pete: otherwise i cannot sleep.. that type of lady i m..

  22. errr.. but youngsters nowaday very tough one.. haha.. dont worry la.. she will "wake up" and everything will back to normal later.

  23. No....don't go arts! Science stream is not really that bad and furthermore, she qualifies for it. It might increase her profile

  24. donna: i tot u pun youngster? yeah, u understand better.. needs patience with them...

    chris: yeah i know.. but i dont like to see her stressed up in her studies..

  25. Good Mummy!! Lots to learn from you :)

    Psst... I no longer dare to share share my food with you coz...

    you got big big sifu Elin to share share with you... I malu...hehehehe...

  26. You remind me of my mom...sob..sob! I must say that u're gr8 Mom!

  27. agnes: dont say like that la... i lagi shameful cos i dont know how to cook, only know how to ask .. i m a very wai sik lady, i mean for food only! actually what is pot pie ah?

    flo: gosh.. seems i am a mother to almost every young lady here.. hahhaa.. thanks flo for yr compliment but i dont think i deserve that "gr8" ...

  28. All is well again. So wonderful! ^_^

  29. glad to know that the tension between mother & daughter already subside.. :)

  30. Btw, the title of this post has made me wanna cokk sweet sour pork tonite! lolz

  31. Bad feelings r not good to be "brought fwd" yeah. Great that u settled it b4 calling it a day. :)

  32. Your daughter is very lucky, that you still make effort to talk to her when you're moody. My mum not liddat. Every time oso nid me to pujuk her. It's harder to talk to her nowadays after she hit 50. :( I don't know why! Always moody, always bad mood, sometimes, when I call her on the phone oso she can snap at me. I just dun understand it!

    I used to think that my daddy is the fierce, moody and grumpy one...but these daddy is the easy one to deal with!

  33. Glad that u and daughter have patched up.

    I'm sure you want the best for your daughter.

  34. gratitude: thank God... it is just one of those days.. on and off it will come back... btw, how is the sweet sour pork? hehehe..

    mamamia: and another day will come again :)

    slavemom: that is me.. dont know whether good or not.. i must settle indifferences if possible within that day itself..

    cleffairy: i think fernie doesnt realize that..or maybe she expects me to be better or not good enough.. i hv my moods too.. sometimes i really feel like throwing something.. it is the age, i guess.. so dont blame yr mum.. i never wrote about it.. so that doesnt mean i dont feel that.. hahhhaa..

    jessie: i m learning to be a better mum... and she is teaching me in a way...


Thank you, readers!

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