Friday, January 15, 2010

What A Difference!

This afternoon we went to a popular ko-pi-teem for our lunch. Four of us ordered bread... 4 different types of bread varieties and among the four, this tuna sandwich was the most disappointing.

How could this type of tuna sandwich be served at a well-known and popular ko-pi-teem? Kind of disappointing, right? No doubt the price is only RM3.80 but please, do a better job .... Though I am NO good-a-cook, I think I can anytime do better than this above... (trust me!)

For fun we were discussing about opening a cafe called Elin Tidbits Corner and what we are going to cook and sell to our customers... (of course I m not the one cooking la.. but I can serve and collect money vert.. right? heheheee) and definitely one of the special in the menu will be this...

So... what do u think?
Which would u rather prefer?
Ko-pi-teem or Elin's Tidbits Corner?


  1. I think i still prefer homecooked food. By mothers. Haha.

    Aiyo, that tuna sandwich is really a letdown lah=.= They should at least give some extra paste to make it look juicier. *shakes head*

  2. You think which one I would choose leh? The choice is so obvious. hahah!

  3. mabel... but outside food like in restaurant are more fancy than homecooked food...

    rose: i dont have to ask.. but the price will be different.. heheeh..

  4. my favourite is those sandwiches with lots of stuff inside!

  5. I suka the Elin's Tidbits Corner's lah.. with Claire serving and collecting money :D

  6. the 1st 1 don't even layak to be compete... LOL... if say do at home.. well can accept la the no.1...but for sale... my gudness....

  7. of course Elin's. I am so hungry just looking at that humongous sandwich :D

  8. medi3007: both also look appetising to u i have no time to enjoy food.. :)

    merryn: we r serious partners looking for a place to put our stall... KL or ipoh better?

    cathJ: really disappointing.. sigh...

    barb: me too..i didnt eat that actually.. but i m going to after i buy her all the ingredients..

  9. Tuna looks a little disappointing, they didn't put much tuna salad on it. I would much rather have the second sandwich. Looks more like something you would be willing to pay money for. LOL

  10. hello claire,

    I would choose the second one. It looks more delicious than the first one.

    happy weekend

  11. patty, the 2nd one .. not opened shop yet.. but has intention to. wonder the customers will pay more for it or not...

    wengss: hop over to your blog now.. :)

  12. Wakao! Elin opening Cafe? Weii, Claire, you invest, confirm will laugh all the way to the bank wan!

  13. Oh, forget to answer your question... I'd cut my hand and leg for a bite of 2nd sandwich! I'm a fan of sandwich, just like Cikgu, but the first one... looks so yuck!!!

  14. That tuna sandwich does look a bit sad though. The second sandwich looks like my kinda thing, a great big door stopper! lol!

  15. Well... stupid Old Town White Coffee make horrid tuna sandwich. They should be banned from making them, Claire..

  16. Ooooo....Elin made that gorgeous-looking darling??? The sandwich, I mean! Drool!!! Drool!!! As for the tuna sandwich, you get better ones at places such as 7-11...and a lot cheaper too! LOL!!!

  17. cleff.. i didnt mention old town la.. hahaha.,,

    fely: yes, poor and sad... disappointing..

    cleff: wonder whether stp saw this or not....

  18. Definitely the second one, the pic looks familiar. Thumbs up for Elin if she were to open shop!

  19. Thank you thank you to all. Do step into Elin's Tidbits Corner when it is opened in the near future.
    Wei, I slog in the kitchen and you collect the ke-ting! No ! you too have to work in the kitchen LOL! Watch the plates and cups hahahaha

  20. Plsss lohhh.... the plate is Old Town's plate! Summore, Elsewhere, sandwich where got so expensive?

    I oso have very bad sandwich in Old Town... they make awful sandwich! Not worth the money... not just your Ipoh branch, Kl branch oso same1

  21. Must plan a trip down to Ipoh for makan makan... :)

  22. Going by the picture...the second one would be an obvious choice.If you guys serve that kinda food then people will surely select your cafe.The first one surely looks disappointing.One does have a lot of expectation from well known eating joints and if that doesn't meet the expectation then one surely feels cheated.

  23. Some of the food there is not delicious enough. But to be is relatively cheap compared to other more fancy restaurant. complains from me I guess. :p

  24. The best sandwiches are from Subway! :p

  25. Old Town White Coffee food is terrible and I think the bring a bad name to Ipoh too !

  26. I think their standard drop now? Now i prefer another popular ko-pi-teem. :)

  27. OMG..what were they thinking when they made that tuna sandwich?! Stuffing them with tomato slices is the least they can do..

    its a whole different story with the 2nd glance and it's already a winner! :)

  28. Wah... can see a lot of "liew" in that multi-storey sandwich. Can imagine how sedap it is already!

  29. Of course I would choose Elin's Tidbits Corner.. But my mom's cooking is still the best, nothing can beat it!

  30. We are going this weekend to Elin's Tidbits Corner...wanna come with us?


Thank you, readers!

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