Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Youngen & The Olden...

Back from Penang a couple of hours ago. Other than paying a visit to Andy, I also called up the cool rugged famous blogger by the name of Eugene cos I wanted to have a brief talk with him. I told him I would be waiting for him at Optical 88. Then shortly, from afar, I could see this lovely couple walking towards the shop. When I saw Eugene walking straight into the shop, I came out from my hiding place and quickly walked over to approach with his lovely wife.... She is indeed a gorgeous lady, I guess Eugene's ngan kong is not bad, huh..

After a brief exchanging of words, we took a picture...

There are 4 of us, right? Guess who the handsome young lad is...... Yes, he is Gabriel, another famous blogger ...hehehehe... He was with my family and I hope he had a good time having fun eating all the delicious food Penang has to offer....

Ok, Eugene... as requested by u...
The Youngen Eugene & The Olden Claire
beside the other two younger persons-in-black


  1. Yay! I am the first one here today. :D

  2. Wow! You guys meet up again huh! Bloggers meet up. :)

  3. Thank you sister for the "brief talk",ang pau for me for the coming CNY.

    It was indeed a surprised to have met with Gabriel too, and indeed my wife is lovely,isnt she? Perasan betul aku ni..

  4. LOL!! All also young la... why la need to differentiate like that?

  5. Wah... Gabriel so famous already... I still not famous enough leh... Hahhahaa!

  6. it is happy moment when meet up with famous bloggers.

  7. ah song song meeting bloggers again ah ..:) Jealousnya

  8. tekkaus: just a brief visit.. :)never met his wife before ma..

    eugene: my kids were amazed by u.. and they said yr wife looked like a young girl.. (macam your daughter!!) hahahahahah.....

    agnes: this eugene lo..asked gabriel to make me older and him younger wo... mana got such thing!

    henry: dont play play with gab, man..quiet quiet also can get famous one..hahaha.. (just joking)

    CHVoon: yeah..eugene is very very famous one..

    smallkucing: jom, one day we meet in KL..ok?

  9. Wah Eugene! Teringat masa I jumpa you and your wife and your kids! Claire, you havent meet his kids yet! hahahahhaa.. so i still have the right to brag :D

  10. sis ..i miss penang food, want to follow u some day but don;t think got much chance la... so far away :(

  11. Ayooo nice to have a reunion like that. Did you talk blog when you get together, I wonder? heheheh...

  12. It must be an amazing feeling to actually meet up with a fellow blogger,

  13. Ohh... you were in Penang again. How are you doing, Claire? I hope you dun get stressed up. :-D

    No fair lah... *sulk* you meet up wif Eugene and Merryn they all, not yet meet up wif me... *bawl* T_T

  14. wow claire, u hv met up with Eugene dy!

  15. Ya...I met Eugene's wife before too. Such a pretty and young looking lady amd so very nice too! But I wouldn;t say she's like Eugene's daughter - later he marah! Hahahahahaha!!!! And actually, Gab looks a bit like you. Wonder how you two are related!

  16. merryn: ok ok.. i lose to u.. :) eugene always got favortism one...

    chris: one north one south.. yeah, susah sikit..

    fely: no, we didnt this time, it was just a brief meeting.. hi and bye thingy. next time perhaps, when a bigger group is organized..

    cheryl: yeah, it certainly is..

    cleff: i went there to visit my son la.. and to talk to u eugene briefly, u know la, he is a very busy man, he can spare me a few min only.. if u were in pg, i sure cari u each time i go there..

    amy: yes, 2nd time meeting up with him...

    STP: that is why i said he is my godson.. when we met him for the 1st time, andy said, both of them looked like twins.. like long lost bro..hahahha... but my son joked that he is more handsome wo... hahahhaa.. joker..
    dont worry about eugene, he never comes back to read the feedback one, we can "hantam" him here all we want.. LOL....

  17. eeyyyy so fun........ohh u r the shortest oso hor....haahhaa

  18. LMAOOOOOO at Claire's comment about Eugene.

    Eh, Claire, Claire, u go home dat time horr, check out my food blog.... and tell me that my chicken doesn't look so bad after all... ahahahahaha! I dun mind if it's a lie! Ahahahaha!

  19. manglish: hai.. i tot no one would notice.. u r very observant la..

    cleffairy: he wont come back to re-read the comments one.. so u can hantam what u like here.. hahaha...

    sjb: yes, bloggers meet bloggers..

  20. like familiar la... hahahhaha... oh I think I know.. I am reading is blog too...hahahhahah

  21. Ahem ahem,,, you said i would not be back reading your blog, guess you are dead wrong... i will always be back one,two or three times, you know.

    You know your blog is like a panacea when i am down, and that's what you exactly what you said about me that's true," I got favortisme one"

  22. LOL... jahatlah u, Claire... :P u sure anot he wun read?

  23. kuai: good day to u too !

    cathJ: who, eugene or Gabriel?

    Eugene: ahem ahem... so u resurface la.. someone must have tipped u off :) pancrea or colon, u must come back.. favoritism or not, u must also come back.. i will shout yur name if u dont come back.. cleff will convey the msg across if u dont come back..

    cleff: ada tip off dia tak? :)

  24. Like Arnod Swazzenerga used to say." I shall be back" indeed i shall, i shall be back untill you dont have time to respond to my comments,hahahahaah.

    nope Cleff did not tip me off, anyway it is just that my hiccup is killing me, lepaking and sure come here lah,, kacauing also very nice one ma

  25. By the way, did you notice the Nuff ad on your side bar,?Nuffnang will sure give you ad one,if not you,who else can command such a big legion of followers, right?

  26. Gosh, Eugene and wifey look so alike. "Fu chai seong" ^_^

  27. nuffnang always seem to be empty la.. how come, sifu??? no matter how i update my survey, same only.. no ads one.. so how to earn money like that.. can teach me how to put up ads? maybe nuff doesnt want me to earn some pocket money..

    gratitude: yea, a very matching couple, i can say..

  28. :D I was laffing my head off when Eugene made his reappearance! :D

  29. merryn, dont lose yr head..hehehee.. we succeed in making him return, yes??? give me a high 5 *plak*

  30. OMG! *points up* You see... you see... he came back... summore say wanna be like me worr....the onli diff is I kacau Cikgu's blog, he kacau urs.... yeeeee! Takut, takut! LMAO....

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...