Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Motivation Course And Mango Chutney

AFter the first two hours separated from each other during the motivation course, Elin and I got back together. That was a relief for me! Then the Talk continued... somehow along the way, the lecturer's voice became more and more monotonous...causing both of us about to doze off, (as far as I know, I was!) To keep myself from falling asleep, we ended up talking about food..

Being a food blogger, she told me to eat healthily, starting with breakfast, I should stop taking noodles or fried sinful food. Instead I should start taking instant oats with wolfberries each morning and that's It!! AND for lunch, we should take some proper meal like chap farn (economy rice) and that's it too!

I just went to buy some instant oats...yes, I truly did.. I start tomorrow and see how long I can last (doing that, I mean) :)

Few months ago, Elin made this special breakfast for me, bread with mango chutney....(mango paste) Wow... they were so so nice!!

three slices of bread, enough or not?

just look at the generous fillings!
mango plus plus...


  1. Huh...the course was THAT bored ah? Thought it's supposed to be a motivational course...kakaka

  2. Hah, next month we shall see a slim and sexy Reanaclaire....LOL!

  3. wow... mango filling... looks nice!

  4. wei, tat bread stuffed with mango looks good le. hmmm interesting le! but sinful food are always the nicest. darn!

  5. pete: i wonder for how long i can drink that! maybe one or 2 days.. hangat hangat ayam..

    medie007: it was very nice...

    irene: yeah, darn, i would say.. how come we love to eat ah?

  6. waa waa Mango Chutney! First time I hear and see this! Making me drool now.

  7. *Instead I should start talking instant oats with wolfberries each morning*

    You talk to the instant oats for what? You shud be eating them Claire :D

    Don't eat like me cukop.. Wanna know what I eat? Great.. coz I dont even know what I eat!!!

  8. Yep, heating healthy is always a little boring, I think. I don't know about you, but it seems when I try to eat healthy, I crave the sinful foods more than ever.
    Good luck with your venture.

  9. LV: yeah, first time for me too and i love it!

    merryn: yoooooo... the heat la. the HEAT!!! it is getting into me, now i m wondering, is it the heat from the weather or from Cleff's post???? :p

    patty: yes, boring boring , that was why i said how long that food can last me.. after 2 days,. i might call it quitS! lol..

  10. I love noodles in the morning! Gee! Haven't had breakfast - better go and cook myself some. Now, where's my made-in-Sibu Mee Daddy? LOL!!!

  11. waaaaaaaaaaa.....look delicious leh...send me hhaaaha kidding2

  12. Haha...I too have sat through courses and such that have made me doze off or almost doze off! This photo makes me hungry! I eat oatmeal almost every morning for breakfast as its good for lowering cholesterol. I add brown sugar to plain oatmeal or buy instant oatmeal with cranberries and flaxseed.

  13. stp: the other night i cooked some maggi for my girl and myself and she said YUCKS!! why? i added in some uncooked bacon and it spoilt the soup...heheheh...

    manglish: ok ok,... alamat apa?? :)

    cheryl: u too? lol.. so i m not the only one who felt bored!

  14. Oats never work for me. Lemme know if it does for you. I'll get hungry within two hours of oat breakfast. Not value for money also! Already lah mahal, tak kenyang some more...hahah...nothing beats tai pau in the morning. X

  15. wenn: if u like mango, then superb!

    fely: i have yet to try, this morning fren ajak me for half boiled eggs already! no oats,...

  16. Hm,,i wondering how it taste the bread with the mango chutney..

    From what u said, must be yummylicious. A good and healthy breakfast to start off with...OAT

  17. i also want to eat healthily but it's not easy when u always dined out.

  18. mommyling: imagine..hehehe,,thick sweet mango with a bit spicy and a bit sourish too.. oh, didnt manage to eat oats la.. took bread with 2 half boiled eggs..

    chrisau: yes, i get what u mean.. unless my office closed up the gate, then i can get to eat oats :)

  19. I am a foodie myself and love reading such food related posts.Like food related discussions...One should always look at eating healthy but i can understand how hard it is to give up on those junk food.The food in the picture looks yummy!!

  20. you know what, last time i use to think i cannot take oat, impossible i will take oat and now for nearly 2 months, i'm drinking oat, but with coffee!! LOL!!! Just mix oat into coffee and drink it, better than nothing right? Need to "take care" my heart. :(, i love eat sinful food.

  21. website design: so u r a food lover as well..welcome to the club.. :)

    annieq: i have yet to try la..i hope i can sustain eating that each morning.. need to, i m not young anymore..

  22. agree a health body start from breakfast.

    ere.. never try mango bread before... so nice???

  23. Good for u claire. Despite wanting to follow your footsteps, I just find it so hard to have oats for breakfast. Either it is Mamee or normal noodles by the roadside!

  24. wahhhhhhh.... mango bread... i never try on it... look great! XD

  25. I can relate to you. I doze off too when on seminars or sort of especially if the subject is not interesting.

    I used to eat instant oats too but didn't manage to eat it for the whole month as advised coz I miss the usual filipino breakfast of Tapsilog. (fried beef w/ fried rice and fried egg.) Really sinful eh!

    Thanks for the visit Claire! Will be back here soon.

  26. Look healthy and of course budget also..stay healthy and keep fit kah that? hehehe

  27. chvoon: i love to try new food stuff.. and that was nice, yes.. something different from our bottled jams..

    cy: I hope i can keep up with the oats.. maybe starting on monday instead.. :)

    paul: it was great!

    bengkee: let me tell u, whenever i attend seminars, i tend to go into dreamland! that is why i dont like to attend...

    C.alv.B: not that bread, but quaker oats and wolfberries.. hehehe..

  28. Bread with mango chutney for breakfast! Wah, so delicious! I also want! Can courier to me? haha!

  29. Btw, how you make this mango chutney?

  30. Meantime, I'll just stick to my toast with butter and kaya, haha!


Thank you, readers!

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