Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SL And Thank You

Thank you for the well wishes... I am on MC, no, I mean SL today... (Sick leave) .. hey, why most of us used to say, I'm on MC, u MC ah? MC is medical cert, right? So it is like saying I am on Medical Cert today... makes sense??? OK, that shows my brain is still working this morning. :p

I am dreadfully tired, woke up at around 7am to see my girl off to school then I slept again... (the piriton + panadol took me to dreamland) and I woke up at 11plus...

And got a lovely surprise gift from someone who wished to remain anonymous.... Brightens up my supposedly sick day.... the package was quite heavy... so I guess they must be books!!
and....yes, they are!! Oh, I never read these authors before but by their synonsis, I think I gonnna love reading them. Ahhhhh.... that gives me an idea... I am going to bring one book along to hospital, while waiting, I can read... oh yes, remember to wear mask as well.... hope I can be able to breathe comfortably...

Thank you, dear for your lovely thoughts... I appreciate them very much!!
*hugs from a distance*


  1. The book came from the same person who gave u a book last time kah? :)

    oh claire.. u rest well ok? still blogging ke? take a break lah.. we miss u.. so we want u to recover faster... :)

  2. bad till have to go to hospital ah? Hope you get well soon.

    I also always guilty of saying "I'm on MC". but nowadays i think use more of the word "I'm MCC"(Mong cha cha)

  3. get well soon Claire. Those books are awesome. Your friend is so thoughtful :D

  4. received books? So good. Anyway get well soon k Claire. :D

  5. Jodi Piccoult is good,i guarantee you will fall in love with it...

    rest well, ok on the MC issue,let me explaine to you.

    Boss." Why you didnt come to work yesterday/"

    Worker," I was sick boss."

    Boss, " how to prove you were sick?"

    Worker,: I went to see doc,and he gave me a MC to prove that i was sick."

    Boss," so you were absent on MC,"

    just funny scribbling lah

  6. Hey... you must take care noe?

    the cuaca no good, a lot of people got sick, nose running, troat drying, head heating, bones cracking brain waywiring and all.

    rest rest well,,,

  7. How does ML sounds... Medical Leave...not Make Love, mind you. LMAOooooo... I can here Merryn cackling somewhere in the background. Ahahaha...

  8. wow... avid reader! :D

    piriton is drowsy one ler... but then again, good also, can sleep. hahahahhaha

    get well soon!

  9. Why do I have a funny feeling that Cikgu will come here and go "Boohoo... why nobody sends me anything wan?"

    LMAO....hmm...nowhere in sight yet... must be not yet nampak your gift lerr, Claire.

  10. pete: not serious.. but save money ma.. not even one hour and i m back!

    merryn: i know u never rest till u know who..hehehe. yes...the one u mentioned.. eh, i miss chatting too la.. how come u r not online now? 3.57pm now...

    kathy: hospital cheap and nice medicine ma.. somemore got MC.. now a bit MCC too myself...

    barb: thanks a lot! i need that..

    tekkaus: thanks to u too! books for me to read during this time.. great..

    eugene: u also an avid book reader hor? seems to know a lot.. ok, i read it then i let u know my review.. thanks for dropping by.. sure i will rest.. being on the pc is resting ma.. hahaha...

  11. Have a good rest la sis. See you end next week!

  12. Imitating Cikgu *clears throat* Boohooo.... why nobody sends me any books wan? I oso loves to read. I am very poor wan... pencen oredi, no money! (woiks, not yet pencen lah!)

  13. cleffairy: merryn will be active only at night.. 11pm onwards.. so u can hear her then.. :p

    medie007: yes for me to sleep.. i just drank cough mixture..

    cleff: stp only comes here in the evening or at night... hope he wont notice yr comment.. or maybe he should thank u for conveying his tots... haha...

  14. chrisau: see u.. bring more ang pows ok? eh..we meet in KOK thai la.. reunion dinner i heard...

    cleff: i lend u my books after i finish with them, wan???

  15. No la... he will say "Good grief! Maybe you should stop coming by my blog. You're sounding exactly like me!" Ahahahaa.... yep yep, he will say that! Ahahahaha!

    You see... I very sayang Cikgu wan... that's why I kno what he'll say! Bwahahahaha!

  16. Aiyo...Cleff ni tak habis habis otak kuning and some more say Merryn otak kuning ..kekeke...

  17. @Claire... nonid wan la... ahahaha... I got go book warehouse sale on and off. My own books oso not yet finish read! LOL...

  18. smallkucing: those two hot stuffed girls can go on and on one... all we can do is to stand at the side la.. hahhaa...

    cleff: no need to lend u then? :p i must buy another book shelf for the new books...

  19. Gosh, I wld have temporarily stopped my breath and gone to momentary heaven if I ever received a gift like this via mail. ^_^

    Get well soon ya. ^_^

  20. @cleffairy - I've been sneezing today.. rupa rupanya YOU! ML.. lol...yup that's what i tot too.. but dun dare to write! lol...

  21. gatitude: it was indeed overwhelming to receive such a nice gift.. yes...

    Merryn: maybe both of u were "long Lost sisters" in a way.. both almost thinking alike.. :p

  22. So sweet of your friend who cheer you up especially on the day when you feel lousy. :)

    I think i know who is the sender? hehehhe..

    Take care Claire. Take more rest.

  23. Claire, hope u get well soon ya!!

  24. annieQ: thank u.. seems like that more mysterious.. :) u take care too..

    mandy: i want char siew pau.. i want pampering... huhuhu....

  25. Feeling better yet?

    I have all the Jodi Picoult books, I am a huge fan.

  26. ok...i will get it for u....

  27. Take care dear sister, how are you feeling now?

    I'm also on MC 2day, it shows how much that we "care" by visiting each other and leaving wishing well comments.

  28. lynette: so u r an avid reader too..

    mandy: dont "tam" wor.. hahaha...

    mery: thank u...

    jessie: u too? in that case, lets shake hands... hope we be well tomorrow..

  29. hope you'll be all sunshiny and new in a bit!! take care!

  30. take care oh! great books! enjoy them...

  31. You so lucky, always dapat hadiah (^_^).

  32. wenn: thanks..

    tuti: yeah.. sunshine on my shoulders make me happy..

    irene: yes, i do enjoy reading..

    sjb: blessed to have nice frens..

  33. I will go to Lumut tomorrow, if everything can finish... then I will put up a nite in Ipoh...I can bring it for you from KL....

  34. hello claire..

    welcome to the GANG ...I am not feeling well too, running rose and a little bit feverish.
    I still working eventhough hubby keep on telling me to rest.

    I am curious about your anonymous gift giver hehe...

  35. Hope you are feeling much better! What a lovely surprise you got!

  36. hope ya feel better claire! this is my other blog. food blog !! enjoy

  37. mandy: serious? DONT! I m just kidding with u.. in ipoh can get char siew pau anytime.. so when r u coming? but i afraid to meet u.. nanti jangkit, better not.. cny is around the corner..we meet after i get well la.. oK? hahhaa.. u er.. so nice one...

    wengss: better rest.. when sick, must rest in bed.. :) speaking from experience.. :) then u will get well faster...

    jencheung: ok i will hop over there now.. thanks


Thank you, readers!

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