Thursday, February 4, 2010

Work Can Wait....

Middle of dreamland, heard Miley singing "The Climb." was my handphone ringing... forced myself to get up and said "hello" in a blurry voice. One man on the line, very unfamiliar voice, first tot that came to my mind was a Blady Salesman. Wanted to blast him off but before I did, he said he is M... oh .. he is my colleague... cheyyyyy.....

Called to ask about my work, report completed or not... Cis... Never even asked how I am getting on! Come on man, it is only 8.30am... give this lady a break, will u? (action only) Report can wait... I told him NO, Report not done yet, Wait till I come to Work, OK?? Then he hung up. Sigh... cannot go back to sleep already... might as well get up and do something here instead...
My measly meal yesterday...

my thick porridge, one salted egg,
minced meat with toong choy
french beans..
care to join me?
I can imagine all shaking their heads... hahahaa...


  1. Oh dear.
    Work can wait, you are so right!
    I love to eat simple meals like your breakfast.
    Very good for your health.
    Have you a good day, Claire

  2. :-) let ur work wait... i love eating. i love joining u eating those food.

  3. =( u can give me the lauk, but I dowan ur porridge. Looks strange!

  4. would love to join you cos i love salted egg :D

  5. I'll grow into a grumpy bear the whole day if my sleep was disturb like that :(

  6. Aiyo.. i shake head until almost tercabot dy... i kenot eat like dat... i dun like porridge.. i like the salted eggs though..

    claire.. u better now or not? hugs..

  7. i want to join you. Food look simple but i love all the food especially the salted egg! :) If got century egg lagi yummy! hahahha

  8. i wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn i miss the steam meat like tat and the salted eggs and the porridge like wuaaaaaaaaaa hahaahahahh

  9. Nice to eat light porridge.
    This happened to me often too when I was in Engineering, half way sleeping soundly on medication then the phone ring nonstop so many times....then I think better get back to the office....Cheeyyyy, these people!

  10. Hope yoou are feeling better now... :)

    I never shake head... I nod nod wanna join hou mou!! Looks delish la!!

  11. shakira: that was my yesterday's lunch.. i took bread for breakfast..

    veta: i love eating too!

    cleff: my porridge is the thick type.. hahaha.. can last longer ma..

    barb: so many of us here like salted egg.. and yet it is no good hor?

    smallkucing yeah, esp in our dreamland..

    merryn: yes, better now, only cough.. still want to hug me or not??? can rebak easily now.. :)

    annieQ: food memang simple.. i like the minced pork with toong choy.. but my mum made nicer one that that.. mine is like dry! dont know why...

    manglish: wahhhhh...seems u miss all things except for unagi and sushi... :)

    pete: mine is thick porridge.. cooked till no more water.. yeah, dont like to be disturbed, i should hv off the hp last night..

  12. agnes: like that also look delish ah.. hey.. i know, u wanna make me happy, thanks.....hahahha...

  13. I think kan... Merryn and i really long lost sister. You see... she oso dowan the porridge! Ahahaha! I like my porridge soupie abit, so I can slurrrp, slurrrrrppp... ohh, sluuurrrppp when hawt and steamy, den it's yummilicious! *grinZ* Even better if hubby feed! Ahahahahaha!

  14. hahhahaha... I hate that when people ask about work during not working time especially on your holiday...hahahha

  15. cleff: wonder what will merryn say to that.. hahahaa..

    cathJ: yeah lo..its a holi holi day, right? but mine is a sick leave.. somemore no voice to talk .. sigh..

  16. i bet you are fine now,, hahahah,, somemore got anger ma, if othewise, you got to rest more, ya

  17. No Claire...I will nod, head nod head....all these foods are my fav. Simple kampong homecooked food! And that plain porridge (no matter thick or watery) goes with that 3 dishes are simply deliciousssss !!

  18. You can always be replaced in the company but you are indispensable at home!!

  19. Yes, I'll join you. Have been cooking this white porridge for lunch for 2 days, boss also having flu. Nothing beats white porridge in this hot and humid weather.

  20. I wan... I wan...claire. keep one seat for me.

  21. dat one doesnt look like thick porridge ler....looks like normal rice nia...kekeke

  22. eugene, u didnt read ah.. i said action only nia.. hahaha... tomorrow i might get it!

    mNhL: long time i didnt take porridge too.. actually, i overboiled it.. not supposed to be so dry one..hahaha..

    chrisau: i agree with u for the 1st time.. :p

    cheah: yes, give me porridge anytime.. i dont mind.. me teochiew nang..

    amy: ok ok.. already the seat is here.. waiting for u only...

    via: as i said..sudah overcooked.. hahah..

  23. These homecooked dishes are usually on my dining table too. YUMZ! plus maybe a bowl of old cucumber soup too. :)

  24. Hahaha :D Kena kacau while you are sleeping? Kesian. :p

    Awww...I wanna cook porridge too today.

  25. eh! can i join? porridge plus salty egg. hehe..mebe can add some soya sauce. LOL...

  26. how come your colleague so heartless geh.. your report so urgent meh? then ask him to do for you la... aiyo, ppl sick ma...

  27. gratitude: yes, today i boiled old cucumber..what a coincidence.. nanti i share...

    tekkaus: so what's the dishes for your porridge??

    gab: ask aaron, sure he will disagree with u.. hahha...

    cynthia: tomorrow i go marah dia.. hmmppt!

  28. Very nice and simple meal..miss that..hehe

  29. yoooooo. love the lauks. yummy. hope you are better now :)

  30. haha...he dun take porridge one ler...of course disagree...

  31. aaron: u actually love eating those? hehehee...

    irene: nose didnt run anymore but coughing more now.. sigh..

    gab: he said he missed wor..

  32. Yes definitely work can wait! I do hope you are feeling better and better all the time!

  33. cheryl: not fully recovered but back to work today.. :(

  34. Have not been visitng blogs for the whole week; mad busy... sorry to hear that your nose is running and not feeling well... take care ya :-)

  35. boeyjoey: thanks.. i m better today, at last... otherwise cannot eat good food during cny..hahaa..


Thank you, readers!

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