Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cheyyyy..What A Waste!

Feeling lethargic, I made an appointment with my regular beautician....don't "wow" me yet, I really feel very tired lately, snapping and fuming, as STP described me... lol... Yes, I agree, I do get worked up pretty fast these days and many of you agree that these are the symptoms of old age.. lol...

Okay, back to my appointment, I went for a body massage. First she massaged my head, then neck, shoulder, hands, legs and lastly my back. The back massage was the best actually... I turned over on my stomach and put my face into the "Hole", closing my eyes and getting ready to enjoy the "kneading."

Awhile later, (i was sure that it was only awhile), the girl told me to turn over to my back... With my blurry voice and half closed eyes, I said...."HUH?? finished already???"

I heard her laughter when she said this,"Yes, over already.. u didnt feel it cos u were snoring away the minute I started to massage your back."

Gosh... How Could I... What A Waste!


  1. LOL!!! You must be really tired and stressed out. Must go often - once a week perhaps till you feel better. Take care now, relax...and pamper yourself sometimes. We all need that!

  2. ROFL! my gudness really waste lerr.. nemind stil can go anytime u want to. :)

  3. stp: so fast.. u online every minute like me??? lol... yes, if i have extra cash, i go every week.. now i go once in 2 months.. :(

    caroline: wasted hor?? i go again in June... :)

  4. Hahaha :D Snoring way? Goodness.

  5. Hmm... you paid to sleep in a massage room.

  6. it's good u relax while u were being massaged.

  7. HAHAHA....Well, this is Claire..! I bet it was pretty relaxing after all. So next time, you make sure to keep you eyes open wide! haha...
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Going ONCE a week or TWICE helps BIG time..that is a sure sign you need them, Claire.
    Take care.

  9. not a waste lah.. u got urself a good rest there.. i got myself a nice head massage n neck rub too today when i went for my hair cut :D

  10. Actually not a waste....u too enjoying til fal sleep.

  11. tekkaus: something wrong with my respiratory?

    mingna: such a waste, i should say.. i didnt realize i was so dead tired!

    wenn: yes..too relaxed till snoring!

    kristy: next time sleep first before going there.. hahahhaa..

  12. shakira: ooooh..cannot afford like that.. one time RM88 leh...

    merryn: u cut your hair too? Me jugak la.. now short..

    mery: sigh.. i enjoyed my sleep only.. dint enjoy the back massage la..

  13. Wah, snoring loud or not? ha ha ha!

  14. pete: i dare not ask.. but i think she got mentioned loud!! aiksss...

  15. Snoring???? Goodness gracious! LOLZ
    Have a charming new week ya! ^-^

  16. good ar i want to go next time hahahaha

  17. mommymoon: how not to sleep when too tired... next time sleep before going for massage.. facial ok, can go to sleep...

    gratitude: surprising? hahaha.. yes, i do snore, really! should be shy about it though... hahahaa...

    manglish: i think the japanese can do that much better.. hahahaa... no need to come ipoh to do..

  18. Hahahaha!! Not wasted la... It is too comfortable ma...can always go again :)

  19. maybe they didn't do the back massage, hahaha. :P

  20. once in a while getting a good massage is good... there saliva coming out also?...LOL!!

  21. now you remind me, so long i never go for a good massage.

    Massage = relax = sleep ma

    Next time ask for 2 hours massage, this is usually what i will do.

  22. agnes, sure have to go again, didnt enjoy the kneading yet.. hahahaa..

    tuti: u know what, that was what i suspected when she said it was over.. :p
    maybe i was too busy snoring away, no point doing, right? so bad of me.. hahahaa..

    mommyling: snoring normally no saliva.. but if sideways position, got one.. :)

    annieQ: that was 2 hours one.. i was not asleep initially.. :)

  23. So nice... I haven't been to one for soooo long already. It's good that you fall asleep, that means total relaxation... not wasted la :-).

  24. The best part of having a massage is falling asleep while having a massage lah! Haha.

  25. Syok

    I just had F & M last Friday..fuiyo..all the aches gone

  26. Obviously the massage did its job! I have almost fallen asleep as well!


Thank you, readers!

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