Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A JOKE Gone Lame

Remember my previous post about Patrick Teoh and the Dancing Ducks? Well, some of you asked me what the issue was about...for those who do not know him, Patrick was a well known DJ during my younger days but unfortunately he was "ousted" out of Radio 4 because of a joke gone lame on April Fool's Day in 1995.

I was so disappointed and sad when he was suddenly off the radio talk show since. Ok, briefly about the joke he played on the radio.... On that 1st April, 1995, he had his friend called in to complain that her advertising agency was putting ducks on a hot plate to make them dance for a commercial. It was "live" on radio that morning and naturally, some "merciful" listeners were very upset and police reports were lodged, so it seems... then later, people realized that the "dancing ducks" was a hoax, a joke.... Then... then... to summarize, those people were not happy that they were being played upon or maybe not happy that Patrick used national radio to play pranks on the people. After that, I heard that he was suspended and that ended my happier days with Radio 4.

I no more listened to that channel after he left.... just because of some being sensitive, many of us lost our favorite DJ.... I do not know him personally, what or how he is in real, I do not bother..... All I know is that he was a very entertaining DJ, the best I heard so far... who could really made me laughed and brightened up my mornings on Mondays till Wednesdays....


  1. Really, huh? Didn't know that Patrik got suspended because of this joke. I grew up listening to him deejaying. No wonder, didn't hear from him anymore. So sad :(

  2. But now he have his ownblog wor. U went there or not?

  3. jessie: yes, he did.. oh u were very young then i guess :)

    kathy: yes, i did.. i follow. hahaa. mostly politics.. sometimes dont want to read also.. kek hei..

  4. He was my dad's favourite deejay too. My dad told me Patrick had indeed gone too far but he is undeniably the best deejay our Malaysian Radio had ever had...

  5. i read abt it in his post. very sad indeed.

  6. After that Patrick buka Steamboat restaurant.....lagi successful! LOL!

  7. mingna: oh, for me, nothing .. if one has a sense of humor, it shouldnt blow out of hand...

    wenn: he is not sad la.. hahhaa.. now he is happy having his own restaurant..

    pete: steamboat? i tot organic chicken and duck.. I must go try one day.

  8. as usual..another brain drain case. He's happily working for mediacorp now, since m'sia don't want him and it's s'pore's gain.

  9. Yup, I still remember he just suddenly gone in the air and never show up in Radio 4 anymore. Now I know why. Thanks.

  10. I feel sorry for him... it's such a pity! Some ppl just can't take up jokes... serious and boring ppl.

    Please have a nice day!

  11. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now u reminded me ok ok yeah back then i listen to radio 4 oso but i think tat was also wen light and easy started and after teoh was gone it was just different dead is radio 4.....

  12. Patrick Teo... sounds fanliar aye..whoaa just cz of that? i tot that was supposed the nature of work for DJs - do watever they can just to entertain n get more listener. :)lol

  13. It seems as if we all have a favorite deejay and are out of sorts so to speak if they leave! Its hard getting used to a new deejay!

  14. He's doing well towkay - 3 outlets already, I hear...and has time for acting too. He acted in Sudirman's movie "Kami" - did you see that?

  15. But he seems to criticize a lot of things in his post. Anyway, i hv an award for for u. Pl refer to: Flowers at Toucheng Leisure Farm

  16. oh i dont know about this

    well im in standard5 in 1995 :P

    thx 4 sharing with us :)

  17. Eh, I listened to Patrick Teoh when I was young too! :) But I didn't know why he was suspended! Oh dear, THIS was the reason! So lame! Can't people take jokes? Arghh... Really saddening.
    PS: I added you in my blogroll mama claire! ;)

  18. Started as steamboat then add in the organic stuff.....the place is near PJ Atria, never been there but everytime I pass by, see good crowd!

  19. I think he now better off than those days in Radio 4 la.. oh ya, radio 4? what is that ah? I have not tune into that channel for god knows how many years.. :p

  20. prettywitch: added u too since irenelim's gift.. :) yes, that is the reason.. hey, u were a teenager then, right?

    pete: oh, must be good if big crowd.. must go try if got chance..the steamed chicken and duck too, seems hoe yau mei!

    cynthia: now i also never tune in there already.. u were still a teenager then..

  21. chrisau: yeah.. singapore is gaining our brains.. :P

    superman: u also heard about him? surprising.. :)

    alice: as the saying goes, we cannot please everybody.. sigh..

    manglish: yeah, nowadays i just listen.. the new ones are forgetable..

    caroline: u were still in kindie perhaps! :p

    cherly: nowadays there are no more outstanding DJs.. not like those days..

    stp: not so sure about Kami but saw him in the Ghost with Cheryl Samad..

    Wenn: yes, he is very daring one! ok thanks.. i go and see what is in store.. :p

  22. huh... like that only ar?
    what la those ppl, kena prank, had a laugh then forget it la...
    so over acting one..

  23. i know he is a blogger now, but very seldom read his blog one.. ahaha..

  24. He is related to Sasha..(u know blablah blogger?)

    ehehheehhe n his wife bakes deco....#1

    is it really true, just because of the joke, he left R4?

  25. Some ppl just so sensitive about small things. If everyone is like that, life wld be so boring, huh?

  26. donna: agree with u.. his blog now very political one.. :)

    rachel: read from his blog. 6/3/10 post.. yes, i know he is related to her. :)

    adrine: cannot please everybody at the same time, i guess ...

  27. I grew up listening to his show too. Apprarently, my father listen, so i follow la.

  28. Yeah, I remember him, not the joke though. His sarcasm can be so subtle it kills.

  29. yeah,i remembered about the ducks on hot plate.he's very talented dj,at times very "hard head" - that's the funny side

  30. Oh! I remember listening to ghost stories on Radio 4 those days and Patrick Teoh was just so sarcastic! But I love his sarcastic comments - that's the fun listening to him. haha!

    Well, too bad some people didn't like his April Fool joke. It's just an April Fool joke, why so serious? Sigh....

  31. foong.. that is the problem... some people cannot take it.. :)

  32. Well, just came across this blog & Read Patrick Teoh story here. Well, I didnt know he was fired from the Dancing Duck April Fool Koke. 1996 ? 10 years ago ? Somehow I was not listening to it at the time. Have been his fan since Kee Huat day's. I just met him yesterday at Cobra Club while looking for the Band - The Strollers. He was friendly although we met for the first time. We talked as if we know each other for ages.

    1. Hi, not sure about being fired.. or just hearsay... anyway, gone are the days when I used to listen to him on Mondays till Wednesdays.. he brightened up my mornings, working time!! So enlightening just listening and laughing over his DJ-ness...

  33. I thin he start a pub business named radio city
    after that


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