Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wrong Time Wrong Place In Penang

I posted about my Penang trip last Friday and getting caught in the jams almost everywhere. If my car did not have automatic gears, I think until today I would be still be "limping" on my left leg due to heavy pressing on the clutch.

Maybe I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. It was almost lunch hour when I went to see my son at the college. It was a prayer time for Muslims during that 12-2pm period as well... and not only that, schools also closed around that time. Gosh, I don't think I wanna stay in Penang... lol...
I snapped this while waiting for the traffic to ease
along Kelawei Road in Penang
ahhhh.... this is different...
cos this is IPOH...
so quiet... so un-alive.... hahaa...
u want peace and quiet, come to IPOH..


  1. Waiting in the jam is one of d worst feelings. Esp if u just wanna go home and relax from a day's worth of hardwork.

  2. I have been to Penang and I couldn't stand the traffic.

  3. guess KL traffic jam is worst.

  4. chrislim: one has to be very patient esp in jams like this..

    willie: at certain times.. yes!

    wenn: yes, agree with u, Wenn.. have to be very patient..

  5. KL and Penang jam more or less similar ... Ipoh better I think. Everything is near. A lot of good food

  6. Lunch time around here is always a busy time, and then around 4pm until 6pm when people are getting off work. I try to stay off the highways during those time periods. LOL Thanks for your visits, sorry I haven't been around much, it seems this whole month of April has been busy, busy, busy. Have a great week-end.

  7. melaka used to be a nice quiet town too. now when it comes to public holiday, its crazy! now it's femes for being congested during holiday!

  8. Ipoh is very quiet place huh. Now I know :D.

  9. LOL... poor you! You should see how it clamps up in K.L city! have a wonderful week ahead!

  10. It is always better to be at a peaceful place. It makes you feel so calm. :D

  11. kathy: any plans to shift to IPOH??? yeahhhhhhhh think about it! but no BOokexcess only. :(

    patty: it is alright, i m very busy too lately..dotn know what to do first. :)

    irene: yes, malacca is very famous now.. i would love to visit there one day too..

    sjb: yes, it is quiet and peaceful.. :)

  12. wai keong: hip hip hoorrray for IPOH.. hahhhaa... but ipoh is too quiet, dont u think so???

    alice: yes, i dont think i will get used staying in KL... but it is certainly the IN happening there..

  13. Got a colleague in Kuching who goes back home for lunch on weekdays. How nice! Think this is not possible in KL unless your house is nearby and a walking distance from office what about Ipoh? Do you have the time to go back home for lunch presume it's all ready cooked for you? tQ.

  14. Yup! I wouldn;t wanna stay in Penang...or KL, for that matter. So Sibu, no jam and every place is near. So laid back and relaxed...can live longer like this (or maybe it just seems so)! LOL!!!

  15. Yea I love Ipoh too! But during holidays, it can also be very jammed! :0

  16. bananaz: kl no way of going back for lunch.. as for me, it takes 15 min to reach home so no point too.. lunch hour is a bit jam.. but other than that, it is acceptable..

    stp: hope we can live longer in our quiet towns..:)

    sweetwitch: yes, only when many come to cari makan during the festive seasons, otherwise ok.. even jam, also will be 5 or 10 min later..

  17. yea i have to agree with u, even i found ipoh is peaceful than KK here. :)

  18. Ipoh's traffic is a bliss compared to KL's and Penang's :)

  19. Being caught in a traffic jam when you have an appointment is really frustrating.

    The pace in Ipoh just nice for me, a good place to relax and destress.

  20. i heard a lot from some friends that Ipoh is a really good place to stay after retirement? how true it is..??

  21. Frankly, I love the food there but not the jam! I haven't been there for years. However, the food is quite expensive too!

  22. caroline: hey, i tot u r from KL?

    agnes: yes, agreed! i dont think i get used to staying there..

    spicymother: for retirees it is good, i stress.. hahhaa..

    ah ngao: very true if u dont like night life..

    kristy: u should pay a visit to IPOH..u wont regret! :)

  23. eh.. that pic... the flats on the background,,, issit near the ipoh white coffee place ? i like ipoh better than penang, less polution, good food within reach, very peaceful and much nearer than Penang.

  24. i like yr new header.. very muchie :)


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