Monday, May 3, 2010

Hot Sauna In Pangkor

I m having a sauna now... yes, sauna.. hot hot hot!!! Having a sauna and typing this at the same time? Yes! In the remote area's room... crazy! Air con seems not to be working, just some "little" air coming out from the ventilating holes....ahhhhhhh.... i m going to be a slim Claire in no time!

But I thank God... I have reached here safely in one piece after sailing through the sea. My days of torture is going to begin soon... tonight, this evening at 8.30pm till 10.30pm... U might not see me blop hopping as I usually do in the evenings...

Ok, time to go for a splash in the bathroom...

Oh, one good news though.. Maxis broadband is working la... I might keep this broadband... RM48 per month is not too bad, right?


  1. Wonder where u are... some island... isolated one? Hmmm...Anyway, take care.

    Should have grabbed the maxis broadband offer before it ended last month.

  2. medie: just an island.. will take some pics and post them later...

    inspiredmom: yes, will take care.. now very hot hot...

  3. claire, just enjoy urself ya..... since you're on an island, jump into the waters if u can, i'm sure u will cool down lots ;)

    yeah rm48 for portable net surfing is very affordable!

  4. wow good for you sis! enjoy and have a great time!

  5. Wah, if I go in to sauna...keluar tinggal tulang....ha ha ha!

    Enjoy yourself!

  6. Wah, if I go in to sauna...keluar tinggal tulang....ha ha ha!

    Enjoy yourself!

  7. kayce: thanks.. i hope i enjoy it..

    pete: hey, u cook so much and u r still so trim? wah.. i envi u then..

  8. *sulk* i wanna trade place wif you, Claire.

  9. Yikes, i seriously thought you had a great sauna provided by the hotel. *kapiang!*

  10. hee! I love island! :) i mean the beach. :p its worth it ! haha. :)

  11. So Maxis broadband is really working? :D

  12. got mobile broadband and good ur life is..hehehe

  13. I am in a sauna right now too! So hot even at night! Arghh... Why so secretive about where you are ah??

  14. agree, it is really hot in malaysia.

    it is a free sauna which we not need to pay for it.

  15. claire is on some island drinking coconut water... dancing hoola.. telling stories by a bon fire.. right or not? :P

  16. merryn: why u so clever one!!!

    chrisau: come, trade places with me...

    Cleff: naw, dont think u like to be in my position now.. u sulk for the rest of the days here!

    tekkaus: working well and fine.. only air con not working!

    caroline: i dont love island one.. actually.. i love land anytime..

  17. It's certainly not a bad idea.Hope you enjoyed that Sauna.Look forward to hearing from you soon again.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...