Monday, June 21, 2010

1 Utama And Back To School

School reopens again.. back to our normal routine.. taking girl to school, go office, fetching her home from school, take her to tuition class and back. Boring hor?

After few days of vacation last week, I really did not feel like going back to work today. Thinking of the work load after an absence, really turned me off... true enough, the office work was piling up on my table.. sigh.. but then.. still got to do, right? Must justify the work with the salary earned..

Now looking back at these pictures, I wanna go again.. OH, when is the next school hols???

strolling.. and relaxing like this...

buy and buy...

and resting our weary legs ...


  1. i thought kids miss school holidays.. manatau u oso miss ka ? monday blues today ?

  2. oopss. i am first ! and i guess everybody tidur already. Me ? can't sleep after sharing a double maggi mee kari with hubs !

  3. very near only maa KL and Ipoh hahaha

  4. I wish I could go some place - get away for a couple of days. Been almost half a year... Sobs!!!

  5. looks like u guys are having a lot of fun :)

  6. haiz...when will my smallkucing become as big as your son ah...then can go shoping with me...

  7. Wah! So much fun! Shopping and eating spree. tsk tsk tsk tsk. Jealous!

    Next school holidays i think is around Aug or Sept.

  8. Huh? All you want is to go 1Utama for your holidays? : )

  9. It will gie you something to look forward to now!!

  10. It is good to go jalan-jalan with your family. :D

  11. Ok..ok..meaning school holiday u ll meet us the hantus again..LOL!!

  12. U're looking fwd to sch hols like the kids huh. :)


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....