Thursday, June 24, 2010

All I Have To Do Is Dream...

Due to the "wide response", I will continue on my "property excursion" Nope, I am not a property agent nor a land broker. I am just admiring the mansions here, bungalows which I cannot afford to buy at all. All I can do is to admire them, visualize them and wondering whether I have a chance to own one of these or not....

Come, let's walk through this neighbourhood again... wonder anyone can recognize where this area is.. definitely not IPOH...

let's go!

wonder how the interior looks like...

looks like she's angry.. wonder why.. hmmm..

cos she wanted something like this....

but i told her..
she might be able to afford this instead...

how to own this type of mansion?

or this... the land itself few million RM...

never mind, taking pictures is free though...

by the way, there is one empty slot here..
anyone interested??

as for me, I will just walk around..
and dream on.. and on...


  1. More beautiful homes to gaze, they are certainly magnificent. I go by houses similar to these and just sigh...No matter what a family makes a house a home!

  2. Bukit Damansara? Anyway, May our dream come true one day! Haha..

  3. Tropicana...? I heard there are bundles of exquisite bungalows and mantions oevr there...

    Have a wonderful day ahead!

  4. is almost impossible for people like us to try to own a mansion. unless...
    ladies marry to rich guy or born into rich family.

  5. If I were your daughter, I would marry one of owners of the bungalow. see, so easy... Please tell me where the place is, I fall in love with those houses too. I have a feeling that I will meet my Prince of Charming there...

  6. wei ...careful ah...later ppl thought u planning to rob them or what...snapping photos of their house. kakaka

  7. Those are all gorgeous homes, Claire. I may have dreamed of having a mansion like one of these --when I was younger. BUT now---I am content in my small little house with the beautiful flowers in my yard. BUT---it's always fun to see how the 'other half' live!!!! ha


  8. cheryl: you go for heart shapes nature,i go for houses to admire.. :0

    Merryn: nope...

    inspiredmum: yes, yes..may our dreams come true...

    alice: yes, i seen tropicana, they have big mansions there too...

    isley: I no chance liow.. old already.. :)

    mingna: rich doesnt mean they make good husbands.. :) anyway, out of 10, maybe can get 3 good ones, hor?

  9. kathy: wei.. serious ah?? i scared la.. i only admire..not rob one..

    Betsy: yes, if we cannot get them, we can still admire them from afar.. :)

  10. i wish one of the big big house is mine.

  11. He he, all the nice house....

  12. Wow! These are SOME houses. But I'm noticing other pretty things, as well. I love the fancy brickwork on the street that you are walking on in the last picture, even the streets are apecial. No asphalt or concrete for them!! Whenever I'm in a real fancy house like that, my house seems so much smaller to come home to. I's fun to dream and wonder how these houses are decorated inside!

  13. Come...come to Sibu and look at the houses here! Then you can dream some more... Hahahahaha!!!

  14. I have no idea where these houses are but they are magnificent. It never hurts to look! Thanks for the tour.

  15. :-) what a trip! keep on dreaming... maybe next days u will own one of those mansions..:-)

  16. nice house.. like my house! mwahahah joking joking...

  17. chris: no la..

    chvoon: me too! but then think twice also.. expenses!

    pete: nice to look..

    kumfye: yes, aim first, right?

    ginny: yes, part of them are bricks for walking paths.. some are tar.. very observant!

    stp: yes, miri houses i seen very big and huge.. and they are not too expensive either, right? same with sibu i guess.. you r also staying in a single house too, i bet!

    sjb: yes, peaceful too..

    squirrelqueen: they are about all...till next time..

    veta: hahahaa... dream ...

    caroline: wow.. then u r one blessed girl!!

    elaine: wrong! hahhaaa...

  18. wowww... where's this place? so nice... non-gated community...

    nice to see lah, but not nice to clean, hahaha, big mansions must come with big maids, oops, i mean more maids... lol =D

  19. muahaha.. sierramas! ngam mou? :p

  20. Nice houses...i wish i could own one...*slap* dreaming...

  21. That must be a very exclusive subdivision to have such beautiful mansions. Who knows, someday you may be able to afford one like this. Thanks for the gorgeous post. God bless you all always.

  22. Fabulous mansions! I wish I could one day own one too!

  23. actualy all the houses also nice... i don't mind owning any one of them... heehee

  24. yanz: yes, i love the non fencing.. it makes it so peaceful...

    cynthia: :p

    angeline: maybe u can have it one day.. who knows! :)

    mel: yes, i hope one day.. hahhaa..

    benggee: hope our hopes come true one day.. :p

  25. Wow...very nice place. Your brother house here right? Means he also got a big mansion!!!

  26. I know where this is! And I must say that way TOO many people in KL have TOO much money!!!


Thank you, readers!

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