Monday, June 21, 2010

Food Bloggers

Thank you to these "food bloggers" whom I have met up with during my recent trip down to KL... it was like a last minute confirm kind of appointment and I am indeed very happy to meet them once again. This time we held our meeting in Ling's home, so gracious of her to open up her beautiful sweet and cosy house to us.

Hope she dares to open it once again... lol... the chaos and the laughter not from the kids but from the adults!! Instead the kids were more "goodie, goodie" than all these "200 years old" aunties' ages added up... LOL...
The Food...
and The Bloggers
= Food Bloggers!


  1. God bless food bloggers, or at least good food! :-D

  2. whoaa! so much fun! i oso wan to eat leh! share with me ba. :(

  3. these days are like zombies! So quiet, so goodie-goodie - dunno what happened. Some of my nieces also like that. Everytime I got together with my cousins, we would bring the house down - and the children would give us that disgusted look! They dunno what they're missing...

  4. wow.. have gathering and makan makan sure shiok le..

  5. looks like a bunch of "Ngoh Gwai" kakaka..*pengsan*

  6. pls invite me next time ahahaha

  7. Sure lots of food for four person...LOL!

  8. wah... only four of you finish all the food... next time invite la... hayai hahaha

  9. Yummy, much food and

  10. I like Kat holding the drumstick..wohohooo.Yumm!!!

  11. gallivanter: yes, be thankful..

    caroline: just simple food also can?

    stp: hahaha..zombies.. really? maybe only those studious type? my kids are noisy one if group together...

    keeyit: yeah, esp any topic also can talk one..

    kathy: like advertising.. hahahaa..

    manglish: invite also u wont turn up la... wait till u come back first then only talk..

    chvoon: eh.. not only 4 of us.. my kids.. smaller kids.. but actually also cannot finish..

    jessie: what is important is the fei lo ship.. haha...

  12. willie: yes, food bloggers ma.. love food one..

    ling: i love this pic actually.. all of us look like wai sik mau..

  13. Wah, the horror... mamarazzi's and the drumstick! *pengsan*

  14. So many foods. I want the drumstick :D.

  15. There's sure to be noise, chattering and laughter on a happy occasion like this. Diam-diam where got shiok, right?

  16. Wow a great event to attend.From this post it is understandable that you had a great time.Some happy faces...yummy food served for sure :)

  17. 200 years old? Meaning that each of you are actually 50 years old? :/

  18. i like the green kuih, who made that ya?

  19. Yum yum, great gathering, great food with great ppl.


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....