Thursday, June 3, 2010

He Bangs, He Bangs!

A rude surprise greeted me during lunch time when I came down to take my car out from the office garage. That patch of scratch was so obvious even before I reached my car. I remember saying some *sh...t* to myself out of shock...

No doubt my car has lot of scratches but at least I know where I banged or who "kissed" my car. But then this one... sigh.... I suspect it must be my office vehicle who caused that, cos the place next to my car is a reserved for official cars.

CIS!!! Tomorrow I am going to do some detective work, I will see whether the front or back of his car got my paint or scratches or not. Then.... then.... if got... I will know what to deal with him! Messing with my Red Babe... hmmpt!!


  1. Really bad la that fella leave it like that. Should have left his number on your car so that you can contact him mah. Moreover is kaki lang.

  2. wah! so s**t leh like that. go go get him back. :P

  3. consult a bomoh & cast a strong spell,...sure the fella will come crawling to your doorstep and repairs your car

  4. If that knocker (sorry ya, i like this term!) is a colleague and hasn't bothered to inform you, then that person sure has no class whatsoever! It's all systems "go" to wallop him/her kaukau then! mwahahahahaha

  5. oh dear... kesian u claire. bang n run! i hope u'll find the truth tomorrow :(

  6. Aiyor... blessed that's not your new Myvi?! Remember to seek for the culprit, no mercy this time!!!

    Cheer up Claire, please have a wonderful weekend!

  7. that person did not even have the courtesy to leave you a note? what an A**hole.

  8. poor sis....! Send the bill to me ...hehehe...

  9. kathy: yeah.. scared i asked him to pay!

    medie007: i wonder whether he will park the car same place tomorrow..

    ah ngao: no need bomoh.. so serious meh..even serious, i wont consult bomoh, i pray to my God! :)

    gratitude: yeah lo.. i wont force him to pay also ma.. just let me know at least. maybe treat me a cup of coffee also nv mind ma..

    merryn: what a big kisser!! Cis him la!

    alice: spoilt my weekend.. :) now i got to go buy paint to do it myself. .. if spray the car, very expensive..

    barb: A hole he is.. own kaki also.. i think he knows who the car belongs to also ...

    chrisau: i will send to you, no problem, bro. make sure u not "har par hang hang!" :)

  10. But then...even if you managed to see if there is any are you going to prove it? The parking slot was reserved?

  11. wenn: kiss and run.. :)

    tekkaus: next to me is department vehicle.. anyway, i m not asking back compensation.. just wanna know who he is!

  12. ussh, this is bad it surely cost a lot of money.

  13. walk around see which car has scratch marks that resemble the same reciprocal spot. but be careful of cars too, even though car park.

  14. oh ya you said that already. hehe. old liao.

    put a note on yours and say 'so poor thing, the person who scratched me at least just say sorry mah. not asking you to pay.'. ;)

  15. hey claire!
    hope you find out who did it :) hehe


  16. This is a most unfortunate incident because your car was scratched by somebody who ran away from his crime. Even if you see a similar scratch on the official vehicle you mentioned, that will not prove beyond reasonable doubt that it was the one involved in scratching your car unless of course if the driver admits to the misdemeanor. I hope your car insurance covers this kind of damage in your car and have it fixed in a jiffy. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.

  17. He bangs! How you know it's not a she? She bangs, she bangs, and the way she moves, she moves! LOLOL... *dies* Okay, I mabuk liao. Sing Ricky Martin's song pulak. Will shut up and go to sleep now. *nods* I hope someone else bangs him or her in return!

  18. Oh no Claire!!!! I'm so sorry this happened to you. Yes, go and do some detective work. Some people justhave no conscience at all!!

  19. aiyoooooooo.............haizzz bo bian lar so how now? repaint all ar?

  20. Oh dear!!! So sorry to read about your rotten luck. Some drivers should be banned from driving - no simple courtesy even. Perhaps if you buy wax polish or rubbing compound, you can get rid of most of the scratches...but the serious ones will be there. At least, it will look a bit nicer...

  21. kumfye: why? u also kena?

    tuti: i found out the car this morning.. wait till i find who is is first!

    sjb: i give him a piece of my mind! :)

    jen: got the car number not the owner yet! :p

    Mel: if i claim insurance, my NCB will all be gone, not worth to claim cos it doesnt cost that much.. but see if i can claim from driver.. now i know which car banged me..

    cleff: the office drivers all HE ma.. mana ada lady driver.. go sleep la u.. mabuk still want to come.. nanti hangover, u know! :)

    fely: yes, i think i know who already.. :)

    manglish: go approach the fella..see what he says! :p

    stp: i polish liow..but the deep marks, sure cannot go.. have to repaint one day.. sigh.. what to do.. he needs to go driving lessons again.. i think his estimation in his turning sucks!

  22. just remind me of the incident happened on wednesday night when i caught in da middle of the road with other cars, thanks to the FLOOD! got a big car bang a small car n he just quickle left after know the owner of the car not there. damn!

  23. I'm so sorry about your car. Luckily no serious damage! Otherwise, you will sure headache.

  24. Oh my gosh and no note was left? I hope you find the person who did this and make sure he knows he did a bad thing!

  25. Last time my car kena"bang"juga, cannot find the culprit for two days in my apartment, then i put up a notice nicely written,,," i know you did not do it deliberately, therefore i can understand, so let's talk" after few hours, he came and said sorry and compensated me..hahahahah

  26. Clair: That is such a shame and they said nothing. A similar thing happened to my boat truck this weekend. Some kids broke the windshield and through a piece of asphalt and dinted the door.

  27. caroline: he dint want to pay some bucks ma.. :(

    kristy: i think even if i know who, he also wont pay me..

    mindmom: yes, i will let him eventhough he doesnt want to pay...

    eugene: he is gentleman enough hor.. so what shall i write, "jom, mari lah bincang, bang... "

  28. aiyo. got jerk driving official car? driving skill so nia nia. how get license?

  29. Oh my gosh!! Poor thing...I still remembered when I came out from school one day and found that my car was bang and I was like "WTH!!"
    Well, I couldn't find who did it...hopefully you could find out who's the stupid fella!!

  30. That's really bad. People just hit and run, is it?

  31. isley: now u said it, yeah, poor estimation of his..

    kianhin: u too? yeah, we have to live with that, i guess.. ai yer..

    rachna: yes, hit my poor babe. :)

  32. Oh my, so sorry to hear this misfortune. Where are his balls (if were a 'he') to run away from his mistake?

    Btw, happy hunting for the culprit!

  33. Omg,hit and run. That's really bad.

  34. Share the same thoughts like cleffairy the moment I saw the title..

    ♫ He bangs, he bangs, and the way he moves, he moves ♫ ~ by Lee Kee Martin.

    Try to nail the culprit but don't have to waste and burn too much brain cells and get too upset..relax. tQ.

  35. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. I've wandered around your blog and love it. I'm adding you to my blog roll so it's easier for me to visit.

  36. Oh my... I forgot to tell you I'm so sorry about your car. That's awful! I hope you catch the guy... or girl.

  37. What a bad scratch! Hope you catch that irresponsible fella fast! :-D

  38. ooosshh....totally sucks! Cannot polish off at all?

    Hope you find the culprit.

    by the way, you know where is the shop for the salted herbal duck in small kucing's blog? Can let me know as a comment in my blog. Want to try next time I go back. :)

  39. yvonne: i think they ran away with him...

    jfook: scared to pay...

    ohmy: called sherlock holmes liow..

    bananaz: this song reminded me of william hung actually.. :p

    kay: thank you.. i will add u tonight..

    boeyjoey: i think i know who, need to confirm only...

    ann: i polished already. same only...ok, tell u about the address in yr blog..

    mommy: sad and unhappy! :)

  40. LOL! Now you have that song stuck in my head!

    Hope you have good vehicle insurance!

  41. OMG! That's sucks!! I also experienced this before once at the office! Hit and run and I couldn't find out who the culprit was!! Argh.. do check if they have CCTV at your garage... Try to find out who parked next to you at least.

  42. Ouch! So bad luck! This reminded me when I was in Italy, the local friend of mine accidentally scratch the other car parked at the roadside when he was parking his car (the cars all parked very close to each other, really ngam ngam one, not like here big parking lot). He wrote his name and contact number, put on the windscreen of the car for the car owner. How I wish we have this kind of culture here!

  43. did u managed to find the culprit?? i will be really sum tung to see all the scratches

  44. not yet catch... sigh.. how to deal with him i also dread to think..


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