Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Silent Bonding

I am having a "breakaway" at this time with my kids, my mum and my sisters. While typing away over here, I overheard my sister asking my son this, "Is this the way your mum is having a holiday? Always clicking on the laptop? Is she always like this?" I do not know whether to smile or feel "guilty" cos my son answered "yes" to all these questions.

Well, am I a workaholic? Or am I just a super addicted lappie mum? Whatever it is, I better stop what I am doing now. But can't they feel my presence here with them even though I am "wordless?" LOL..... OK, I think they need my real presence, not just a dummy sitting here...


  1. Seems like you're trying some family bonding while bonded to your lappie. But it's good that you acknowledge the issue. It's a start.

  2. lol!! as long as u happy then ok lor. :)

  3. NO. They can't. because all they know is that you are glued to your lappie. If I were your sister I can't help but think that all you care is about your computer and your internet. :/

  4. That's why I try to go online when my family is asleep. That way I can have more quality time with them.

  5. Hahaha.. me too. hubby always complains about me being glued to my lappie all the time. These 10 days since school holiday started I have been "off" the internet but have done a lot of activities with my boy. We are going for "Toy Story 3" later in the afternoon with grandma and grandpa. Yipee!!

    It was hard at first for not blogging though I still visit my favourite blogs for half an hour or so each day.;)

  6. Now I know why I can never catch up with your blog. You spend so much time on it :-). I only have time to log in and read blogs once a day and often realised that you have already posted several postings and I didn't even have time to read them all....

  7. Thanks for the details.Being techy and lappie is not bad but i personally feel that you should devote a little more time to your kids.

  8. hope you can control yourself and dont be too addicted to blogging, etc.. since ur sis is here...have fun n enjoy. look beyond n further.

  9. put it this way, u can 'bond' with them but take a 'little' time off to be with ur lappie, coz after all, without it, no money.. then how to go for holidays???? :D

  10. waaa ur addiction very serious oredi hahaha but if u dont blog u feel like ignoring ur readers rite? hahhaa

  11. that's why i try not to online during weekend, spent time with my boys. Unless they are sleeping, then i will take sometime to read blogs. :)

  12. You're right, interaction is key in bonding and teaching your children.

  13. Hahaha... u are funny! well, being glued to the lappie is LUXURY! i don't get to do this at my own time.

  14. You are juz a tech-savvy sexy Mama! ;)

  15. Thank goodness no internet or blogging when your children were kids and growing up - that would be the crucial period when bonding is of utmost important.

    Now they're grown isn't so bad...but always make time for family time and bonding - evenings, weekends - go out together, window-shopping, eating something nice...or spend time cooking something together...and so on. Quality time - a must in every family!

    Maybe you can go online during lunch hour...or when they're busy with their own things.

  16. I m having a short holiday with my family now.... yes u r very right.. during those days, no Internet.. now they are grown, mum spends a lot of time on the lappie cos of one purpose..
    thanks for the advice, all of u.. really appreciate it..

  17. I am just like you. While holidaying with my family, I am always clicking away in front of the lappie!

  18. Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article


Thank you, readers!

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