Monday, June 7, 2010

Suicide Or What?

Okay a quick post before I go out for dinner and some groceries... wanted to show something thrilling this evening....

Let me start with Part 1... see the man I circled??? My kids and I had a scare that evening.. Looked like he was going to jump off the building... First time in history, saw someone like that, going to jump off and.... and.....

Okay, I got to go out first, I will relate the full story later.... tonight... Now no time.. got to rush off now... Time is precious.. Life is more precious...


  1. Yup...must be repairing the roof.

  2. Sight seeing to refresh his mind?

  3. no la. you think too much. He just wanna take some fresh air, having some thoughts and enjoy the view from the rooftop.

  4. Errr... are you sure he was comitting suicide? He looked like he has dropped something and looking for it... or perhaps he is fixing something?!!!:p

    A wonderful day ahead, Claire!

  5. a form of his relaxing and wanting to breathe fresh air?lol!

    if you have time please do comment on my entry for Noel & Levy Thanks Giving blog contest here:

    God Bless!

  6. LOL, one thing you did for sure is leave us all in suspense. We'll be waiting for Part 2 now. I'm thinking the guy is ok! ;)

  7. Yes, he was not committing suicide la.. just doing some repairing work but not putting on any safety equipment..

  8. very common for workers not to take safety precautions. really.. so common n very sad

  9. elaine, yes, and accidents happen frequently too..

  10. Well you left us all hanging in the air. I hope you will finish the story about that man. Did he or did he not jump? We are all awaiting for the continuation of your story. Don't leave us hanging in the air, lol. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  11. ayoooo..... thats dangerous... imagine if got strong wind.. he sure fall even without intention.. ~.@


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