Thursday, July 1, 2010

He Is "Our Papa"

My girl told me that there is going to be an oral test next week. She said it is a very important exam and she wants to be good in it. And the topic she wanted to share with her friends and teachers is about her father... I know she does not have any faint memory on her papa... but nevertheless, she wanted to talk about him... with her permission, here is an excerpt of what she has written...

My father would be 51 years old this year if he is still alive. When I was two and a half years old, my father passed away, he died of an heart attack. He was only 37 years old. I cannot remember much about my father, what I heard about him was through my mother. She told me that my father loved to carry me whenever he came back from work, I was his favorite child because my mum said I was very cute and chubby. I do not know how it feels to have a father because I have grow up without one. I really cannot remember anything about my father, the only memories are through the pictures that we have. But all I know is, my brothers and I, we love him very much. He is our papa....


  1. sobs...sobs... And you are a great mama, Claire.

  2. The lines have touched my heart...

  3. this is so touch and sweet.

    Claire, you are a tough lady and doing a good job on bringing them up alone.

  4. sobs sobs sobs... T.T

    so touching.. i know u alwys be their mommy n daddy. :)

  5. kathy: *tissue?*

    inspiredmum: not really.. God's grace is sufficient...

    mingna: her feelings...

  6. annieQ: not me..not me.. i m not a 24 hrs mum...

    caroline: 2 in 1...

  7. Cilaka ur anak... made me bawl a pail. Isssshhh! Now see what you have done? I got to call my daddy. Ish ish ish! T____T

  8. Claire, U r the greatest mum!!
    and the lines are so touching...

  9. Awww Claire, what your daughter wrote was so touching. Make me wanna...sob...sob...

  10. hey.. long time no comment... heheh... ganda na nang blog mo. I like the layout. :)

    Care for a link xchange? :)

  11. *sniffs*... I'm sure you *sniffed* too reading what Fernie wrote. memories of your departed hubs must hv flooded your thoughts for a while..

  12. cleff: she wrote a longer essay actually.. startled me too..

    mandy: U R BACK!! when can i see u again?

    jessie: i was surprised myself..

    teknisyan: sure..

    elaine: i was overwhelmed.. cos normally she never disclosed much .. she is quiet type..

    william: i got to watch out for her.. sometimes spring surprises..

  13. sounds like she will give a very convincing account of her father.

    well done!

  14. chris: for me, i m done.. hope they are happy, that is all that counts...

    doc: thanks.. this is just an excerpt.. i was surprised myself that she wrote a long one..

  15. Very touching and beautiful words she has written....

  16. What an awful thing to happen to such a young family. And such a young man. I am so sorry for your loss. I, too, know what it's like to grow up without a father. It leaves a great big hole that you think nothing can fill. I know it is so hard to be both mother and father to your children. It seems they have all turned out lovely, smart, and independant. You must be a very strong and a very brave woman.

  17. touching!! Great post! : )

  18. Btw, you are tagged. Check it out HERE : )

  19. i really choke on my instant noodle while reading it and eating at the same time...

  20. cheryl: i was surprised too..

    ginny: through God's grace, it is sufficient..

    foongpc: thanks .. just nice for this coming weekend..

    manglish: hey, lesson learnt: never read my blog while eating.. :)

  21. I have sorry to hear that. But you have done a great job Claire bringing all of them up.

  22. sob**sobs** (i got hanky with me).

    Claire, u have been a strong and tough mom. Salute you. Gambateh!!

  23. tekkaus: no, i dint do much...

    mommyling: i salute back.. *hanky to surrender*

  24. *sniff* so sad and what a touching write-up. she's a strong girl and she must have gotten it from her mommy :)

  25. Very emotional la... I lost my dad to stroke when he was 55, that was 5 years ago...

  26. So sad...but God has His plans. You're doing a great job raising the kids, I'm sure their dad is so very proud of you.

    Reminds me of this story:

  27. Clair: What a wonderful story for her to allow you to share. He was gone way too soon.

  28. You are the greatest mom ! Being Ma and Pa to them at the same time is not easy. You have great kids and you brought them up well. Kudos to the greatest Momsie ! :)

    Let's go lunch together today for work well done :)

  29. barb: no, me lembik one.. :(

    kiasu: sorry to hear that.. anyone close to us leaves a deep mark in our lives..

    stp: yes, God will not allow us to bear what we cannot cope.. thanks, will watch it at home later..

    fishingguy: yes, no doubt about that..

  30. Awww... what a touching story. I'm sure the father never left, he's always watching from above :)

  31. elin: I tot today you are going to "jilt" me? so..after reading this, u decided to stick back? :p

  32. borught tears to my eyes :'). you're a very brave mummy and your gal is very brave too.

  33. so touching... you're a great mum to your daughter and son!

  34. I'm so touched by what she wrote. Thanks for sharing with us.

  35. It's such a touching piece.It's straight from the heart.This post reminded me of my uncle as he too lost his father that is my grandpa at a very young age and like your daughter he too used to say similar kind of things whenever he used to recall his dad.

  36. This is so, so, sooo touching!! I really salute you, for bringing up your kids so well, and being such a super mom! God bless you and your family, and I'm sure her Papa is looking down, smiling at her. : )

  37. peiyi: when circumstances arises, all of us have to face it..

    serene: no, i m not great at all..

    momsdaughter: my pleasure..

    contentwriting: yes, what is written from the heart, words flow easily...

    irene: she writes out her heart's feelings..

    rachel: thanks.. anyway..

  38. You certainly brought them up very well! ^_^

  39. Really really sweet, reminds me of me losing my dad when I was young too. Not easy to accept fate, and kudos to her and you for keeping the memories alive.

  40. gratitude: thank u..

    gallivanter: sorry to hear about that too..

  41. so proud of her n all of u in the family are strong..

  42. So touching...I will her 101% for the exam marked.

  43. it's okay,'s breathe,you're tough.

  44. wenn: thank u...but we have our obstacles too!

    amy: 101 only? hahhaaa....

    ah ngao: not so good to be tough. i want to be dependant..

  45. Claire, in reality, there is only 100% nia ma, so I'm given her 101% means this is really really superb dy...hihi.

  46. Claire, am always here... just tak comment only... haha!!

  47. awwwwww... I am so touch... and I totally got shock that the late goes at the age of 37?????? OMGosh Claire... so young!!!!!

    Salute you for being so tough.. take care and God bless..

  48. What a sweet story. Sounds like you have reared your children well. Hope you all have a wonderful week-end.

  49. amy: i know that..hahhaa.. dont rate so high.. i didnt do much, He did!!

    mandy: that means, when i call your name, you'll be here!! :)

    cathJ: right! so.. treasure your love ones day by day..

    patty: thank u.. The one Above grant us grace..

  50. Oh, I'm so sorry that u lost ur husband at such a young age, & that ur kids didn't have the chance to get to know him themselves. It's a pain to always have to be strong for others all the time & for yourself as well, and I am glad u have taken comfort in getting to know God. Bless you all, Claire.


Thank you, readers!

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