Sunday, July 4, 2010

My 3 Layers Of Horror

My walking shoes...

After such glorious meals, it is time for me to "shed off" the extra calories.

Know what?? Someone just commented I have "three layers" of fats so noticeable when I sit down... GOSH!! Isn't that Horrigible??? (my layers, i mean :p)

Ok, only when I have a full meal and it only happens during the evenings after my dinner.
Best time to look at my "figure" is in the early morning - empty stomach... well, guess I got to go buy something to wrap up the "extras" (chak toelum)

Yes, I know I am not young but I am still a Vain Pot.... ishhh...


  1. But my dear, you look perfectly beautiful, and thin, to me!! Everyone kind of bends and folds when they sit down, that's not fat, if it was you would still see it when you stand up. No one can have NO fat, it's not healthy. Even if it was true, what a bad thing to say to anyone, I would not say that to any of my friends and make them feel bad. Some people are jealous.

  2. Merryn: no wonder u look slim la!

    ginny: it is ok to comment me being layerful.. at least i know what to do..hahahaha... go for my walks more often now..

  3. Just say...old already bah!!! You see me...dunno how many layers! As long as healthy, not sickly...and still active - good enough lah. At my age, not bothered about appearance anymore.

  4. LOL..morning walk. Not do sit up meh?

  5. stp: i will join your club sooner or later.. yes, i want to live to eat too.. as long as healthy..

    kathy: sit up very tough la..

  6. nice post. good thing you exercise unlike me who always pray to be thin but do nothing :)

  7. make so guilty leh...nola u have legs that look 25 la
    so dun worry can still eat my cakes la :)

  8. make so guilty leh...nola u have legs that look 25 la
    so dun worry can still eat my cakes la :)

  9. Claire on diet.....boleh tahan kah? LOL!

  10. aiya u look ngam ngam hou worr.. hehe. foods foods foods hhaha!

  11. arlini: i exercise once a blue moon only.. :p

    elin: feel guilty? if u dont offer your food to me, u r guiltier.. :p

    pete: once a week, can tahan one..

    caroline: 3 layers of fats leh. .ngam ke?

  12. Ai...3 layers. At first i thought u mentioned about 3 layers tea..hhahaha..but onie to know is ehem***hahahhah

  13. ling: u no layer one ma.. so u wouldnt know.. :p


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...