Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Sweet Temptations

Someone is feeding me... overfeeding me.... I am so "grateful" to her... LOL...

how to resist these yummylicious cute little cupcakes that melt their way in your mouth?
Calories being brushed aside from my mind, I "walloped" them within seconds...

see how "loveable" they are....
insane not to "attack" them...

After that "cupcake" appetizer, we went for our proper meal
Pan Mee!! The best in Ipoh and Ipoh...

and the Sambal Yam Cake...
see the nearer version in Let's Wallop!


  1. You look like you can afford to have all that yummy treats. Sigh... I have to watch what I eat.

  2. Oh, yum, it all looks so good! And what is that middle picture, a bowl of noodles? That would be my favorite, I love soups and noodles.

  3. How come you have all friends like that one? So unfair! Send one over... Ask Elin to apply for a transfer to Sibu! LOL!!

  4. Everything you shared looks so scrumptious!

    I'm here visiting with you via Sherry's at Country Wings in Phoenix...I am glad I clicked on your profile link from her comments.

    My 'Ninja' Turtle

  5. Thanks for this nice, little and yummy post. The creamy decorations on top of the cakes are irresistible and attractive too. I hope they are not too costly. Awaiting your next post. Bye and take care.

  6. The cupcakes look very yummy. Looks like you enjoyed your food.

  7. Too much sin... sinfully rich whipped cream. I love sinful things...

  8. I love looking at cupcakes, thought of making some but got to learn from scratch. Those look really good!

  9. Yam cake is so yummy...n also the cupcakes.

  10. hahahhahaha.. thank goodness i'm not a cupcake fan so no envy on THIS one :P

  11. this is a carrot cake, given by my fren Elin.. i m heavier definitely! lol..

  12. ohhhhhhhhhhhh sambal yam cake...must be goodddd.... never tried yet.. -_-

  13. I'm just interested in the yam cake. No thank you to the sweet stuff. Tak minat.

  14. Hi Reana, now thats what I call, live to eat....not eat to live, ha ha.
    Have fun, and enjoy....Ipoh is well known for its fantastic dishes....
    Have a pleasant weekend, Lee.

  15. OOH... all these pictures of food is killing me. Haha. Sambal !! I miss that so much !

  16. Oh my goodness those cupcakes look so good. I too would have gobbled them right up.

  17. Oohh home made cup cakes! So sweet of your friend! Added sweetness to your cupcakes or not? :P


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...