Sunday, July 25, 2010

Night Out With The "Girls"

Yes, last night I went "clubbing"... is that what it is called? After church, I drove out to MP to meet up with ex classmates, all same age year... One of my classmates just came back from the States for a short vacation and it is good to see her again after all these 30 years since we last seen each other. Imagine how "young" we are

Whenever someone comes back from "over the sea," we will have a gathering like this.. get together and "fai" (be jolly) ...

see, no beer one.. drink tea... juice only..
so not considered "clubbing" hor..


  1. That's great for you all to get together like that. Love the pictures and looks like a very beautiful place you gathered at.

  2. so guai meh...clubbing no beer...kakaka

  3. jeanne: yes,nice to go out once awhile to catch up with each other..

    kathy: drink beer is not guai meh? heehe...

  4. ur top is so sweet! I likey :D

    nice to have a gathering like dat once in a while when someone's back from over the laut :)

  5. great! I hope to see my friend too when she comes back from UK next month. We used to meet every two years.

  6. I love gathering with my ex0classmates too. But now they no longer campur me liao. Coz I have Maine. And all of them still single. Sad or not? Luckily I have you all campur me. Hehehe!!

  7. This looks like the best kind of clubbing to me! And everyone so happy, friends all together again! Bet you had a lot of catching up to do?

  8. Waaa... so many pretty older jie jie! i can join anot? Why dun ajak me? Sobsob... I oso wan go clubbing! LOL!

  9. Wow...catch up with all your classmates huh? :) You must be happy right?

  10. no cocktails ar? how ur fren feel abt msia after so many yrs?

  11. All look so young one... I love get togethers like this. So nice, chat chat...catching up with one another.

  12. Looks like you were all having a terrific time. Which can be had without beer or liquor. Juice and tea are great drinks.

  13. merryn: blur pic pun nampak top ah? thanks anyway!

    wenn: good.. they simply love coming back to ipoh, yes!

    agnes: campur campur!! what age also can one.. hopefully u all campur me only..

    gainny: yes, it was way past midnight when we went home.. :)

    tekkaus: once awhile like that, nice la.. ladies talk.. never end one..

    cleff: hey, u r still young.. u got so many years to enjoy later on..

    manglish: she is very down to earth one.. no airs.. just like she has been many years ago...

    stp: i bet u r the only one who said that.. hahaha.. young, i mean..

    patty: they are all just the same, as long as we r comfortable with what we had..

  14. LOL... many more years for me to enjoy ah? I doubt so la, Claire... life is so short... esok esok kena langgar by lorry I oso dono leh. So I must live today!

  15. you all look so pretty! glad you guys got to get together. when you have a family to take care of, time with friends are limited eh? im trying to appreciate it more till i have my own family :)


  16. Step aside,all young PYTs (Pretty Young Things) here come aunties clubbing away.

    hey sorry to hear about your car,,,take care now and god bless

  17. WHOAA!!! EX-CLASSMATES worr!! this is so sweet of all of u! :D

  18. Wow...great to meet up with former classmates ! Can see you had a great time catching up with each other :)

  19. 'young' girls any hunk tried to chat you up in the club or not? LOL!

  20. cleff: cis.. always pray for protection.. anyway, dont think so negative.. no one knows but dont hope for that..

    jen: yes, once awhile affair it is alright...

    eugene: all the si lai gathering.. about car, now hv to look for mechanic..

    carol: ex classmates not ex-bfs. hahaha..

    elin: great to go out in a clique .. comfortable..

    pete: we waited half the night then we gave up.. sigh.. hahahaha..

  21. Your post reminded me of my schoolmates.In fact couple are coming to my city and therefore we are also planning to have a get together.Hope it materializes.Really look forward to it.

  22. didn't drink beer consider yum char lo!hahaha! it's always nice to meet up with long old friends! XD

  23. It's good to have a girls' nite out once in a while to "fai" a bit, huh?:P

  24. alcohol, no music and no dancing...cant consider as clubbing...nice gathering pics

  25. Claire, you look the youngest there :D Glad you had a great time with your friends. It's good to go "fai" once in a while.


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