Tuesday, July 27, 2010

South Africa FIFA 2010 Ori Or Not?

Yesterday after the car accident and incident in the morning, I went to the office to get ready to attend a "talk" by some Petronas officials regarding to some work involved. The hall was filled with people when my colleagues and I arrived. We were surprised that each of us were given a door gift, I thought it was a black bag presented to us.... but to my astonishment, it was a nice black FIFA 2010 original shirt!!

XL .. just nice for Andy...
He was very ecstatic about this shirt...
after the "shock" in the previous morning,
this shirt is a consolation for him...

How did I know it was original? Andy said.. see the silver logo? When I took the picture, the colours sprang to life... and this is an Official Lisensed Product... but see the origin... written there made in Indonesia nia... lol.. Anyway, Petronas is indeed very generous, eh....


  1. Wah! Such a nice Tshirt! I want!

  2. What accident?!! Wait let me read your previous post : )

  3. Claire, why you need to wear XL shirt? Won't it be too big for you?

  4. congratulation wor getting an original T shirt

  5. wah so nice...next time ask for another M..petronas is rich!

  6. wah so nice...next time ask for another M..petronas is rich!

  7. foong.. ahhh... u didnt update yet.. yeah, accident yesterday and later got tshirt for him...

    annie: cannot choose one.. petronas gave, we took ..

    aaron: can u ask from petronas over there? hahaha...

  8. Sorry to hear about the fender-bender, but nice to hear about the authentic FIFA tee. Hope your days ahead are blessed...have a great week! :)

  9. as long ada maaa... hehehhehe... ^_^

  10. How wonderful...now you have a memento that will remind you of me and my country;-D

  11. made in china also can be original what.. lols =P

  12. Good for Indonesia to print that tshirt and good for Petronas to give them free! Doesn't matter whether it is ori or not he he...

    So sorry to hear about your car :)

  13. Wow! This shirt is beautiful!! Remember the World Cup posts I did? I just loved their colors and graphics, and what a great reminder of all this on the shirt. Your company is extremly cool!

  14. Wah... ur anak wear size XL. He's so big size kah? This jie jie wea Xs oso still longgar! Ish... Mama Claire, you must feed me more abit!

  15. ori or not nvm lar as long as is free one hahahahahahaa very cheapskate hor me hahahhaa

  16. Yeah! I think this should be the original one huh! :D

  17. They do that ALL the time! Dunno how much went into somebody's pockets. A simple paper file for a seminar would cost around RM20.00, can you imagine that? Sure a whole lot of hanky panky going on - I scratch your back, you scratch mine. Malaysia boleh!

  18. Good to get an original Fifa-T as door gift! So the car repaired already?

  19. anthony: yes i need that hope. .hahaha.. u too!

    cath: yes, free!!

    lynette: u r very right.. south africa!!

    ken: right on! so happy to rec it..

    puan isah: yes, what is free is good, eh.. :0

    ginny: yes, very nice on the black background..

    cleff: dont worry, many others envy yr figure one.. eat lots also not fat!

    manglish: we are chinese ma.. cheapskate one.. hahaha..

    tekkaus: ori or not, happy also!
    at least a momento..

    stp: dont think of that la.. if wanna talk this ah, endless list la.. very shy to talk about them...

    dora: in fact just sent for repair.. by evening should be ok, i hope...

    wenn: yeah!!

  20. rm10 max. they want to clear stock i think. so good u got as gift.

  21. Wah nice of Petronas! And good for Andy! LOL!

  22. Nice friend..visit mine if u free ekh ;D

  23. rachel: u mean cost price RM10??? cheap then.. no wonder can supply so many...

    sweetwitch: yeah, after the morning scare.. he got this..

    suhaisweet: sure.. will drop by..

  24. It's hard to find out really.As long as you have it it's fine.The t-shirt looks cool.Yeah Andy was the happiest one for obvious reasons.

  25. wow..original. Nice! If my brother saw this, he will be very happy.

  26. wah...can keep it for souvenir ler...hehehe

  27. Claire, me, my hubby and my son also have that shirt, suring FIFA WC. it should be the original one.. dun worry the material quality is good too.

  28. webdesign, yes, he is surely happy.. he likes it very much

    mnhl: boys will love this..

    via: yeah..wear la.. no keep..

    angeline: nope, i no worry, i happy to get .. hahaha...

  29. That was a nice gift presented to you. May it be original or duplicate it doesn't matter, the thing that matter is the choice of gift. It is the ideal gift for the time-being. Bye. Take care.

  30. eugene: yes, i always believe He is..

    afriqiyah: yes, to make him happy.. :)

  31. indeed very generous of petronas wor... Andy must be really happy :-D.

  32. peiyi:yes, he even has a poster on it..


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