Friday, July 9, 2010

Subscribe Or Cancel Astro?

I canceled my Astro subscription last month. The reason is I never watch often, except for badminton open once awhile. For years I have been paying RM69.90 monthly just to watch badminton.

Then...recently I received a call from Astro. He told me to hold on with the cancellation, he is giving me 2 months full Astro package and I need to pay only RM49.90 instead of RM120!! For two months I will be able enjoy all the channels in Astro.....

After the two months are up, I will have to terminate Astro again.... do you think they will give another 2 months offer? :p


  1. Can you believe that I have NO astro? seriously...

  2. not only 2 month free astro but in HD as well! go on, take the chance!

  3. Is this your T.V. connection? If you threaten to cancel, you wouldn't believe what some comapnies will do yo keep you!! But if you don't watch very much and aren't really getting much pleasure from it, you should cancel and use the money for stuff that youi enjoy more!

  4. Wow! that's a great offer..I wonder whether they give the same offer to everybody. If they do, I'd ask my mom to pura2 terminate her Astro lah hehehe

  5. if not then u keh keh again wana terminate again lor and see wat they say hahahahahaha

  6. Me too, cancelled my Astro subscription after my parents went back to hometown for good after her medical treatment. The father and son only watch DVD of their choice during weekends.;P

  7. Take the offer, then cancel it. Use TV time to make more money, hehe!

  8. sorry no comment as i don't subscribe to astro.

  9. I think you shouldn't subscribe to the offer.They are giving you 2 months offer for the time being...what if they don't give you that offer ever again?You might start watching other programs in these two months but if suppose they don't give you the offer,then you won't pay a huge sum for all the other channels right....think about it.

  10. wow maybe i should call them and say i wanna cancel too hhehehhehe

  11. My mum...she always say she wanna cancel out Astro. Coz seldom watch. But in the end it's still here with us because without it life will be too boring :P

  12. i dont have astro either.

    I think it is waste money if not time to watch the channel. somemore..... 1 TV with a lot channel... which one to watch... until the Astro allow me on decoder with 4 tV.... so everyone can choice their favourite channel.

  13. Don't have much time to watch tv.. mostly spent on online games and online, lols

  14. merryn: i believe u! that is why u spend yr time in 1utama N Ikea..

    doc: yes, i took .. 2 months at 49.50..

    ginny: yes, attractive offers when u want to cancel..

    lizee: yes, u should do that.. i mean ask yr mum..

    manglish: i was thinking of that too.. shhhhhh....

    inspired mum: they dint call them up to offer this deal?

  15. mamapump: yes, will cancel after offer.. hahaha...

    wenn: no need to subscribe.. unless u really freee.....

    webdesign: sure, good idea of yours!

    kristie: yes, u should!!

    agnes: u should follow my idea!

    chvoon: then save your money on something else! :p

    pikey: i can shake hands with u liow...

  16. hahahhaha... I am planning to lower down my subscription to... paying 100++ but not watching all... sigh!!

  17. wah i wanna cancel my astro too if like tis! hahaha... we oni watch mickey mouse all the time leh ;(

  18. Why they didnt give me such offer geh...maybe i want use ur method also...hahhahah

  19. We can't live w/o Astro. How sad is that? hahaha

  20. Wah so these 2 months u have to watch Astro lor else not worth paying for it. :D

    Last time when I canceled my Astro subscriptions, they did not offer me this. But I think I probably won't take also. We all can live without TV. :) (But can't live without PC and internet connection. Hehehe!)

  21. Is there another way of canceling Astro Package other than calling the 1300-82-3838? cause i've been calling for few times and they keep busy n not answering my call.


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