Sunday, July 4, 2010

Trimming Off At Polo Ground, Ipoh

Frankly, I have not gone to Polo Ground for a number of weeks, I lose count already. Each day I come home from work, I take Labbie out instead for its poo and pee walks. After that half hour nature call by Labbie, I would be too exhausted to go for my own walks. Instead I end up cooking or having a short nap before I start my chauffeuring my girl to tuition classes and my night homework, Blogging.

So....if I manage to walk, it will either be a Friday or a weekend....

I normally walk.. not advisable to run..

i take pictures when i walk

snapping here ...

and there....

till i meet up with my kids again..
cos they jog...

while cooling down,
i watch the parents/kids bonding scene...


  1. Beautiful scenery...
    reminds me of Lake Garden
    though pass by Lake Garden every day but hardly pull by to admire God's creation.

  2. Beautiful scenery...
    reminds me of Lake Garden
    though pass by Lake Garden every day but hardly pull by to admire God's creation.

  3. mingna: now in polo ground, they have this man made lake too..

  4. last time studying time I love to go to Taman Jaya for a walk every evening.. these days, get to go to the playground with ethan in the evenings oso me happy dy :D

  5. Didn't know Polo Ground got lake. Aiya...u should jog also la... eat eat eat but never workout... :P

  6. Hehehehhe... blogger like that lah... ^_^

  7. What strikes me about these pictures is the beautiful reflections!! I love reflection pictures! Are you still in Malaysia? Do you have a home in China? I'm trying to figure out where where most of your pictures are from, do you travel most of the time?

  8. ipoh sounds like a good place to retire hahaha

  9. merryn: at least got playground to go to.. me only weekends at times..

    wenn: wow.. all the way so far?

    chrisau: now got already. u should take yr family there. nice place to bonding.. lol..

    cathJ: eat all we want?

    ginny: i m in Malaysia, my home.. i travel but not very often..

    manglish: in time to come, it is like paradise for retirees.. hahaha..

  10. I love this place, I would love to walk and do my morning exercises...

  11. Visiting you too, this place is cool and the best place for a walk.

  12. The saddest thing now is, you have less and less parks now even in Penang, those greedy developer and those in the autority tend not to give us green lungs hahahahah, thank god PR is ok here in Penang, now we can breathe green air into our green lungs,,,,,thank to Ah Eng

  13. TZ: yes, it is nice..

    creativitybeauty: u r from Ipoh?

    hisunfailinglove: thanks!

    eugene: ah eng goh is certainly a very down to earth man.. hope he continues to reign..

  14. Clair: It is a wonderful place to indulge two of your passions, your pets and photography.

  15. Take it slow and easy... Not young anymore. So do not over-exert yourself... Just a bit of exercise regularly will be good enough. Better fat than sick...or dead! Many older people end up that way...and very often, when playing badminton...even those Menteri2 Kesihatan, remember?

  16. walking is good. ;)
    and that half hour work with lappie is really good too. better than sitting at home.

  17. actually i like to walk at the park in the morning...very fresh air and see ppl jogging and do tai chi...relaxing feel indeed.

  18. looks like a nice weather for the evening walk and can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

  19. It's good to walk in the park to relax our mind & body!

  20. very nice pictures you got there :)


  21. fishingguy: yeah, those are my passions..

    stp: that is why i walk only.. no more running around like those days. join the senior group already..

    tuti: love to sit .. too bad not healthy to sit all the time..

    via: those were the days, right?

    annie: alone also nice.. can talk to God while walking..

    dora: yes, i enjoyed walking alone...

    jen: thanks ..

  22. We have a similar place here in Taiping, Lake Garden. I bet it's quite famous, it's big enough for a good job/evening walk, and lots of greens and fresh air.
    I love taking an evening walk and jogging as well!

  23. It is great to take a walk if you can everyday. It is good for health :-). And nice sceneries would be a good break for the eyes too, since you like to stare at the monitors so much :P

  24. I ran behind you and am breathless now, lol ! Nice place !

  25. Nice park, I love the idea of spending time with family in the evening and admiring the beautiful scenery, lake and fresh air. Keep it up :D

  26. That looks like a nice place. Why is it called Polo Ground? Was it a venue for polo games previously or is the game still being played there? Thanks for sharing the nice pictures.

  27. Claire, tagged you for 8th photo of 8th album. :)

  28. Wow, Polo ground changed so much since I went there when I was young. There was no man made lake back then.

  29. suhaisweet: memang hot!

    Hayley: yes, i love to go to taiping.. i love the trees there..

    kiasumom: today i didnt go.. :(

    gattina: no wonder i heard some puffing.. hahahaa...

    happysurfer: i think last time this place was for horses ..

    nana: ok done!

    jessie: yes, the lake was lately only..

  30. Looks like you have a wonderful place to walk, or run, lol. glad you took us with you!

  31. lisa, u r very welcome..

  32. evening walks are good exercise, you get fresh air and relaxes your mind too.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...