Wednesday, August 4, 2010

All Kinds Of Everything...

When there are meetings or any ocassions in my office, I will wallop like mad means I will take whatever was served on the table. With a little of this and that, my plate becomes like this...

*anyone fainted?* (pengsan, right?)
it is a very well balanced diet.. (says who....)
rendang chicken (spicy)
curry fish with lady fingers...
cauliflowers with mixed vege...
and as toppings,
some "ulam" (raw vegetables)
I love these "ulam" eaten with sambal belacan..

my small portion of rice..
someone commented I rounded liow..
"All Kinds Of Everything reminds me of You"


  1. hahahaha!! rounded means chubby! chubby means CUTE! :D

  2. Ok,,, take a lot of ulam, it is good for you,seriously but not that rendang rendang things ya...

    i bet you have taken food as walloping venture already,,,hahahah

  3. caroline: cute cute!! heheee...

    eugene: yes, i love ulam..but must also have protein.. meat! a bit of everything..

    tekkaus: malay food la.. :0

  4. After makan mai exercise lor. :D I makan a lot but I never exercise :P

  5. at least i still can see some green in your plate, so not so bad. :)

  6. totally agree with Caroline :D

  7. make sure you dont mix nasi lemak with salad... haha...

  8. Looks like just what I would put on my plate. What do people say when you take your camera out and start taking pictures of your plate?

  9. *pengsan* Sambal belacan! This reminds me I got to pester my mum for the lesung tumbuk so that I can make sambal belacan! Been awhile since I make sambal belacan too. ooooo... goes well with kari kepala ikan leh.

  10. agnes: come, lets go polo ground in the evening??

    wenn: once awhile only..

    annie: raw greens.. actually good to eat those raw..huh..

    merryn: cute like ethan? :)

    angelbear: jom, lets go makan!

    edwin: cannot mix one? why?

    ginny: it depends on what occasion and who are attending... hahahaa.. not every meal can be taken by my hp... embarrassing..

    cleff: wah, got curry still need belacan ah? no wonder u hot stuff! hahaha... i only take belacan with raw vege like these...

  11. I sokong Caroline's comment 100%!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! Drool! Drool! I love this kind of food!!! Slurps!!!

  12. All kinds of everything indeed reminds me of you.

    Quite healthy lunch. The chicken looks goooooddddd....

  13. Yes... sambal belacan is a must have if I were to take curry...especially if it's curry fish head. Den... must also have itu telur dadar... if not makan tak puas!

  14. Quite well balance meal you had.. with veggie, fish and meat. Good!

  15. stp: then i know what to feed u when u come ipoh again.. hahaa...

    ann: actually it is an old song.. i love that.. :p

    cleff: gosh..what is telor dadar?

    inspiredmum: yes, adding some cholesterol too.. haha...

  16. You sounded so hungry I wonder how many rounds of food you had....haha

  17. Gosh, such yummy looking food is making this pregnant woman hungry *runs off to kitchen*

  18. Woo looks so good. Mmmm

    Hey I take small portion of rice too but large portion of side dishes. LOL

  19. mary: eat to live or live to eat? :p

    cas: is it you or baby who wants to eat? haaha...

    checheh: i am also like this.. more dishes, less carboh..

  20. As the saying goes "variety is the spice of life"!

  21. Wah so much dishes, covered the rice liao!


Thank you, readers!

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