Friday, August 13, 2010

Bloggers-Meet In Ipoh

This post is overdue by one week one day... sorry about that...

Bloggers meet up... Elaine from KL arranged to meet up with Agnes and myself last Thursday. Agnes wrote in her blog that I "sneaked" out... ouch!! No la.. I came out in full "daylight" no need to hide one. hahahaha...

When Elaine called me to say that she has reached Sun Luen Yoon coffeeshop in old town, I was already parking my car somewhere around there. Quickly I walked to the shop and upon entering, it struck upon me this... "hey, how does Elaine look like leh??" I haven't really seen her picture before, the one in her blog is so mini-sized.

So.... I was like... looking at the crowd slowly, trying to see got lady, husband and small girl or not.. but no, I didn't see any family-like that looks like them. I was taking out my handphone and wanted to call her when I heard my name being called. Then I saw her... she went to order her breakfast from the next wonder...

Agnes, the young slim mum, came in some minutes later.... actually the shop was not suitable for longer chats, too crowded and noisy too. Anyway, it was fun meeting up with them and chatting non stop too. Too little time and too much to catch up... (i wonder whether men bloggers can chat so much as us ladies or not!) hahahaa....

A picture to remember ...

see, table too small...
the men had to sit next table.. so pitiful..
next time, Elaine... we meet in KL...
Thanks for the pictures and the "yum yum!"


  1. You look gorgeous, Claire!

  2. bloggers' meet! fun and exciting. mine was ages ago. not going to happen again. it's ok. time changes things, and people.

  3. It is such fun meeting new bloggers for the first time! You look like a very happy group, maybe next time you will be able to find a more suitable meeting place.

  4. He he arrange for a bigger blogger meet next time

  5. It's great to meet and interact with your fellow bloggers. Long distance communications become personal and up front. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  6. Ah! Haven't had a bloggers' gathering for quite a while now. So nice...

    P.S. Who's that "Anonymous"? Eeeee....Claire, you've a secret admirer! LOL!!!

  7. Nice to see all mom bloggers gathered.. ^_^

  8. waaaaaahhhh....everyone is posing about their meet up in ipoh. i want to go back too and drink sin yin loong's coffee!!!!

  9. Claire, next time when you come to Taiping, Taiping bloggers also can have a meet up with you.

  10. kathy: yeah, later also never mind..

    anonymous: thank you!

    tuti: u sound older than me hahaha.. .. ok next time we curi curi meet.. :p

    ginny: hope we will find a nicer place.. more suitable..

  11. puanisah: can u arrange? :)

    stp: hey, i tot u are always meeting up with this blogger, that blogger.. seen your makan all.. or are they your former students? yeah, anonymous..wonder who that is.. :)

    cath: yeah.. good to meet..

    barb: me and agnes.. elaine ada kah?? didnt go there yet... come, next time we meet up..

    yan: i keep that in mind..who are there in taiping??

  12. It's fun to meet up with bloggers. Finally put a face onto the names :o)

  13. I enjoy gathering too...
    Moreover, Sin Yoon Loong is my usual coffee place. Chatting with friends while sipping your coffee and watching the world go by, it's something to remember...

  14. Always fun to have a blogger meet-up. Nextime I go Ipoh,then look for u my tour guide...I wanna eat Ipoh Horfun.

  15. Wow! You guys are really "eng" (free) hoh! :p

  16. mingna: one day we meet up with wenn, agnes... ipohians.. one fine day.. hahaha..

    mery: alright..give me a call when u come.. hahaha...

    tekkaus: yeah, now i know u boh eng liow.. hahaa...Jordan is keeping u occupied..

  17. oh... blogger meeting again.

    You are very famous in Ipoh. everyone go to meet you.

  18. vhvoon: no la.. mana famous.. belum naik tv.. hahaha..

  19. whoppeee,, you have secret admirer :)
    hey, nxt time, longer meet up k ?
    perhaps a stayover. hubs buy the idea, now gotta find the time.


Thank you, readers!

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