Thursday, August 19, 2010

An Eventful & Forgetful Evening

What was I thinking Of....

Upon reaching home, Labbie jumped up and down, barking furiously or excitedly, whichever, she was just making too much noise....All I wanted was just to go flat on the sofa for fifteen minutes at least.... give me a break, Labbie!! But all she did was to bark and barked till I finally couldn't tolerate and had to take her out to do her Big and Small business... at the same thinking... why on earth did I get myself a dog and now I have to "suffer" the chores!! (Kids, because of your persuasion and pestering, I got you all a puppy and now I have to take care of this Big Puppy each day!)

After half hour strolling and doing her "business," she "trotted" back happily with the owner behind her, like a punctured tyre....

Upon reaching home, as usual, I dug into my handbag for my Handphone and suddenly a slight panic and a thought, "OH NO... !!"

Cis... there was no purse and handphone in my handbag... aiyoh!!!.. I Must have left them in the office drawer which was Lockless..... double aiyoh!!

Exhausted as I was... I used up my last portion of strength, drove all the way back to the office, took lift up to the top floor, went through some security.... and back to my table... and to notice that my drawer was still half closed!! What was I thinking when I went home earlier??? Just took my handbag and walked off without taking my purse... my handphone and not closing my drawer? Yo....... something wrong somewhere.....

epilogue: purse and hp safe and sound.. reached home, fren called for dinner, sent girl to tuition and here i m now, still blogging away....


  1. What a day!
    Labbie has saved your purse and HP. Imagine if you had gone straight to bed, you would not have noticed that they were not in your bag. Give it a nice treat tomorrow... hmm... Kentucky's a.m. riser breakfast set? Now you get a junior set for free when you purchase the normal breakfsat item.

  2. U need to chill lah... sounds like so stressed up. take a break, have a kit-kat :P

  3. mingna: hey, i never thought of that... how positive u r.. :) oh kfc ah.. got such offer? hmmmm...

    merryn: i m not stressed.. only brain tired.. brain tired is stress?

  4. Yikes, what a scaery evening! Glad it turned out all right, I think you did all this because you just Weren't thinking much, you are tired! Here's my e-mail: It's also on my blog profile.

  5. Uh oh... dogs are liddat ah? Do business outside? You know, Claire... my Meow Meow is fully toilet trained. Amazing... but true. She's toilet trained and she do her business in the toilet bowl, and when she's done, she'll jump up on the tank and flush down the shit herself. I dun even need to clean up after her. I didn't train her though. Instinct or wud, I donno... perhaps she saw us doing business in the toilet, and so she follows the routine.

    She'll only bother me when she's hungry and there's no food or water in her bowl.And of course, when it rains, she would want me to hug her and be near to her.

    Thank god my Meow Meow is not like Labbie. LOL... go poo outside punya...summore must people teman! My Meow Meow will hiss at me if I see her do business in the toilet! =.=

  6. One of those busy and stressful day. I was rather busy for last 3 weeks....didn't update my blog!

  7. I thought you kena robbed in the office...thank God all is well :D

  8. Wow! Luckily your purse and handphone were still there! Must be more careful next time! : )

  9. you really need some rest!! good rest lah.

    have a nice day!
    jen @

  10. Ginny: yes, brain overworked.. i will take a good rest this weekend..

    Cleff: wei, serious ah? meow can go toilet and shit in toilet bowl? then go and flush some more? wow.. can masuk book of guiness record.. i would love to see meow flush its shit.. very priceless!! pls put up a video clip for me to see..gosh, i dont mind having a cat like that..
    Labbie..if i dont take her out, she shit and pee on my porch then i have to clean up.. so u see, she barks every evening, it is time for her to pee and poo.. hahaha.. after that, she will sit quietly, very kwai one..

    Pete: yes, STP was mentioning where u were.. :)

    kathy: wow.. thank God, no, just left my purse and hp in drawer half closed.. that shows my colleagues all very nice..

    foongpc: yeah, must not be distracted.. sigh..

    jen: this weekend, i sleep sleep and sleep.. wake up noon, ok? hahaha...

  11. Melissa always wanted a dog as a pet but my missus would never allow.I guess this is the reason... Thank goodness your purse and everything's ok... Must make a check-list, even if it's a mental one - check everything everytime to make sure you have not forgotten anything before moving off somewhere.

  12. stp: yes, sir.. i better do that.. funny feeling, i looked back at my table before i left but i was checking on my plugs instead, whether i have switched them off or not..

  13. gudness! ever happened to me n mine i left my phone on the car's bonet. lucky lucky my dad saw it n keep it for me. :(

  14. Hey sister,,, you have a great weekend ya

  15. caroline: oooh...saved by the bell... :)

    eugene: same dengan You... good one!

  16. Lucky handphone and purse are still there......Cool down and get relax!!

  17. sometime it's hard to avoid our carelessness

  18. A very happening day if you ask me. Yeah! Ask your kids to bring the puppies to their university. :p

  19. mery: yeah .thank God it is friday today.. can relax!!!

    hazel: u r right..we learn from next time check twice before going home..

    sjb: Praise the Lord!!

    tekkaus: hey, good fact, my son told me his coursemate smuggled a puppy inside the hostel cos it was hurt..when it was well, i think he released the doggie again!

  20. I hpe yr kids r reading ur blog., pls do something for ur mom. Get her pampered with some massage, love, sleep just for 1 day ;)

  21. I think you need to chill! All these problems are arising only because of stress so please take some rest.

  22. rachel: my sons always ask me to go rest and not do so much... i guess i m a restless person.. :)

    suzanne: chill..yes, i made appointment for facial already! :)

  23. Wah you ah! So prawnhead! And then so tired already still wanna blog!! Tsk tsk...

  24. Poor you... but sometimes I also like that, forget this and that... =_=

  25. Ya, serious...but I thought this is quite normal for cats? Most cats are pretty independent, though they are very manja at times. I know a few other house cats that do their business in the toilet too...and they also wouldn't want people to see them when they do business. My Meow knows how to go do business in the toilet just after 1-2 wiks we brought her home... she was just a stray kitten...but back then she was too small to press down the flusher. LOL... she only learn how to flush it down when she's a bit older... at 2 month.

    I think... alot of house cats oso like this...though some might want those sands.

  26. never easy to be a working mother! lesson learnt never submit to children's every request! they wont help in the long run but however, pets do help in one way to keep you companied and be in a longer life.
    take good care, girl

  27. sweeetwitch: how to kick this addiction??

    hayley: u r very young, yes?

    cleff: gosh.. i love to see that.. wonder labbie can do that.. hahaha.. but cats are very clean, right? they always lick themselves..

    anonymous: mother is the most difficult task.. but we love it, right?

  28. Hahaha... I guess cat loves to be clean la, Claire...they beh tahan dirty. I know mine cannot tahan dirty... and if I dun bathe my cat once a week... she'd get really cranky and things will get ugly, will claw around. So every week... I got to bathe her... and she would refuse to come out of the bathroom if I dun use shampoo for her. Tsk...water only not enuff... still want shampoo!

    That's not all... if weather very hot... she would want me to bathe her too...LOL...

    But I dun mind, actually... she's a very good cat. Albeit a weird one at that... other cats dun like water. Mine would bathe anytime I asked it to.

    Hmm... mebbe one day I should write about her. LOL...dunno who interested to listen tho. LOL.

  29. lucky purse phone all intact.
    some days we are so distracted we don't know what we do subconsciously even. like after i wash hair, i condition, and then i wonder if i already rinse off the conditioner. haha.

  30. Good job I enjoyed reading your post thanks for sharing.


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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...