Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Golden Age (Wong Kam)

Okay, now the main post of the day....

Tonight is the night... a special dinner to celebrate Elin's beloved husband who has just turned "30" yesterday (Elin was 25, she used to say....) Sorry, it was a belated dinner because I didn't know about it until today... lol...

Coincidentally I have been thinking of eating out today because my girl "jilted" me for her own appointment. Eating alone is no fun, right? So when Elin mentioned that yesterday was her beloved husband's B-day, it struck my mind... hey, what other joy than to go out and celebrate my buddy's husband's birthday??? YES!

Ended up in Weng Kee Restaurant and these were what we took...

In Ipoh Garden South...

buttered crispy fish...


kapitan curry chicken...
Elin said her hubby's favourite

steamed yam... my favourite.. hahahaa..

Three's Company???
Our kids are not around, what to do...
Thus the "Golden Boy and "Golden Ladies"


  1. Wow, the birthday boy looks so handsome lah! hehe... And you look so young! kakaka... Happy Belated Birthday to the wild boar! Claire, hope you're not alone tonight!
    Cheers, kristy

  2. hahaha...thanks for the wonderful dinner once again and I do look 25 of course reverse la....hahaha haha and that bday boy celebrating his 30th birthday !!!!...heeheee he is so happy walloping all the nice dishes you ordered for him. He he is going to put on more weight :p

    Elin & BF

  3. kristy: 30 years old only ma.. hahaha... why did the wife call him wild boar..i wonder.. LOL...

    elin: why u call hubby wild boar? got story to tell or not?? not only he put on weight.. we also follow!!

  4. Happy Birthday to Elin's hubi.

    The Kapitan chic looks heavenly leh *Hinting at Cleff*

  5. ahh.. finally i see your buddy, Elin the baker, Elin the chef, Elin the pro in kitchen's. I always thought she was your other colleague, the one that delivered last year ?

  6. Such a nice gesture, celebrating your buddy's hubby bday :) So finally, is that you standing? you look very pretty and friendly!

  7. Ish... ppl dating u go jadi lamp post... *pengsan*... nevermind la, hor... chaperone the golden lady ah, Claire. :P

    @smallkucing... the number you have dailed just kapoot becoz of hungry ghost festival!

  8. kathy: ish..might as well i take u all here next time in ipoh...

    elaine: that is lynn.. the young pretty girl.. she is always busy these days with a baby girl now, hands full liow.... elin is also my colleague.. the baker, chef and goodness knows what else she cooks! haaha..

    puanisah: thanks for the compliment.. sometimes looks are deceiving.. hahahaa....

    cleff: give me a chance to be lamp post la.. sigh.. u also never introduce a patrick to me.. ! :p

  9. I thing I have been to this restaurant before. :D

  10. yum yum yum! the food looks delicious lahhhh!

    btw claire, i emailed you :)


  11. What a great picture of the three of you!!

  12. tekkaus: serious? great.. when did u come to Ipoh?

    Jen: yes, i received it..thanks!

    ginny: yes, first time in history.. hahaha..

  13. Sounds & looks like a great night! Simple treasures with great friends.....

  14. Hi Reanaclaire, you have a heart of gold! No 2 ways.
    Really nice of you to belanjah your friends.
    The couple looks well and healthy.

    You know, its blogs like yours that fascinates me, as I stayed in Ipoh once upon a time, Canning Gardens....
    and apart from Penang foods, love Ipoh's many culinary delights.

    I'm not like you live to eat, more eat to live, ha ha....but apart from my wife's cooking of Malaysian dishes, have lost touch with what foods have been upgraded or improved since our last balek kampong in 2006.

    Where's the best curry mee, har mee, and banana leaf in town? Oh ya, oh chien and poh pia too?
    When we do balek kampong, I will certainly engage your kind services on where to buka puasa after being away long time....boleh ka?

    You have fun....and stay young, Lee.

  15. The dishes looked delicious, especaily the steamed yam.

  16. I will send you my birth date ok,,,,, then you belanja me makan,, then you tell me yours, then i belanja you makan also,,,,

    btw,happy birthday to the golden lady and the golden boy,, albeit a belated one

  17. mamapumpkin: yeah..we chinese always think of where to eat ah..what to eat ah.. gosh!

    U.Lee: frankly, i dont eat much spicy food, banana leaves.. i got to ask my indian colleagues where the best one is.. other than that, u name any chinese food, maybe i can take u to a good one if not the best! hahaha...

    yan: yea, i love yam very much...

    eugene: sure boh?? u r such a busy man, dare not disturb u la.. no need birthday also can eat one.. right? :)

  18. Ow... precious 1..... I love the title too... ^_^

  19. Happy B'day to Elin's hubby! What an enjoyable dinner.

  20. Kathy said, the kapitan chicken really looks good.

  21. cath: Golden age..hahaa.. goldies..

    mnhl: was..

    ling: ok KIV this dish..when u all come, i take u here..

  22. Happy Birthday to Birthday Boy. Aiyor...Elin, romantic lah sikit - peluk-peluk, kiss-kiss! Hahahahaha!!!! Oooo...the kapitan curry! Slurpsssss!!!!

  23. Right, after 30, birthday is still celebrated but age never change...haha. Looks like pretty soon I have to join you and Elin :P Kids just grow up too fast.

  24. stp: hehee..dont talk so loud now.. next time we want to see u peluk and muak muak your wife too!! Want kapitan?? come Ipoh again!!

    marymoh: yes, age is just a number.. haaha...

  25. walau, i just had a heavy but unsatisfying lunch and looking at ur photos makes me feel like eating again =P

    btw,thanks for ur encouragement comment on my recent post =D

    I need your help... I'm trying to win some book vouchers (yeah, i'm SO broke i can't afford to buy books right now, really, heehee)... please, pleaseeeee help me out by 'Like'-ing my pic at this link:

  26. Hi everyone here...thanks for the birthday wishes for wild boar hubby hahaha thanks he had a wonderful time on the day itself and Claire continued the celebration the next day ...thus for his smiling face. Thank you to all on behalf of the wild boar :)

    Claire.... I didnt give him the name..he gave himself the name coz his kids are Piggies :p

    Arthur....Claire was there dun wanna make her know la she is just behind me leh :p Muax him ar...nola after I will be put to jail for public display of affection :p tq for the birthday wishes for wild boar * wink. Cum to Ipoh again and Claire and I will take you to this place. Good food :)

    Mary.....yup the kids are all growing up fast BUT we must remain young at heart or we cant communicate :p so we have to know who is Lady Gaga too !

    T Q to all for all the lovely birthday wishes for the wild boar.

  27. Happy birthday to Elin's husband! The butter fish looks good!

  28. i love the buttered crispy fish...never try this kind of recipe before ler....taste good?

  29. Food makes me hungry especially to see this during dinner time. Haha..yesterday when I saw the food that Wenn enjoyed at Gold Coast Australia, it made my stomach growl too:)

  30. sweetwitch:yes, it was not bad.. but i have enough of that...

    via: if first timer, should try...

    denesa: ahaha.. always talking about food wherever u go, right?


Thank you, readers!

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