Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our Weird Meal

Elin and I went out for a funny meal the other day.... she wanted porridge and when we reached the shop, there was a man selling durians just outside the coffeeshop. I was deeply tempted to taste the durian and after some encouragement, we bought one. He opened up a very nice one and put it on the table.... very irresistible....

our porridge...

with our durian as an extra dish.. haahaha...


  1. *pengsan* I know ppl eat rice with durian...but this durian with poridge???...

  2. OMG! Hopefully the vendor will not copy your idea and come up with a new variant of porridge - Lau Lin Chook!

  3. eat porridge with durian? will it taste weird??

  4. LOL!!! Finish the porridge first and then eat the durian for dessert...

  5. In Sabah, durian porridge is quite common

  6. kathy: i know u will pengsan.. this is for durian crazies.... hahaha...

    mingna: good idea leh...

    mery: i can take rice with durian, so porridge shouldnt be a problem for me.. hahaha..

    stp: that is logical but actually can eat porridge with durian too..

    nana: glad there is someone who doesnt find this weird.. :p

  7. No amount of money could make me try a durian, you are a brave woman!!

  8. My old folks is more than willing to have durians to accompany their meals. But not me. :p It is really weird.

  9. hahaha damn funny, but it's something like me & my mum would do too :) You know, reading all your posts about moments with your daughter remind me about my moments with my own mum.

  10. This is hopefully a yummy dish. I never came across this dish and so this is new to me. I hope you enjoyed the dish. Bye.

  11. for durian lovers, durian with anything is good ya ?


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...