Sunday, August 1, 2010

Plaster Myself With Salonpas!

I have been complaining about backaches recently, right? Even went to see the specialist to do an ultra sound on my chest to check anything wrong or not... thank God it was only my nerves and he told me to go for physiotherapy instead.

Actually, it was the position of my hand and wrist that caused the pain on my neck and shoulder. When I complained to my superior, she told me that the way I worked on my pc was not correct. My right hand was sort of "dangling" causing my shoulder to be "overlyworked" I know where the cause is, I am not so worried...

but these plasters helped me a lot...
I plastered them all over my neck and shoulder recently..
A great relief!
Salonpas, I am doing a great review on you! lol...


  1. Go Chinese sinseh...or acupuncture, I tell you. And do not eat bamboo shoots, kangkong, paku-pakis - all the cold stuff.

  2. ahhh..too much typing means you have been spending too much time in front of the pc :D my doc once told me to put a bottle of water next to me if i were to sit in front of the pc for hours. then, make sure i drink the whole bottle. that way, i would need to go to the bathroom a lot..and this will take me away from the pc for a while :D

  3. stp: the only treatment is stay away from the pc ... yes, can online but must have a limit, i find that out..

    barb: yes, u r right! i agree.. and cut down the hours.. i m doing that now.. :p

  4. You need to be careful. The pain in your hand and wrist could be a result of carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful disorder of the wrist and hand. It occurs when the ligaments and tendons get swollen or inflamed and press against the median nerve. That pressure can make part of your hand hurt or feel numb.

  5. So don't use your PC anymore. :D

  6. after you peeled off,that part can be itchy and puffy ...younno

  7. I had used plasters before. After that, I don't complain of neck stiffness anymore.

  8. alamak...apa macam now? better or not? Wei...maybe go see chinese sinseh to urut and can be better leh

  9. We have heat patches here, and you can get patches with anesthetic in them, but they need a doctors prescription. Will you be able to change your body position at work, to really get to the heart of the matter?

  10. mingna: that is what i fear too, i must position my hand properly when i use the mouse...what other treatment besides askign me to stop?

    tekkaus: u r kidding, right? :)

    an ngao: no, mine ok.. no itchiness..

    kathy: ok lar.. dont type for many hours only :(

    ginny: yes, i can do with some changing of position.. get my chair nearer to the table.. see how it goes.

  11. This product very good. Hubby used before and instantly relive his pain.

  12. lau liao... chabo...

  13. Then u must take note of ur posture when using the pc/laptop to avoid straining ur back further ya.

  14. Really a wonderful article! I had read it in deep, it is informative and helpful. Injury can occur at any time so it is require to be safe . You can also visit Shoulder Pain Treatment Specialist for more related information suggestions.


Thank you, readers!

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