Tuesday, August 17, 2010

United We Eat... Divided We Slim...

Elin...Elin... er... you told me you have gained weight.. not to worry, I WILL FOLLOW YOU......

How not to gain weight if you keep baking such "tempting" cheese cake muffins with oreo biscuits embedded at the bottom?
How to resist not eating when they were delivered right to my doorstep....

yucks!! someone who ate this must be in a hurry...
not someone feminine or gentle but someone who
wasted no time in biting a mouthful into it...
Elin's recipe is here...

When we are together, we eat...
When we are apart, we slim...


  1. Hey Claire, thanks for sharing... gonna hop right again to Erin's blog for the delicious cheesecake muffin's recipe! See ya and have a wonderful day ahead!^-^

  2. mingna: not quite..but very.. hahaa..

    alice: hope u like it!

    kathy: sigh..dont tempt me.. :)

  3. not need to keep slim la... the main things is enjoy the life :P

  4. i love your title...hahahahah soo farnie and veyr much true

  5. so, to meet or not to meet ? that is the question .

  6. Wow, the cheese cake muffin really tempting! looks very rich!

  7. wah wah.... sure got exercise or not, Aunt Claire?

  8. Oh my, don't the muffins look delectable!

  9. friendship means getting fat together.

  10. Wow! I want those cheese cake muffins!! Delicious!

  11. But yes, the downside is you just keep gaining weight eating these muffins! Bad!!

  12. Wow! This looks unique and yummy! Thanks for the recipe, I'm popping over now to take a look at it, I will just have to try it!!

  13. chvoon: i love your comment!!

    lily: sometimes got to make ourselves funny.. hahaa....

    elaine: meet, sure meet... no meet, very boring one..

    annie: yes, they really taste good too!

  14. mummymoon: they are indeed rich, cheese and oreo..gosh!! haha...

    chrisau: must you remind me, bro?? :p

    cheryl: irresistible, right?

    tuti: ok, now who wants to friend me... :)

    foongpc: i think eat them first.. think of the consequences later.. can ah?

    ginny: hope u like them!!

    agnes: beh tahan liow.. u should eat more..now so slim..

  15. I think I just died looking at the pictures! So yummy and heavenly. i wanna jadi Elin's anak, can? LOL...I like cheesecake!

  16. Claire: The cheesecake looks tempting...Must try. will visit Elin's site

  17. cleff: u better ask her yourself.. anak pulak..what next!! :p

    angeline: yes, she has a lovely site..

    wenn: me too.. sweet tooth we have, eh..

  18. Claire...I feel so bad giving you all these sinfully rich cake :p

    Hope you really like it :)

  19. The first picture makes me feel so hungry...the second one makes me wanna puke. :/

  20. cs:yes..it was..

    elin: so lets go polo ground.. jom..

    tekkaus: hahahhaa... that was why i put it there.. to balance up.. hahaha...

  21. YUMMY!!!!! yeerrr so tempting!T.T

  22. hahaha... u r funny, claire! the fact that u stay in ipoh and so near to penang, sure CANNOT SLIM lar!!

  23. Yummy...I definitely love to eat cakes.

  24. How come I don't have cheese muffins delivered to my doorstep? :P They look HEAVENLY!! I want one!

  25. So lucky... If only I have a friend like that here! That would be so wonderful. Even missus not bothered to make such nice nice things for me to eat, not even on weekends when not working. Would rather go out gallivanting! Sobssss!!!!!

  26. caroline: fattening too.. :p

    irene: i better shift to KL? :)

    mery: me too.. sweet tooth we have then..

  27. sweetwitch: hey, how come u go for all those fine dining and have such a lovely figure?? :)

    stp: i think it is a blessing if you don have a fren like elin over there.. hahaha...

  28. Aiyoh...one of my fav lor. Claire nxt time, you bring this for us lor...u must learn n bake for us..LOL!!

  29. ling...i can ask elin to do before i go down KL...ok?? :p

  30. ahh look so yummy sinfully delicious ~

  31. Hahaha! Love your title. Very true :) My, those oreo cheese cake muffins are to die for!

  32. Haha... perfect lines! I did told Elin that again you're the lucky one! haha... Enjoy your day.
    Cheers, kristy

  33. Hi Claire... a very imaginative tagline... you can work in the advertising firm already.

    United we eat, divided we still eat!! :-)

  34. vampire: hahaha... sinfully yummy!!

    chloe: yes, they are so so.. indescribable....

    kristy: staying in between u and elin is the best!! hahaa..

    B'sMOM: funny but true, right? hahahaa...

    kev: do u think any advertiser will employ me? hehehe...

  35. The cheese cake muffins looks really tempting and delicious..


Thank you, readers!

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