Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yesterday When I Was Young

Memories, light the corners of my mind... misty colored water memories... of the way we were...

When I was writing the previous post about Edinburgh, it really brought back sweet memories and I couldn't help not going through the yellowish photos kept in my drawer. Yes, they have turned yellow, how many decades have they been, I dare not count.

All I have left are these misty blurry photos and some vague images of my first trip overseas...

One by one I flipped through the photos one by one, I felt a pang of longing and they nearly made my eyes misty... they are precious memories no doubt....nevertheless, they belong to the yesteryears, when I was young......


  1. pose so cheeky one ah :p..kakakaka...must snap more photos :P

  2. Awesome photos. How fortunate we are to have our memories stored away for special times to remember! Looks as if this was indeed a special time in your life.

  3. hmm very classic~ The car and the people. haha.

  4. Who is the leng zai with you in the last pic?

  5. kathy: wei, which pic is cheeky?? i see all standing like biasa only.. hahaha...

    cheryl: indeed it is.. cos my first trip overseas.. :)

    isley: hahaha.. that shows how ancient, right?

    nina: thanks!

  6. elin: dont want to tell u.. let u be sum si si.. hahahahaha...

  7. Those were the days......
    It reminds me of ...... my mum's well-kept photographs of her younger days...

  8. Very vintage... ^_^... love it.. who is that guy on the last pic.. ^_^

  9. mingna: i get the hint here!! :)

    cathJ: yes, vintage ancient of days.. sigh.. those were the days..

  10. whoaa so ancient. LOL! btw, u look slimmmmm at thr! :D Ok those kind of pictures remind me of my parent's version. heeee

  11. You still look the same ler. :) Really bring back memories don't they. We should take more and more pics. ;)

  12. I'm loving those buildings behind you. But now you must be telling us about the food there, i've heard it's not the best. Shortbread, maybe? And pastries? And even after all these years, you remain just as thin, even with really enjoying all kinds of food!! You are so blessed.

  13. What beautiful photos and they make the memories so much more important when you have a photo to look at while remembering.

  14. carol: that time not married ma.. :)

    fishingguy: yes, my past photos bring back memories..

    mummygwen: now with hard disk and pendrives, can keep as many as we like..

    cloudia: aloha.. hope to visit Hawaii one day..

    ginny: oh..that time not into blogging so never take pics of food, just human beings.. hahaha..

    patty: yes, hope our kids and grandkids will keep our pics too.. hahha..

  15. Haha .. U sport the disco look, Afro hair and stuffs like that. Must be the boogie nights or boney m days. Next time post my pic with u la.

  16. I like to flip through old photos too. Brings back good old memories. U got curly hair? or you perm it?

  17. chrisau: now i m trying to find one of your cheeky pics.. i will post it up then u know.. hahaha....

    mnhl: yes, those days alfro look.. like the alley cats...

  18. Wah, young photos.....Alleycats hair style leh! LOL!

  19. wah....those hair style use to be famous that mom had it too! =)

  20. Claire, what happened to your hair back then? haha... So fluffy! Oh btw, I also wanted to know who is that guy there with you! 8 huh! haha.... No doubt, I did the same thing too. I always flip through the old photos especially those school days photos. Make me laugh!

  21. pete: yes that time this style in fashion ma. Ha ha.

  22. angel bear: yo! Why so many said their mum their mum? Ha ha. Cannot deny i am old anymore:)

  23. You still smile the same way. :)

    (referring to your linkwithin images and your post pictures)

  24. Your hubby? Wah so handsome... Looked like Patrick Tse Tsin, the Hongkong star and you like one actress, can't remember the name now.Cherish the happy memories always...the best times of our lives.

  25. kristy: yes, looking back at old pictures are humorous...

    checheh: the teeth are still the same.. heheehe..

    stp: wah..tse tsin ah.. no la.. i look like cherie chung maybe.. ahhhahahahah....

  26. that last pic...was it ur husband?

  27. your hair looks like meletup. :D

  28. i like your hair; very yeng :-). I wish my mum permed her hair like that last time - so cool!

  29. nostalgic.. one day im gonna look back at my photos at london as well.. :)


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...