Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Born To Be Short

A scream could be heard from my room.... Mother instinct...quickly got up and rushed inside...

haiyah...it was just a dragonfly ma...
what was there to scream?
but give me a cockroach, i will faint!!

After snapping a picture of this beautiful insect, I took a broom.. tried to reach sweep it away from the ceiling but couldnt... I was "too tall" ...darn... pulled up a stool to reach it... another darn!! Why am I so short one! My girl was laughing at one corner already by then... I said, "hey, laugh what, u and i, almost the same, OK?"

Eventually a chair has to be brought... the dragonfly was just waiting to be swept away.. and out it went to another corner of the ceiling outside my room... Peace at last!


  1. i dont ever think I came across a dragon fly before lah !!

    have an awesome day!!!
    jen @ www.charmoflife.ca

  2. more down-to-earth then? wakakakaka

  3. jen: yeah..cold countries.. not so much, right.

    gratitude: do u have to remind me? hahahaa..

  4. cockroach?? I just use my feet to step it.. not scared at all.. but lizards... OMGoshhhh big no no... LOL

  5. why sweep away jek? Just leave it la. Good luck mah

  6. cath: gosh. pengsan!!

    kathy: u know la.. i open my mouth when sleep.. dangerous oh..

  7. Wakakakakakakaka darn! I AM A SHORT PERSON TOO! so i know how it feels... hahahaha oh man... sometimes its really suck to be short, especially when your a guy T_T

  8. closer to earth, more healthy. LOL.

  9. Same like u, dragonfly, I'm ok. Coackroach, I'll scream my lungs out. :D Quite inconvenient to be short hor. I hv to use a stool when I hang out the laundry. hahaha

  10. Dragonfly still Ok for me,if lizard, I sure will jump and run till nowhere liao.

  11. Dragonfly no scared, but cockroach esp those can terbang ones, I really screamed, then use Sheildtox and they are gone. He..He..

  12. daniel: dont worry.. they said shorter people are always smarter.. hahahaa...

    gab: good quote!

    slavemom: when i was in my BIL house, i used to take a stool too.. hahaha...

    mery: lizard i m not scared..cockroach i m very scared till pengsan!

  13. i don't mind dragonfly but not bee n beetle..i would run away :)

  14. I am always aware of being 'tall'...talking about always in the field with a bunch of taller players..sometimes kena kasi ketawa lagi...=.=

  15. Being short has it's advantages! You don't have as far to bend down and will probably get less back problems. It is spiders I'm terrified of, and they are all coming in from the chilly weather now.

  16. you are such a loving mom. so sweet to come to the rescue and trying to be tall at the same time, haha.

  17. Aiyor...dragon fly also scared. Cockroach also...nothing to be scared about. Just get Ridsect and spray... LOL!!!

  18. P.S. Lizard...also can spray. But have to remove when dead - will become very smelly.

  19. I usually just catch it with my fingers and let it out of the room.

    But if it is a cockroach, then roll up a magazine or a newspaper and slam to crash it! Hahaha!

    PS: Regarding your question, that cruise ship's pic was taken by me. I didn't go on a cruise not my cup of tea. ocean is a scary place.

  20. chris: both walking tall also! hahaa..

    wenn: now i got to swap anything.. no heroes around at times..

    angelbear: wah..u tall ah.. envy!

    ginny: what a nice consolation!!

    tuti: either one of us have to do it..no choice.. hahaha..

    stp: aiyah..u man man ma.. we ladies sure scared of this and that..sure need a man's protection! :p

    aishiang: i hope i dont have to squash anything.. cleaning up is a problem.. yucks!!
    hey i also scared of ocean one!

  21. Aiyo... dragonfly only... why wanna chase away? They're so pretty... I used to chase them in the field when I was young... :P

  22. Claire: reading ur post make me fust this morning! Another lizard is inside my car! What the heck..his doing in my car! A few months it has been a lizard stays in my car d..now what! again!

  23. cleff: that was why i swept it away only.. didnt squash the fella.. hahaha..

    angeline: gosh.. making babies inside your car? maybe it is romantic in there.. with perfume and all.. hahaha... yes, in a month or what, u got more babies inside!! gosh.. better spray...

  24. LOL! Should ask me to help! I think I can reach the ceiling (with the broom) without any stool. hehehee

  25. God made each n everyone of us special =)

  26. sweetwitch: so..u must be much taller than both of us.. heheee..

    rachel: Amen to that.. we r uniquely created.. :)

  27. Chamzz...we have the same faith too..hahah..SO my hub bought a lot of stools at home..scare i cannot reach high here and there..sigh!!

  28. Ya, you just reminded me of my own suffering in silence, when i was in school (form five) i was the shortest ( i mean among the shortest) in the class,,friends laughed at me a lot of time. i got very envious of them, they got to go party, but they never invited me, they thought that i was up to their mark,, hahahahah..

    you know something, My Jovial is going through what i went through as well, he is the shortest in the class now, and i know how it feels like,therefore i have to boost his self confidence so much,,,, hahahah

    by the way i am 5'7" ....i think 2" short to Tom Cruise,, so i am Tom Kurus

  29. ling: u r not short la.. :)

    eugene: u r 5'7"? so u grew up later than the others.. yeah, yr son follows after u then.. yeah, some are slower than the others..

  30. LOL :D
    But some people memang afraid of insects. for me, I'm afraid of cockroach!

  31. haha, i'm also the screaming type, and can't stand to be on the same floor or within 5 feet radius of cockroaches.. dragonfly i'm still ok, but NOT NOT NOT cockroaches or lizards... any of such that dare appear in my house will DIE (if hubs around)

  32. irene, what 5 feet radius?? i will lock myself in the room away from the cockroach outside!

  33. I think each n everyone has their own specialty and we people are really perfect, thanks to God...

  34. suzzane, yes.. we are indeed blessed.. thanks to God..

  35. I remembered I like to catch dragonfly during my childhood time. I will use a string to tie on its tail and fly it in the air and later pull it down, very cruel hor:-)

  36. Sharp tools make good work.



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