Monday, October 4, 2010

How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?

My heart pains... physically and emotionally...

Emotionally disappointed because a date has been canceled tonight due to the love of my girl.. hahahahahaa... ok, forget this crap...

What is more serious is this Physical Pain...

For the past few days, I felt a slight stabbing pain in my chest bones when I burped like this... "urghhh.... ahhhh...." Why is it so?

Doctors or anyone who knows, please tell me, is there something wrong with my heart, my arteries or my nerves? Why the stabbing pain when I burped? Too much wind flowing to my heart or nerves? I am very prone to burping especially when I am too full, too hungry or have eaten something "not right." In fact, I burp anytime of the day to release the "wind"... (burp only, OK, not farting, goodness!)

So... anyone here can mend my broken heart? "urgghh....belch)" ... there it goes again.. sigh...


  1. Could be the arteries. Better get a check up fast! (not trying to scare u)

  2. Think burp gotta do with the gut and not the heart lah sayang..???am not too sure myself..sorry.

  3. go hospital check up la. Worrying leh.

  4. chris: go ecg can ah?

    bananaz: but it is near the heart, i think...

    kathy: sien hor.. go hospital.. sigh..

  5. Sounds like a heartburn which is caused by acid reflux and GERD.
    Do you feel a feeling of burning in the chest after eating? Is there any difficulty in swallowing? Better consult a doctor for a better diagnosis.

  6. what did u do before this? Got exercise? Sometimes it could be chest muscle pain, i also experience that. And, sometimes could be due to stress. Anyway, just paid RM20 to do a ECG and relax.

  7. stabbing?? sounds serious.. if cannot tahan the pain.. got 2 c doc ya.. take care..

  8. mingna: no..not so serious like pain in swallowing .. just burping and feeling like tender at the chest..

    chris: no la.. not really stress.. no one stressing me... :) makan too much?

    cath: yeah. go GH.. free of charge. :)

  9. reanaclaire: heart paining or chest muscle? U have to clear with this. Based on what u have said...

    I think u have indigestion, because indigestion ppl cannot eat too full or starving (too hungry) or even u eat something not right like food have lots MSG, when ur stomach pain coz it's very senstive that will reflect to you chest muscle nerve.

    It's ok for u to burp out .. either way u burp / fart is to release food digestion gas.

    I can't really give u accurate answer, my advise u go doc check up better. =D

  10. hmmm, in that case i really suggest you go to see a doctor or do a check-up.. you are now the one who can help yourself to mend the broken heart.. :p

  11. I would suggest that you go to the doctors as soon as possible. You will feel much better and come away with a solution and less stress!

  12. ya, the only solution is to see a doc. Take care.

  13. The only way is to see the doctor. Don't play, play.

  14. june: i dont know.. if i dont burp, no pain one.. only when i burp.. is it muscle? ok check with doc..

    sk: bee gees can help, i think...

    cheryl: yeah, at my age.. all "friends"start to perform..

    wenn: what else is new..

    tekkaus: seems everyone say so.. thanks.

  15. this one i cannot help.

    but, you better see doctor who can explain why.

    hope you can find the answer ...

  16. Heartburn? can't be.. get the doc to check lah dey.. worrying nih..

  17. I have had this before and seen the doctor about it. I copied this for you: Costochondritis is an inflammation of a rib or the cartilage connecting a rib. It is a common cause of chest pain.

    Anti-inflammatory medicines (such as ibuprofen) are used to treat costochondritis.
    Tests & diagnosis
    Your health care provider can diagnose costochondritis by pressing on the area where the ribs meet the chest bone (sternum). If this area is tender and sore, costochondritis is the most likely cause of your chest pain. However, your doctor should make this diagnosis only after speaking with you and examining you.
    With treatment, the condition usually goes away in a few days.

  18. I have had this before and seen the doctor about it. I copied this for you: Costochondritis is an inflammation of a rib or the cartilage connecting a rib. It is a common cause of chest pain.

    Anti-inflammatory medicines (such as ibuprofen) are used to treat costochondritis.
    Tests & diagnosis
    Your health care provider can diagnose costochondritis by pressing on the area where the ribs meet the chest bone (sternum). If this area is tender and sore, costochondritis is the most likely cause of your chest pain. However, your doctor should make this diagnosis only after speaking with you and examining you.
    With treatment, the condition usually goes away in a few days.

  19. Sounds like heartburn... but better go and check, claire... go.. see doctor.

  20. Are you sure you don't have a Hiatal Hernia? Doctor can check it for you.

  21. Go see Chinese sinseh... Taking lots of ginger will buang angin also.

  22. voon: yeah, rather than speculating, right?

    ginny: that is sweet of u.. u had this too? ok I better google about this.. i don't know where exactly the pain is.. but it only occurs when i burp..

    cleff: symptoms of menopause, i guess..

    patty: i thought hernia only in men?

    stp: stomach empty and replaced by wind, i guess.. wonder why i got so much angin one.. eating so much too.. :)

  23. me is while sneeze, then will stomach pain or back pain as if i doing some exercise like that..

  24. or maybe u can google!
    in my case, the google said might be a syndrome of osteoperosis...
    FML~ ~

  25. Don't try to analyse the condition yourself. Go for a check knows best. Want me to accompany you to the doctor?

  26. eh.. eh.. suddenly remember this..

  27. u got gastric one? or the acid in your stomach is too strong? so when u burb, the acid in your stomach got backset and burn your eso phagus.. better go body check up la..

  28. then if u often got gastric one, better go check your stomach got this stupid virus call Helicobocton Pyloni-HP..
    this little fucker can cause stomach cancer one, then one of the syndrom also the acid in your stomach got backset..

    Don't play play ah.. this virus is not hard to get rid, but normally ppl just choose to ignore, then when find out is too late already! one of my friend's mom was died of stomach cancer not long ago, because of this damn virus also.

  29. Stress stress lah,, the remedy relax relax lah,, i sure tell you , can ok one,,hahahah

  30. Angin ahhh? Alot angin? Ask kat to kasi you some anti angin medicine... she kasi me some, very good wan leh.. really buang angin wan.

  31. eh, but i am not doctor, so better go to the REAL doctor pls...

  32. donna: u er.. really made me laugh with your diagnosis...ok Doctor Donna quack, i will go and ask for an opinion from a recognised doc.. hahahaa...

    elin: got any handsome docs in GH or not? :)

    eugene: i hope u r right! or maybe old age?

    cleff: apply vicks also can, hor.. buang angin..

  33. My hubby also very prone to burping and it's annoying.. hahaha.. sorry!

    Nyway, let me know if u got the solution.. hehe..

  34. =.=
    laugh apa.. cis... coz i very kiasi ma.. Zzzz...

  35. Just: hahaha.. yes, is annoying but i burp with my tissue over my mouth esp when i m in public.. suppress the sound...gosh!!

    donna: cis.. u so young, apa nak kiaSI.. LIVE and ENJOY LIFE!!

  36. when was the last time u went for a check up?

    for me, i think you are just stress and worry too much. Just pray to God and leave everything to Him.. although easier than done. but we got a God whom we can trust right :)

  37. Not enough sleep lah!Therefore stomach acid increases.
    Might be bacterial activities in stomach. Try take some raw garlic....helps to reduce stomach gases.

  38. I think you should consult a good doctor and get rid of these stomach problems as soon as possible...

  39. Hope you will see a doc soon to get a confirmed diagnosis. Seems like heartburn to me.
    Have u tried any medication yet??? If u cannot tahan and still waiting to see doc, try getting Gaviscon first and see how it is. It is pretty good for acid reflux and heartburn.

  40. rachel: blood test annually.. ecg too... maybe too much work in the office :)

    pete: oh.. the acid can go up to the chest/heart? cause the burping? logical too.. now come to think of it..

    carol: mine is not stomacha
    problem..gosh, dont know what.. tomorrow go hospital..

  41. Leorna.. maybe it is? or muscle nerves.. i think i got to see doc.. sprains or what... me also confused.. apply the yuko yoko first..

  42. Hi Claire,

    Just go see the doctor to put your worry to rest.

    Take care and stay healthy.

  43. Go see a doctor Claire! Clear up your doubts! And get well soon :)

  44. Stress! Stress! Stress! You must be stressed with so much comments in your blogs! Stay cool ma'am and tell us what doctor said...

    Recently my heart beat too fast for no reasons too. I was not even excited but lying down. Maybe you can ask the doctor me pleaseeeeee!

  45. Better go for check least u will know the result why it happened like this.

  46. Dont play play, better go get a detailed check up done.... don't delay.

  47. sweetwitch: doc is the name.. yeah!

    twilight" hahahaa.. stressed up with blogging, bingo!! hahaha..

  48. Hai-ya! Better go see doctor ah! Don't depend on opinions on the net.

  49. alice, if it worsens..i will go.. now macam better.. i put some yokorono.. or yoko yoko.. helps!

  50. Sounds like a heartburn to me but going for a thorough checkup is advisable....:)

  51. No one can mend a broken heart. It is quite next to impossible to try this task. There is no medicine to cure this disease. The only possible way is to forget those memories but it would take a long time.

  52. hmmm... heartburn?
    but only when u burp ah...that's kinda strange... maybe should go check with doc if it's too painful

  53. I'm no doctor but sounds like a heartburn. Better go and check up for the right diagnosis.

  54. daddy: yeah.. indigestion but i got to confirm..

    vernon: yeah, true too.. one help oneself..

    yanz: i think due to indigestion.. now metabolism slow down..

    jessie: yes, thanks for advice...

  55. is on the surface right? i got that too.its nerve ,'ll will gradually go away. its like a sharp jabbing pain,right? and its just on the skin of your bone.

  56. Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog. If I were you I would get checked, just in case there is something wrong. I don't know you enough to give advise (or at all..LOL) but please call your GP.
    You have a nice blog! I'll be back to follow when the follow widget comes back up!
    Have a nice day!

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