Friday, October 1, 2010

"What's For Dinner, Mi?"

Went to fetch Andy from the bus station at 4.30pm... good to see him again after three weeks of absence... he looked so fatigue and tired when he came into the car and after talking to him for a moment, I realized that he didn't even greet me... "hi mum" or "mother" or "mi" or "mama." When I asked him, he said he was like blurred....still in dreamland... so exhausted because of an assignment last night that took him to finish only wee hours in the morning.

Pure exhaustion.... poor boy....

Now? Wow... after a clean up and shower, he was whistling just a moment ago and happily said, "Mi, what is for dinner?"
Here are the dishes for dinner, boy...

potato with minced meat
mistake! too much black sauce...

steamed fish...

french beans with garlic.. hahahaa
and ABC soup...

OK, going down for dinner now...come!


  1. A balanced homecooked meal with love, better than any restaurant dishes.. I like..

  2. The dishes are so typically 'gong fu' style. I thought the potato and onion dish is a secret recipe inherited from our grandmothers in a typical Cantonese family. I'm so proud to be a Cantonese (though the Cantons were called the Southern Barbarians during the last dynasty. Btw, Claire, are you Cantonese?

  3. Where's the pic of the ABC soup? I likey french beans.. with garlic! Yum :D

  4. virtualust: yes, yes.. fresh!

    inspiredmum: anyone can cook these.. hehee.. those are my limited choice...

    mingna: actually i m half teochiew but speak cantonese from young till now.. cos my mum is cantonese..thus the dishes also inherited from her.. :)

    merryn: soup still in the pot so i didnt take the pic.. all carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and pork bones.. hehehe.

  5. not bad .....not bad.... cooking seems improve a lot already :P

  6. Potato and minced meat is our favorite dish (both my girl and me). The french bean is what we had today and our soup for the day is 'fan kot'... hehehe

  7. chris: actually it got worse.. hahaha...

    kiasu: long time didnt boil fun kwot... good idea.. tomorrow i m going to the market.. see got the kwot or not..:)

  8. yerrr... looking at it at 1am makes my tummy growl...

  9. You cooked this?? I am so used to seeing the food you eat at restaraunts. Wow, you could open your own restaraunt! I wish I could taste it. What is the black sauce made of?

  10. Almost the same dishes I always cook for my kids!LOL!

  11. Mama Claire... I oso wanna makan.... the potatoes and minch meat looks heavenly!!! LOL... DHL sikit! LOL!

  12. looks like a fabulous meal :) yummy lah.

    Have a happy weekend!
    jen @

  13. I love to cook those meals when I hv the time. Yummy..

  14. Nothing like home-cooked food! Simply the best...especially mum's cooking - with special ingredient - LOVE!

    Ya...these days, all the young people seem so stressed out by their studies and assignments - my daughter also like that. Sometimes, so kesian... My time, so relaxed and I really enjoyed life to the fullest.

  15. me hungry too leh. Can tumpang makan there or not?

  16. medie: belum tidur er.. :)

    ginny: u really made my day.. hahaha..

    pete: what are parents for? :)

    cleff: hitam sikit.. shouldnt be so dark one.. hahahaa..

    jen: u have a good weekend too!!

    wenn: me once awhile .. :)

    stp: yeah, pity them when they are so engrossed with their assignments.. now weekend comes, let them de-stress! )

  17. kathy, expensive trip leh.. hahah..

  18. Looks delicious...good chef!!

  19. You're a great mum (but you know it already!!)!!

  20. mery: thank u!

    BB'mama: needs u to remind me.. hahaa... just kidding..

  21. Wow great you have made such delicious food for the dinner boy, hope he loves the food prepared with such love and affection...

  22. Andy's favourite? Mince meat with potatoes. :)

  23. That's a great dinner to enjoy. A unique combination of meat, fish and the garlic soup. Frankly speaking i first thought that they were green chilly. Wonderful combination. Lol.

  24. carol: yes, he loves.. all of it.. hahaa..

    annie: or potato chicken as well..

    toddler: simple meal.. :)


Thank you, readers!

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