Sunday, November 21, 2010

Asian Games Finals Badminton 2010

Last night my heart was thumping furiously again!! Gosh, my friend scolded me like mad... if I carry on this way, it will affect my heart badly.... OK, I will be obedient, I will not be too engrossed, I will not clap hands and shout with glee....

Unfortunately the Malaysian mens double lost... just by two points during the third set. Sigh.. just too bad that the Indonesians played better than them.... both sides were equally good actually... well...

courtesy pictures from badminton forum
my heroes on the floor...
after failing to retrieve the shuttle...

courtesy pic from badminton forum

Tonight at 8.30pm ...
Lee Chong Wei will be playing against Lin Dan
Stay put, all ye badminton fans!!
I am not going out for dinner till the game is over!!


  1. playing tv2..showing.. 9.10pm, Chong Wei lost one set liow..

  2. stp: sigh,.. difficult to beat him!

  3. Great pictures! Your heart will be fine, cheer and give some extra claps and yells for me, wish I could watch with you!

  4. kucing: MIA ... went to pg la..

    ginny: yeah, wish we could should together.. hahaha...

  5. Too bad LCW lost! But I guess he put up a great fight compared to previous matches..

  6. As far as i am concerned,,, Choong Wai is a notch or two below Lin Dan's standard... He is not bad but no match as far as Lin Dan is concerned.....

    May be it is high time to change Choong Wei's coach already...

  7. chubs: yeah...

    sweetwitch: pity him.. 3rd match, cannot even get more points..

    eugene: he has tried his best..

  8. Claire:
    So excited to see Lin Dan and Chong Wei yesterday nite!

  9. raynebow: but i dont really like this type of lengchainess.. hahaha..

    angeline: pitiful to see LCW lost..

  10. Lin Dan is just too strong to beat him.

  11. *sobsob* I tak paham badminton... but I know one thing... it's very fun to sit on the empire chair. Will feel like a Tai Hao! LOL!

  12. We lost! We lost! I cried!... Tissues please!

  13. It was a good friendly advice for you. Its good to be a great fan of any particular game or your country but extreme tension is very bad. Try to avoid such situation or the tension.

  14. ling: one class above..

    cleff: just the racket and shuttle.. hahhaa..

    twilight: dont stir me up again! :)

    webdesign: thanks!

  15. DLCW need to get tougher in his mental game. Only his mental game separately him and Lin Dan.

    Should learn a thing or two from Datuk Nicol David. She has been world number 1 for 56 months and have won on average 90% of her competitions.


Thank you, readers!

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