Saturday, November 27, 2010

Half Day In Penang

Around 11am... AA, Fernie and I were on our way to Penang again.... last week, this week, one may think we were Penangnites...

No, this time is not for leisure... we went to pick Andy back from college... he finished his last paper at 1pm and now he is back for his one month long holiday.... a lot of stuff to pack up.....

Well, the house is full of noise again....

But unfortunately the noise is not about joy...............

Half way to Penang, I received a call from my sister-in-law that her mother (my MIL) passed away in hospital.... Actually we were there in the hospital at 9am to visit her this morning.... Before we left, I told my MIL to wait for us to come back but........


  1. Sorry to hear about ur MIL.
    May she RIP.

    Condolences to you and family


  2. my warmest condolence Miss Claire:-)

  3. My condolence to you and family. May your mother in-law rest in peace.

  4. Claire...sorry to hear this sad new. Our deepest condolence to you and family. May your mother-in-law rest in peace. Take care.

    Warmest Condolence,
    Elin and Family

  5. sorry about the sad news.
    my condolences, claire.

  6. so sorry to hear condolences..

  7. sorry to hear that... and my deepest condolences.. take care ya..

  8. Oh... my condolence to you and your family, Claire. Now, you take good care of yourself, dun stress out. :(

  9. Oh, Claire, I am so sorry to hear this. I know all about losing a loved one during the holiday season. Was it sudden or had she been sick a long time? It is so wonderful that you were able to see her that day and she knew how much you cared for her. Praise God for that, you were a wonderful and caring DIL!

  10. So sorry to hear the sad news. That's the way life is - we never know when it is tim eto go. May God bless her soul... Take care, all.

  11. My condolences to you and family. You take care and continue to smile.

  12. Hey Claire, sorry to hear that. Condolences. You take care.

  13. Sorry to hear that,Claire.

    My deepest condolences to you and family. Take care.

  14. It was a good time then but the news.... Its so sad to know about this news. Be strong and try to be with your family and especially your sister-in-law.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...