Monday, November 22, 2010

A Short Trip To Penang

We were away to Penang on one night trip... went on Saturday and back on Sunday. This trip was solely on three young sweet girls.. my girl was the tour guide, taking her two young friends along for this trip. And who was the poor unpaid driver?? sigh....

While they had a good time, I had to burn holes in my pocket again... hahahhaa... but my girl sensing and pitying me, this time she did not go for a spree, instead her friends did... well, as long as they had an enjoyable time, it is all that matters...

Queensbay Mall...

the 3 young girls walked on their own..
and me? nothing to do.. snapped pictures here and there..

it was crowded at the mall but don't know why
this section seemed to be so quiet... hmmm....

once is not enough...they said..
they want to come again and
this time for two nights!!
I pokai liow.. hahahaa...


  1. waaahhhh...i see you have been shopping quite a lot lately...hehehehhehe. it's good to go shopping huh? retail therapy is the best.

  2. paiseh...we go penang mostly to cari makan...tarak go shopping hahahaha

  3. You working for PLUS? Keep seeing you going Penang all the time hahaaaaa..

  4. Kesian the unpaid driver. Hahaha.. Like what you said, as long as your loved ones enjoy themselves, it's all that matters. :)

  5. barb: no la.. i didnt shop la.. just walk walk..window only... hahhaa..

    kathy: can do both..makan and shop but this time i pokai liow..

    bananaz: traveling is good to destress.. i work hard too!

    inspiredmum: everything for our kids, right?

  6. Oh dear... your daughter so lucky to have such a wonderful mummy... :D

  7. Claire: If can next time, drop by Taiping & pick me up as well! Jst kidding

  8. Wahhh... so nice to be your daughter! LOL!

  9. cath: i also want to go one.. hahaa.. makan makan..

    angeline: u r in taiping? ok i go visit u..

    cleff: i thought u are my girl too?? hahhaa..

  10. Your princess is so blessed to have you as her mom.

  11. i remembered last year around this time i went penang, met eugene

  12. Got buy lottery in Penang....mana tau strike first prize....then I can tag along too! ha ha ha!

  13. What a cute picture of the three pals!!! You make me laugh, you can be so funny...poor put upon mom, but this time was not too much money. You are such a good sport, and that mall looks divine! Did you not get yourself anything?

  14. LOL... ya... I'm young enuff to be ur girl. LOLOL!

  15. That's what mums are for...and dads too! My daughter's friends dropping by in town - I would drive them around, take them our for dinner...and also cook for them. Never mind, for the love of your anak bah! Very soon, all gone liao...and you'd wish you could do all these things all over again...

  16. sjb: i can see that..

    sheohyan: dont know she knows or not.. haha...

    merryn: so r u going again??

    pete: r u kidding? pete wor..
    no need to buy lottery one..

    ginny: no, nothing for me.. broke already. hahaha..

    cleff: sure u r.. hahaha..

    stp: so make the full use out of the time now that they are with us in the house..

    peaps: me too!!

  17. You are so rich and seems to be all over the country every week! Are you running a tour company? LOL

  18. Wah... penang trip again. So envy can go shopping.. Never mind to burn holes in your pocket. It's all worth for your loved one.

  19. Enjoying shopping in penang eh! Next time you can go to Gurney Plaza for your second night! LOL!

  20. twilight: penang is very near to ipoh.. u dont need much if u dont shop..

    yvonne: school hols starting.. sure have to spend money

    sweetwitch: december, quickly come and go!!

  21. nice to have Claire driving all the way to Penang to shop..

  22. I go to Penang to Jalan-jalan. No shopping o. :D

  23. Claire, you should buy an apartment here in Penang, come come on weekend since you love Penang so much, hahahah.

    As for me the true bred of Penangite, for holiday in Penang, should really just stay by the beach,, it is cleaner now since Ah Eng took over the state hahaah

  24. A typical weekend tour. We often set-off to such short trip without any prior planning and frankly speaking it gives us a lot of fun. I too love this type of tours.

  25. haha! nemind! enjoy time is what all matter! :D ur girl looks so happy n sweet ! :D

  26. wow, shopping and jalan jalan in Penang again. Call me up once u r in Penang next time.

    Let me know in advance ya!

  27. ling: so when u wanna go?

    tekkaus: shopping is the last for men! hahaha..

    eugene: staying at the beach must have a good partner.. hahaha..

    vegasvip: yes, good to go impromtu too..

    caroline: she likes to travel too!

    jessie: alright.. one day i will!

  28. Let me be the first in your blog to wish you: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! And here's wishing you all the good things in life and a great year ahead... Cheers!

  29. I did that before too..drove all the way to Bukit Merah with my girl and her friends..

  30. stp: thanks so much!!! so u r the first one.. hahaha..

    wenn: i m sure they enjoyed right? all provided for...hahaha..


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