Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Things Money Cannot Buy - Love

Money can't BUY this cake...
This cake was baked with full of passion...
I am so touched by the generousity and love from Elin..
She is really a true Gem one can ever find....

She presented me this lovely gorgeous cake
early in the morning.. & wish me
Happy Birthday and stay 25 always!

after singing "Happy Birthday" by my kids....
a slice is cut....

my dear, I am so sorry..
My cutting workmanship is very "ultar" ...
Sorry to "murder" your cake this way...

....because we cannot wait to eat it......
it was so so yummy!!!

Here we are... minus Andy...
Andy, we miss you here...
But don't be anxious.... about the cake...
Mama here had saved a Big Portion for you!!


  1. *faint* The cake is so big and thick... got Ferrero Rocher and orange slices on it oso. OMG! This is very sinful... and I think beat Secret Recipe cake any time!

  2. cleff, awwww.... i cannot imagine how much calories i have gained tonight... :p

  3. That cake looks very yummy. What was the filling, just cream or something like a custard?

  4. Such a lovely cake from Elin! My tummy starts rumbling now!^-^

    Again, happy birthday to you!

  5. Happy Birthday, Claire! Wishing u good health n happiness always. The cake looks sinfully yummy! :D

  6. wow... nice! But...i guess u need to go to polo club or kledang hill more often to burn the fat already sis...

  7. Wow!! I want that cake!! Courier me a slice please! : D

  8. A beautiful one of a kind cake for a beautiful one of a kind Claire!! What are those balls on the top made from? Happy Birthday again!!!!

  9. A gift that comes from the heart is the most beautiful present that anyone can ever receive. A special person attracts great friends. Happy Birthday once again and May God Bless You!

  10. Omigawd....Elin!!!!! SIGH!!! How come I do not have a friend like her? My life is soooo miserable. Sobs!!!

  11. Nice cake u have there...woo love chocolate too

  12. Your chocolate cake was really rich, and looked so awesome.

  13. Awwwww......I so malu you put up on your blog ...sorry me not good at baking and especially cake deco is my weakest point...haih...sorry about the thickness of the year I will bake a better one for your 25th birthday !!!!

  14. such a big cake! i bet you enjoyed it!

    happy birthday!

  15. Happy happy happy birthday !!!! The cake ! The cake ! I didn't get to see the final result because I fell asleep while waiting :P Hope you had a wonderful birthday with all your special ones ... :)

  16. Happy Birthday once again and that's a very very delish and tall looking cake you have there. Lucky you, to have Elin !

  17. patty: the filling is cream and banana slices mixed with lemon..

    alice: come join me for a slice!

    slavemom: thank you.. thanks!

    chrisau: awww... please dont remind me lar!!

    foongpc: address please! :p

  18. Ginny: those are chocs.. fererro roche..

    autumn belle: thanks for the compliments.. hahaha..

    stp: come migrate in Ipoh and you will have us! hahaha..

    angeline: yes, me also love but dare not eat as yet!

    Elin: u bake anything also i will eat one.. not to worry about deco.. it is your effort that counts!

    ayie: yes, we sure enjoyed.. she is a gem!

    joanna: oh, do u want a slice of it? gosh.. sorry for not sending one over!!

    elaine: yes, i m so blessed to have her as my fan-ssee... hahaha..

  19. Happy Birthday Beautiful!

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral



  20. whoaaa yummy cake!!! i also want!! :D the big is huge!!

  21. Yup,, agree wholeheartedly,there are indeed things money can't buy.....

    God bless

  22. Yummm yumm...what a Tall and delicious looking cake.

    Hmmm...i wonder "where" mama save the portion for Andy. Must be masuk perut already LOL

  23. OMG amazing cake! And the ferrero rocher! YUM!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. By the way...hehehe....Happy Birthday!

  26. I deleted the comment after viewing Elin's post. I guess she baked it for you. VERY NICE INDEED. Wish I could have a slice too.

  27. Happy 25th Birthday sexy... may many more sexy years come your way :D

  28. caroline: yes, it is a big cake..

    eugene: true...true...

    kathy: hey...if can finish that one cake in one night..hebat liow!!!

    sweetwitch: how to be slim tell me! hahaha..

    ann: thank you!!

    merryn: gosh.. sexy old broad? hahaha...

  29. Happy birthday! If I am not too late to wish you! the cake must be very heavy by looking at the height.

  30. OMG the cake looked so yummilicious. I wuld have walloped the toppings before proceeding to the choc icing lolz

    Happy Birthday again! ^_^

  31. agnes: thanks... it is never too late for me.. hahaha...

    gratitude: now u said it, i must do that.. :p

  32. wow.. nice cake.. look like one brand... great homemade...

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. AWWWWWWW!!!! Beautiful cake!!! Got Feerrero Roche? OMG!!! Drool!!!

    You got new hair style?

  35. oh lovely lovely. Elin is such a nice friend. i visit her blog sometimes for recipes ;) i bet this cake is better that secret recipes :D

  36. soulesscloudy: yes, it is her brand of cake..complicated ones baked with passion...

    annie: ahhh.. u r the one who noticed!

    barb: quality.. cake.. :)

  37. When is your birthday? Jst wishing you a happy birthday whenever your day is. :)

    You must be really "kam thong", Elin baked you a cake!

  38. Claire, next time if u come KL, can you bring a slice of cake baked by Elin...LOL!!! I bet is superb compared to SR..goshh...after cut jor, lagi drooling...

  39. jessie: baru over la!!

    ling: one slice where got enough.. u wont get to eat by the time i reach yr place..hahaa...

  40. Wah... chocolate cake!! Huge tall cake!! *pengsan*

  41. wow, the best home-baked birthday cake I hv ever seen..happy birthday!

  42. Happy Birthday to Claire...
    Oh the bday cake..I wanna try save a slice for me?

  43. I thought Elin told me your birthday is on the 20th! Anyway, would love to wish you a Happy Birthday again. How come is 25th birthday, not 20th-meh? hahaha....
    Best wishes,

  44. yvonne: yes..tall and nice!

    wenn: thanks!!

    mery: got..still got.. when coming? :0

    kristy: hehehe.. she wants me to go older fast ma.. thanks anyway!!

  45. You should have used hot knife. :p

  46. tekkaus: sigh.. too much work! :)

  47. god! that's one HUGE slice of cake!!! I would kill to get one! =p

  48. Lovely children and good friends...u r blessed!

  49. angelbear: hahaha... giant, right?

    leona: yes.. Happy Thanksgiving!

  50. Happy Belated Birthday, Claire. Sorry, I'm late in wishing you. The cake is.... WOW!! Really can kalahkan the best bakery in town :)

  51. ooopsss, guess i just missed wishing you "happy birthday"?? hehe, nvm lah, let it be a belated one better than none~~

    wow, that is really a very nice cake!! chocolate banana yeah?? so heartfelt~~

  52. This maybe really late but I still wish you grace on your birthday. God bless a kind soul like yours....xoxo

    Cheers from the desert!

  53. Happy Bird-Day to you and may you be happy and healthy always!!!!!

  54. Happy Belated birthday to you. 
    The cake is look nice and feel happy for you have a good friend like elin.
    Happy happy forever.

  55. Thank you .. thank you... allllllllllll of you!!!

  56. Hi there! Just visiting from over at voiceBoks and now followiing. That cake looks amazing and they are always the best when they're home-made.


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