Monday, December 13, 2010

I'm Under Maintenance...

I AM BACK ......... but need to be "overhauled."

I am feeling deflated.... no more energy... my nose is running, my ears are blocked.. having fever and cough......... gosh...goodness knows what else.... *cough.. cough*

I am very "charn" now..... pai liow

Never expect the snow and the negative celsius can make me so sick... flat tyre...

Thanks for coming by readers, I guess I have to go for "maintenance" first....

I haven't really gone through the comments... if someone is kind enough to go through for me and name the first two winners for me, I will appreciate that very much...

And now for my answers...

Last year Japan.... This year Korea...............

And now I go zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Will be back once the doctor say I am fit for blogging! *faint*


  1. Hahaha... you are back finally! Few days of guessing, got one of them right! :)

  2. I am so sorry, Claire!! Yes, Im glad you're going to the doctor!Phil and I and two other family members have all been so sick!! On medicine, dizzy, pain, pus even coming from eyes!! Bad things going around here and there as well! Anti-biotics will fix you up, don't go to work!!! Don't try to do stuff, rest and drink fluids. Let us know what the doctor says when you feel up to it!

  3. so clever ME! I was the first to say u were in Japan now Korea :D

    ur nose running away? oh dear... quick quick.. i'll help u chase for it! :P

    have a good rest Claire.. and hope to see the 'maintained' version of u soon :D

  4. welcome back ,,,,,i also clever ma,, i also got say claire go Japan first ma,,now got go Korea ma,,,,,,,so sis,, two prizes for Merryn and me ok,,,kekekekekek.

    now go and minum leong cha and take a lot of rest ya....

  5. Don't bother to look at the comments now. Have more rest and take good care of yourself till you are fit to go back to blogging. Get well soon.

  6. Hiya...glad to have you back !!! so cham running nose..thank care and take the rest of the week off to rest and recuperate (MC la of course :p)

    See you back in office next week ! :)))

  7. I didn't guess, as I am not good in guessing at all. Welcome back and rest more.

  8. Hope you brought back your nose and not left it running in Seoul airport. Yo! Bananaz korek! So you said Hamsahamnida this year! Take care.

  9. get well soon Miss Claire:-)

    i wanna congratulate in advance the winners of your giveaway:-)

  10. Take a good rest and recharge your battery first before going backing to the blogging world.:)

  11. Claire I didn't guess correctly. Try again next time! So nice to hold a very xcited contest! Rest more k? Congrats to merryn n eugene!

  12. Get well soon Claire...many yg duk waiting for ur gift...too bad, I jawab wrongly...sob sob sob.

  13. it's too late when I knew u were off somewhere. u should hv taken along your Fitline set.

  14. oh you are back with a flu?? poor thing, i hope you'll get well soon and show us more photos you've taken in Korea~~ :)

  15. thanks everyone.. i m recuperating now..
    change of weather is like that.. and i dint drink enough water.. body resistance is low.. and goodness knows what else..

    I try to come back soonest.. after the maintenance! :)

  16. Welcome home, Claire. Glad ur back safely. Not feeling well? Drink lots of water and take some chic soup... you'll be right as rain in no time. Get a good rest... leave other things to it's own device til you're well again.

  17. woww!...Korea!..can't wait for your Korean posts...

    New Entry: Thistle, JB

  18. Feel better Friend!

    Aloha from Hawaii

    Comfort Spiral




Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...