Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Kim Chi Factory In Incheon

Finally we reached our destination.... a Ginseng Farm to experience the production of ginseng milk and our first Kim-Chi making session.

Actually I don't really like to eat kim-chi... I prefer pickled papaya or cucumber anytime.. hahaha.. Let me tell you ah... after the earlier breakfast, each meal is a MUST have kim-chi...

Here was what we did .... I can say we did a marvelous job on the KIM-CHI... hahahaha...

Let's get ready.....

see.... got "gaya" right?

Just look at Andy.. serious one!

even Fernie can do???

Now his turn to do while I clicked...

Presenting Ipoh Kim-Chi maker!

I doubt he could eat that!! hahahaa...


  1. I can make kimchi too... used to make them... but stopped making cuz have to make in large amount and nobody gonna finish it.

  2. oh this is so much fun :) i don't quite like kim chi too cos it's too sour for my taste :)

  3. i dunno what is kim chi. i heard from one person that she really really like eating it, but, you didn't like it.
    what are the ingredients needed to make kimchi? is it sweet? spicy? bitter? salty?:-)

    btw, thanks for considering me as one of the winners:-) clap clap

  4. Did you add raw shrimps into your kimchi? It seems shrimps can create wonders to the dish. How true is it?

  5. Inlove Kim chi but cannot eat a lot!! Looks fresh ... Yummy! Btw, want to scale up kledang hill when I back in early feb ?

  6. I love Korea, going to go back there again!

  7. cleff: me not really like.. :)

    amy: i agree with u..

    barb: something is ... not so nice..

    veta: yes..hope you like my small gift.. hahaha..

    mingna: i feel something funny taste there..

    chris: u talk only!! hahaha..

    pete: i dont want to go la.. hahaha..

  8. Wow, such a fun trip for you and your kids! Did your boy really gulp down the Kim Chi?!

  9. looks fun..i hvn't experienced that before.

  10. After I saw your Korean costume post, and then this post, I see something very familiar, I went here before years back... I get to buy very nice strawberry nearby and get to see the ginseng plant.

  11. that wrapped kim chi looks like a 'dumpling' (hum yoke choong)

  12. blee: maybe u should go again..

    moon: yes, yes.. the strawberries are so sweet!!

    lena: not bad hor??

    tekkaus: not me! hahaa..

    kathy: yeah, he is always funny!

  13. oh..this is so much fun. Last time when i went, i think kim chi making still not in the list, maybe next round when i go Korea i can put my hand on kim chi making too.

  14. I don't like kimchi but he enjoyed eating that's really good...

  15. me not really a kimchi lover but hey u guys can make it well! :D

  16. Wa.... now you can teach me how to make Kimchi :)

  17. Its a great effort from your side. I first thought you were doing it just for fun, but at the end the truth came up. You were pretty interested in having a dish prepared by you. Hope you enjoyed the food.

  18. Oh made it very sime ya...I guess the cabbages were already salted earlier.

    I hope my bud taste can accept Kim Chi...hope...hope..hope...

    I love the Winter Sonata breathtakingly fabulous..

  19. So nice they let u hv some hands-on experience in the tour. Adult's "arts n crafts". hehehe


Thank you, readers!

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