Thursday, December 30, 2010

Perak Open In Ipoh Indera Mulia

Yes, I admit I am a die-hard badminton fan.... as I mentioned in my earlier posts, when I came back from Korea, I was down with flu and goodness knows what else... and my voice was totally gone! But nothing could keep me away from going to the stadium to watch my badminton heroes "LIVE"...

Too bad I was sitting quite far away from my heroes..... my pictures are blur.. but I am very happy to see them in real person... especially Lee Chong Wei and Tan Boon Heong!! For three days in a row, my son and I went to watch badminton LIVE in Ipoh!

can you see them??? LOL...
Lee Chong Wei.. KKK and Fahry..

see how crazy I am... taking pics of them...

Lee Chong Wei and Hafiz at their final match...

Tan Boon Heong and Ee Hui ...
see the "photographers"
and compare with this picture below...

Lee Chong Wei receiving his medal...
if I were well then, I would be one of them photographers
taking pictures of my badminton heroes!
hahaha... crazy me!


  1. Wow ... really die hard fans la! Salute!!

  2. Where's Wong Mew Choo? She's quite pretty leh...

  3. mommyangel: *bowing* hahhaa..

    chris: she didnt come la..

  4. If only I knew he was there , I would have rushed to the Stadium to meet the national sports idol... :(

  5. i didnt know they were there.. i only know there's this perak food fest happening now in stadium. so did you get their autographs??

  6. Got any 'handsome heroes' approach you or not? he he he!

  7. mingna: aiyah..i didnt know u are also their fansi... i would have called u..

    lena: that was two weeks ago.. i didnt know u were interested too.. :)

    pete: i dare not approach them cos that time not feeling well.. :) actually i should..use sign language!

  8. so this is kind of small scale competition?? seems like there's not a lot of big shots players participating.. no wonder Dato Lee wins as expected.. :)

  9. haha... dinch know u like badminton to tht extend. :) but it's cool!

    happy new year 2011~~~ may the new year be filled with joy and $$$$! :P

  10. You are a badminton groupie, ha ha!! Too bad you had to be feeling so lousy, else I'm sure you would have made your way up there to introduce yourself. As cute as you are, I'm sure one of them would have wanted your phone number!

  11. Its good to know that you are a fan of badminton. Well how are you now.. Take care!!

  12. Its good to know that you are a fan of badminton. I also love to play badminton..Well how are you now..

  13. It seems you are very sporting. It is good..All the best and take cure!!!

  14. LOL!!! Die-hard LCW fan... Yucks!!! Hehehehehe!!!!

  15. When I was in my Primary school, I love to watch badminton match...and I can be super Kan-cheong in front of TV. But so far, I never watch LIVE match.

  16. Badminton is a wonderful game and it is pretty compact game. It is not time consuming and it is not a body contact game like football. So there are few chances for the players to get hurt.

  17. At least you got to watch them live right? :D

  18. claire, not that i'm interested but i was wondering how could i have missed knowing that since i'm in town..never noticed the bunting also


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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...