Sunday, December 26, 2010

Santarina Came To Ipoh

Guess who dropped by in Ipoh???

Yes, Santarina Kathy came to IPOH!!
She came with none other than her beloved King and Prince...
Elin and I were excited about her coming and we were most happy
that she and her family landed in Ipoh....
Sorry Kathy, I was not in when you all landed in my house..
Your GPS is very "canggih"....

My Special Guests!!

while they were here,
they were served the Heart Of Passion cookies..

and a Christmas cake...

then we adjourned to the stadium for some light food..

such as tau foo far.. (bean curd dessert)


beef stew...

fish balls...

Just for jest....
Getting a kid to smile at the camera is no joke..
we adults have to do some "re-runs"....

OK, 1st shot... Joshua...
please look at the camera,
don't look at Auntie Claire...

2nd shot-Joshua please look straight..
Auntie Claire's colgate smile is wearing out...
and Auntie Elin "closed" already...

3rd shot - SUCCESSFULL!!!!
Finally, we can close our mouths!!
phewww.... LOL....


  1. Oh, Kathy was there! What a fun day! You fed her well huh! haha....
    Cheers, Kristy

  2. All the pretty maidens...

  3. so nice of her to come all the way to Ipoh.

  4. The heart shape cookies looked yummy.

  5. Well, you had good time together :)

  6. This looks like a lot of fun - and the food looks delicious! Thank you for your kind comments on my blog,


  7. Yay! Gathering. :) Aww...getting together is so much fun.

  8. Too funny about Joshua not smiling. It is hard to get kids to smile when snapping, much less to even be still for a picture and pose!! I'm so glad you had a good Christmas, are you feeling back to normanl yet? The food all looks so yummy!!

  9. anonymous: Thanks!

    kristy: didnt really feed them well, everyone were over lunch actually..

    mingna: hahaha thanks for the compliment!

    wenn: yeah, they were "invited"..

    sheohyan: baked by Elin.. :)

    Jarlin: too bad we were rushing for time...

    jane: do come by more often!

    tekkaus: yes, good to gather and meet!

    ginny: yes, i m normal already.. at least I think i am.. hahaha...

  10. Hah! The stray cat landed in Ipoh. Hope you fed her kesian, so very skinny. Next stop, she'll have to go to Penang and meet Eugene there liao. LOL!!!

  11. Blurp....full full..sleepy cat already...snore...thhank you very much Claire. :D...

    to be continue

  12. miss colgate, i remember those lovely "two hearts beat as one" cookies baked by your 'other' half. How's the food at tower regency? have lots of fun with your family and friends!

  13. Sure santarina was fed pau pau Claire, thanks for the gifts for my gals.

    also de fruit cake from Elin.Tq!

  14. Hi Claire, What neat pictures of ALL of you.... That Joshua is adorable.... Thanks for sharing.

    Happy New Year.

  15. stp: yeah..we go as a gang perhaps?? to penang in about that?

    kathy: u r full with food and i m full with books!! Thanks!

    lena: food at tower regency ok lar.. western food more if u like to eat that type.. :)

    ling: hope you like, next time u must come down..

    betsy: Joshua indeed is adorable!

  16. Fair what, i got suituapu, your got Meow Meow,right?

    hey, looks like this is season of meeting up hahahahahahah

  17. LOLOL...u wan smallkucing smile like kerang busuk ah? Simple... he always smile non-stop when he bully me. OMG... den will give me wet kisses oso. *pengsan*

    Whaaaa... makan so much, so nice!

  18. eugene: make a gathering in April!!

    mery: yes.. nice..

    cleff: u should have come to Ipoh too!! but dont choose christmas .. hahaa..

  19. Everyone looks happy and enjoyable!
    Memorable moment.

  20. Oh Kathy made it to Ipoh on Christmas. I dunno whether u guys meet up with Agnes or not. Agnes told me Kathy is coming to Ipoh,she ask me to go down Ipoh and meet her as well, but I can't make it. I hope I can meet Joshua in person! Hehehe...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...