Friday, December 10, 2010

Third Day Of Giveaway!

Today is the third day.... more details on the first day of giveaway!

Same question!

Where did I go last year in December and where do you think I am now??? :)

First two correct guesses will win a prize... one comment per reader per day...
You can come again tomorrow for another chance...

last year it was winter....
still bearable.....
Trademark Peace to you all!!


  1. Last year : Japan

    This year : Nigeria Falls

  2. Last Year Japan, where are u now? Hmm, wat about Canada?

  3. I can only think about Disneyland. :p

  4. Last year Japan, this year Korea.

  5. Last yr : japan.
    This year : Korea....

  6. You are looking absolutely cool in the teddy-dress. The cactus plant behind you appears like a bunch of horns on your head. I guess the place to be somewhere in Japan.

  7. Last year Japan, this year Korea.

  8. Claire - typo error in my above answer yah, it shd be Niagara falls Canada.

  9. I can't believe that this is your third post about this giveaway. Stop making your readers guessing from where you were last year! Be generous about this giveaway. Give to the first 10th readers who post a comment. Stop teasing them. That's cheap and not respectful to your readers who commented and guessing for the last 3 days. Poor readers!


  10. Makes me sick of seeing repeated commentors trying to guess where you were last year and where you are now. Not that these repeated commentors are hard-up for the giveaways, they have been supportive to your blog and giving face value to you. Spare a thought for them.

  11. any clue?

    trying hard to guess where u now...uuhhmm last year u were in in hongkong:-)

  12. I hope my favorite blogger Elin will not start a giving away by asking her readers to guess how much salt she put on her last year roasted potatoes and how much she puts this year for that roast. This is giving me a headache by backtracking her last year posts. Oh, God forbid!LoL!


  13. Last year you were in Japan
    Now you are probably in Korea

  14. Last year Japan,
    This year Australia?

  15. Claire,

    Am a silent reader of your blog. It is good that you do daily giveaway so that everyone will have a fair chance of winning a prize.

    Happy holiday to you.


  16. Dun worry Claire... anon up there is just jealous of you.... that you got so many readers who supports u. We love you Claire. You're the best.

  17. Begone, ugly Monster!!! Leave Claire alone! In the name of moon, I will punish you!

  18. LOL to spongebog and sailormoon! No lah, am not jealous of Claire and don't punish me. Lol! Great time to you both. To you Claire, I'm still loving your writings. No hard feelings, okay? :)

  19. Anon: Sure, sure... you love Claire... but you'd love to backstab too. How nice, sweet and innocent of you.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...