Friday, January 7, 2011

B For Blogging

Phew... finally the 2010 closing year end is over! For the past few weeks, it had been hectic in the office.. "flying daggers" were almost everywhere, you point at me, I blame you, some washed their hands off the problems... you name it, you got them...

Ok, better not talk too much about office... if leak too much, I might find myself "full time" blogging instead of having an office to go to.... lol...

Just came back from cell group meeting, seems like a long time since I last attended, minus the Christmas gathering. Today we talked about resolution... most of them mentioned that they would love to have a deeper relationship with our Lord and to watch the church grow..... Great!!

While listening to them, I was struggling in my mind...oh dear, what about me? What is my resolution?? Think deeper, woman, what is my resolution?? Nothing came out...

Panic! When it was finally my turn to say something, I was like er... "blank" ... What came to my mind, I just blurted out.. I said.. Frankly, I do not have a Godly resolution, I never thought of having one, seriously, each day I wanna feel contented and safe, I do pray and I do read the Bible .... other than that, most of the time, when I am free, all I think of is my... capital B.... B for Blogging! AAhhhhhhh........(of course I dint mention this!)

However I told them what I would love to achieve... that is to refrain from fried foodstuff if possible, hehehehe... stay healthy and travel to places I have never been to yet.....

Gosh.. is that considered a last-minute resolution? :)


  1. I have one... last year, i finish reading the new testament. This year, to read the old and new testament. And, go church and cell group regularly.

  2. Mine is pretty simple but difficult to accomplish - sleep half an hour early every night

  3. Great resolution, Claire. You can come here cos I don't have fried foods at home :D Aberdeen must be a new place to you too. See, I have helped you to fulfil your new year resolution...haha. Take care. MaryMoh at

  4. G for go
    O for on

    T for tour
    R for relax
    A for and
    V for visit
    E for eternal
    L for lands

  5. at least you have 1 Claire... believe it or not.. I still can't say what is my resolution.. (Of coz trying to become a better person).. but.. something... something...

    May be because I am preggy.. LOL.. all I have to do may be.. is to 'deliver it well'.. LOL..

  6. chris: u r like my sis and my cell members, one wanted to finish reading the bible this year!

    sheohyan: but sleeping half an hour later can be accomplished, hor?

    mary: Aberdeen? yes, never been! London and Edinburgh only and Isle of Wight? long time ago.. thanks for your invitation, i hold that in my heart! :)

    mingna: great work, teacher!!

    cathy: yes, i wish you have a nice wonderful smooth delivery!

  7. Claire:my resolution starts with the letter F-FAMILY

  8. yah, why not? i'm sure you will be able to achieve this 'last minute 'resolutions of yours. so no more kfc, more vege, join a gym, save money, laugh more and keep blogging!

  9. You are like me, Claire! I do not have a resolution, Godly or otherwise! Wxcept to be closer to God and be able to know what he wants me to do. Reading the bible and praying are the two most important things!! It is PEOPLE who make a big deal out of yearly resolutions, not God!

  10. I think your resolution is fine and quite similar to mine!

    Contentment and personal safety are just some of the basic human needs that we take for granted sometimes... as well as job security!

    Hope you have a wonderful 2011 ahead :)

  11. No resolution...just be grateful for whatever blessings that may come along and be thankful that I'm alive and well.

  12. That's is good enough,, be contented and loving HIM a little more that yesterday ,,hahhaha

    god bless ya

    go shopping or makaning this weekend?

  13. Yes, fried food should be sparing treats! Good for you :)

    Aloha from Hawaii

    Comfort Spiral



  14. Eugene: yes, makaning again.. what else to do? hahaha....

    cloudia: aloha to you too... have a nice weekend...

    stp: yes, waking up alive and kicking about is something to be thankful about...

  15. hope not to late to wish u happy new year - may great things come yr way-
    it is never too late to make resolution still :)

  16. i think the last minute resolution should be the most genuine one, because you are not prepared and you just blurted out what's in your mind and heart.. so, keep blogging!! :D

  17. may u acheive ur resolution! and may the office be free from politics. :P

  18. resolution for this year....Hope Ryan will stay healthy always..

  19. Claire...haha you are always so down to earth...keep fit would be my resolution for this year....LOL! how to keep fit with all those food I am to cook!!! So no going out to eat from now onwards...keep to oats in the office...Let's do it together :PPP

  20. I don't hv resolutions..I just do what is best..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...