Thursday, January 13, 2011

Faithful Old Junk

I have an old junk car which is younger than my son's age... er.. let me count.. this year my proton saga will be 25 years old...... YES!! 25 years old car!! No Joke.. hehee... It is still usable, still in motion and utilised fully in Penang. Andy is happy with it so far... but I know deep in his mind, he years for another better car.... (who doesn't..... )

Last month the road tax and insurance expired and it cost me a bomb to renew them. I paid RM476 for car insurance rate plus road tax. I remember earlier years, I paid only RM85 for insurance.... how come it has increased so much?

I guess they don't encourage us to use old junks on the road, right? Hope the government will bring back the RM5,000 rebate for any old junks traded in for new car purchase... I will be most willing to let go.... fast fast too!


  1. Mine...can't remember how many years now - 1st generation proton saga - 8-valve engine. Still going strong...

  2. My dad is still using the 1991 model. Everything is fine except for the body, rusty everywhere...

  3. stp: how can cannot remember?? hahaha.. too ancient to remember?

    mingna: proton 1st batch doesnt rust that much..after that, all like turn cancerous.. hahaha...


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...