Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Is She Stressed Up?

My girl had an appointment with the skin specialist in the General Hospital after the six months lapse. This time her brother took her there, I couldn't get off from the office and it was a blessing in disguise. My son saw his friend while waiting and his friend happened to be the senior skin specialist... actually he was on leave but when he saw my son, he ushered them in...

My girl is still having some skin eczema on her hands and she is very sensitive towards sunlight.. gosh, practically her skin breaks out if stay under the sun too long. Doctor told it is kind of hereditary and advised her to stay away from chemical stuff... he recommended using QV lotion and Dove for bathing, they are more gentle to the skin...

Oh yeah... another cause for chronic eczema is stress... wonder what kind of stress she is having.. hhmmmm...

Meanwhile all these were prescribed till
the next appointment in April...
I wonder how much these would cost
in the private clinics/hospitals...


  1. Young girls can be stressful too... studies, tuition, dating etc. I often hear female students tell me that they are very 'farn'...

  2. Poor girl .... hope she'll be alright soon.

    Sometimes stress can means sleeping too late too. My girl also suffer from Eczema :(

  3. wow, that's a lot of medicine.. hope your girl will get well soon.. :)

  4. LOL, my girl has Eczema too(seriously)... and she is only 3!>_<

  5. aqua cream would be ard RM17 per tub and what are the other 3 tubs.

    try probiotics and go low on sugar. It'll help

    stress can be anything.. exam , not getting enough sleep, peer pressure.

    eczema is caused by a lot of factors. Some are factors that directly cause eczema such as allergy and lack of good bacteria in the guts and other stress and heat only makes it worst.

    as you know, I'm in a long long battle w Mr Eczema ! sigh !

  6. DOve ah..i thought Sebamed is good.

  7. School and exams can be stressful. My son had it on his face as a baby and a toddler. Hereditary? Did you ever have it, did your husband? does it itch? I'm glad that she has a good doctor and is going to him. Gosh, lots of ointments for one so young! I have to apply many ointments after showering, but that is because I am old, ha ha!!

  8. perhaps it is time to encourage her to talk more with you? find out what i stressing her but more important is helping her out in a positive manner n not just knowing or interfering

  9. Exams... Form 5 this year. The impulsive shopping may be a symptom too. Talk to her...or ask somebody close to her to do that. Her brother perhaps?

  10. michiamo: the doc asked her too but she said she was not.. maybe she didnt realize it..

    mommyangel: yes, she sleeps at 11pm every night.. must tell her to sleep earlier..

    sk: this skin disorder will take some time.. yeah, hopefully better soon!

    alice: is it the food we consumed that caused this?

    elaine: yeah, you know better.. there are many factors contributing, doc asked me about allergies, i also dont know where to start.. but have to retrain on chemical stuff on her fingers to start off with...

    kathy: he said dove is gentle wor..

    ginny: some are for night, and some for day.. she didnt consume the tablets, that is for acne.. sigh.. yeah, i guess it is hereditary, my hubby's side has eczema too..

    bengbeng: not so sure about stress, she seems happy enough.. but more on this hereditary, cos her cousins are having it too.. and sensitiveness on her hands..

    stp: hahaha.. not so serious.. but one thing, she can be strssed up bec of work..

  11. Eczema is very tough to heal. My youngest sis got it all around her ankles and she got it from my mom. She's been having it for years now and it just refused to go away no matter what med she takes or apply. Sigh...

  12. luckily u go to GH otherwise it would cost u a boom at private clinic. According to my sis who deals with doc, it's the immunity..she should boost up her immune system. Let her take yr basics.

  13. oh dear....she can't be in the sun for too long? poor kiddo. hope she will grow out of this.

  14. i guess the price is few hundred in private clinics for sure.

    general hospital, i guess only rm5 right?

  15. kiasumum: yes, some can outgrown it .. depending on their immunity..

    wenn: so it is all back to the basics? okay, i think i better pump her up with some vitamins..

    barb: yeah, it will cause redness and outbreak of skin..

    chvoon:it is free for school students.. our government is very kind on this..

  16. I have eczema too. I used to go private clinic which cost around rm50 per visit. Luckily, it's getting better. I'm allergy to oats.

  17. Oh dear! I hope your girl gets well soon!

  18. A visit to a private clinic of skin specialist can easily set you back by RM500 per visit including medications.

  19. cindy: how to find out our allergies?

    sweetwitch: thanks! hope she will..

    inspiredmum: so expensive?? last time i went to private hospital, it cost me RM100 over for 2 small mini sized cream!

  20. Hi.. marita gracia here... HAPPY NEW YEAR! any task task for me?

  21. Poor girl...hope she will be fine..

  22. So sorry to hear your girl suffers from eczema. May be you may want to try some natural ways. Like, maybe you can use a very good apple cider vinegar (Bragg's brand is the best as it's raw and undistilled). Dilute it with water and apply to those affected areas. Then use vit E cream to rub over after that. Get a good brand. A lot of eczema is due to dairy products so you may want to cut that out from her diet for a try. Cut out junk food, too. Try to give her freshly made juices to build up her body. Sad to sad...more drugs means more toxic overload to our bodies. Really hope she recovers soon. MaryMoh at

  23. my lil missy also has skin problems, she wud scratch till bleed sometimes, then got mark liao, aiyah. donno if something i makan too frequent during my pregnancy or just natural :( not enuf "pow" i think myself.. hu hu.. hope ur girl outgrown this issue soon!

  24. grace: so far, no news..

    mery: yes, she will..

    mary: thanks for your information! i have bragg in the house and i just did that for her.. yes, too much steroid is no good too... dairy products allergy? oh dear, i fed her with milk each morning.. so i better stop and replace with soymilk..

    irene: yeah, i think immunity low can cause allergy..


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