Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kiasu Mum Went Surveying..

Ooooh... I haven't really do my shopping on cookies yet.... still procrastinating. Myself very kiasu one, if I buy now, biscuits are not so fresh already so I will wait till this coming weekend, then only I will go and get some... Meanwhile, I survey around first as to which shop I wanted to go.....

Saw this shop in Pasir Pinji, very crowded on Sunday
I went in to look see, yes, indeed very fresh
so this weekend, I will go and get some varieties...

Bought some and tried... kids love them..
potato crackers...

some groundnuts puffs...
and other biscuits as well...all looked fresh...


  1. I make my own cookies every year. No need to buy from outside. hehe.

    Hmm... if you want to buy new year cookies, I would want to recommend this confectionery shop to you:


  2. ah..ming na, i know that shop in hugh low street, yes! but i like this pasir pinji one.. got the white santan kueh bangkit? or something like that.. not bad..

  3. oh those are potato crackers? i thought they are prawn crackers. like them esp when served in restaurants b4 the dishes arrive

  4. Last minute shopping? Aren't you afraid they will run out of stock? Over here, usually, those doing cookies and crackers stop doing one week before CNY!

  5. Wah, this shop looks like a wholesaler.....sell in big bags lah!

  6. Ohhhh... potato crackers... those very nice to eat. Expensive or not, these?

  7. So sweet of u to check in on me earlier, Claire. I'm good, thx! Gong Xi Fa Cai to u too!
    I've nvr bot cookies from ppl selling in big big plastic bags b4. hehehe Won't the cookies masuk angin?

  8. it's so nice to actually have this shop selling all the cny cookies ya! Ya, better wait till this weekend coz if not, I think some of the crackers will 'lao fong' already!

    Happy CNY to you in advance clare :)

  9. I always buy very early one, the other type of kiasuism.. hehehe. Scared last min very crowded and packed or worst, they ran out of biscuits.

    GONG XI FA CAI in advance (see Kiasu again)!

  10. They look good, something to munch on while watching your favorite movie on DVD or your favorite show on cable TV. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.

  11. Wow...so soon go buy already? :p I have yet to stock up.

  12. Biscuits? They make in bulk a month or two ago...so you buy later, also the same - the leftovers, if any. And the cakes too... I'm sure they put a lot of preservatives if they can keep them that long... Better buy from friends.

  13. O.K., what have I missed? What's going on this weekend, is my memory that bad? If there's cookies, biscuits and chips involved, I'm THERE, ha ha!!

  14. my son looove biscuits, he likes munching on them while waiting for me to pick him up in school. so i always put extras in his lunch bag =)

    hoping you can follow and link up if you haven't yet =)
    online journal
    my soltero baby

  15. jean: yes, u r right! like in those thai restaurants!

    cath: thanks!

    foongpc: aiyoh, in that case go tomorrow!

    pete: no, cos they finish fast.. each day fresh biscuits!

    cleff: that day selling 2rm for 100 gm.. so cheap!

    slavemom: cos they finish fast, so no masuk angin and also fresh!

  16. mommyangel: better buy one of these lunch time .. weekends crowded, i m afraid..

    kiasu: we r both kiasu-s....

    Mel: thanks!!

    Tekkaus: u better stock up for Jordan.. hahaa..

    stp: u r wrong..this shop sells fresh each day cos very fast finished.. i bought the other day, still warm! :)

    ginny: next time u should come visiting here!

    rja: thanks! will visit u ..

  17. Wah..last weekend onie serbu ar..Later abis sapu by ppl jor..LOL!!

  18. sigh.. it's that time of the year again when everyone stuffs themselves silly and get chubby beyond words can describe! ME is one of them.. boo hoo.. :D

  19. hehehe. wait till u see what we have on our tables! :P i thought mummy was very creative this year. :P

  20. ling: sapu habis good for me too.. hahaha...

    merryn: u still look so petite..

    medie: i m waiting for you to do that!

  21. I recognize the potato crackers, we have them in Indian stores here. They're delicious. Good luck with your cookie shopping :)

  22. My family stop buying traditional cookies since last year and buy bake vegetable from organic shops, that is much more healthier :)

  23. indie: thank you...

    ah siang: so nice to bake home made ones.. !!

  24. groundnuts puff...? is it like curry puff? Never try before la...so curious...
    I don't think Sibu will have this kind of puff.

  25. Hehe same here too... I'm even delaying some cleaning jobs (like washing the bathroom, scrubbing the kitchen and changing bedsheets) to next week so that they can be really, really clean on CNY. Cookies also this weekend baru bake!


Thank you, readers!

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