Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lets Wallop!

It has been some time since I last put up food post, right? Since my Letswallop has been "terminated" and "blacklisted", my food pictures has turned stale in my folders... (fatt moe)

Just now I dug into them and found some interesting pictures. These pictures below were taken in Osborne Street, just opposite the Deluxe tours. The stalls there have zinc roofs but with fans blowing full blast, the heat was bearable... but it is advisable to wear as "little" as possible.. hahaha...

Anyway, three of us went to try out one of the stalls there... we followed where the crowd was...

many were waiting for their food..

see... very authentic style..
narrow benches only.. fits me though.. hehee...

after waiting half hour, our food came...
crispy sweet sour fish.. very nice!
their signature dish...

this is tapioca leaves.. okay la...

this is bitter gourd omelette..

the bill came to around RM33.00
we will go there once again...
must try their other signature dishes too!


  1. Guess the place would have different stalls and various food like a food court. Any particular name to look out for? Food looks yummy.

  2. Yeah, wallop more since I will make u climb 850m up to kledang hill peak !

  3. I'll definitely wallop the sweet sour fish!^-^

    Wishing you a happy weekend!

  4. bananaz: yeah.. like homecooked food but the fish was nice...

    chris: got time only talk la!! hahaha...

    alice: tomorrow is friday hor? yes.. i love fridays!!

  5. Claire, tomorrow till weekend I'm going 'gai gai' with my family, so I wish you a nice weekend in advance!^-^/

  6. Yay, let's go again..the food there was good :) and cheap too !

  7. Hi Claire,
    I didn't know you also love taking pictures of food.Maybe you could join us each Friday at Food Trip Friday.
    All you have to do is to post a food pic every Friday and submit your link so others can visit you.

  8. alice: i wish u have a wonderful great time with your family...

    elin: we better wear something more cooling this time when we go..hehee..

  9. those food looks simple yet yummy..

  10. You ha you,,tempt me again with food,anyway friday ma, dont worry, i will sure wallop one,,,,but for RM33 it is rather cheap lol,, got fish some more, next time i go down Ipoh, you bawa i pergi ok?

    have a great weekend ya,,wallop is the word for this weekend,,, i am walloping away now, friend just called inviting me for dim sum, madness it is only 7.12 am, got to go already,,, dim sum join me,,,,,,,,,

  11. Food looks good...and so cheap! And I like the name of the road - the biscuit. LOL!!!

  12. willa: thanks for information, i will hop over!

    wenn: yes, looks yummy but dont wear nice nice and goo.. hahaha..

    eugene: cannot find much dim sum in penang.. next time take me!

    stp: those days, the street names were in English..but not now.. i put Osborne bec i dont know the new name for it.. as for me, i still use the British street names.. easier to remember!

  13. Sweet Sour Fish looks good, but not sure about the Bitter Gourd Omelette

  14. bittergourd omelette me loike! another way to eat bittergourd! haha cz i dnt like bittergourd! :(

  15. patty: kids wont like it.. bitter.. but i like.. cos bitter gourd is good for health.. :)

    sheohyan: cooling.. :)

    caroline: young people wont like, i guess.. hehee..

  16. Looks like our Honolulu Chinatown

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral



  17. I'm drooling over that sweet sour fish, yummy yummy~

  18. sure looks yummy and cheap too. I like the fish dish :)

  19. The fish sure looked good! Then again, I'd be happy even with just the tapioca leaves and white rice ;)

  20. the crispy sweet sour fish looks yummy!

  21. That's cheap for so much good food! I would eat there everyday :D

  22. Claire... bittergourd good for lowering blood pressure. If got high blood pressure, good to take. But bittergourd not good for ppl with low bp. Like me, I kenot take cuz i have low blood pressure. take liao I will pening and pengsan! LOL!

  23. where is this place ah? Wanna go there next time

  24. oh, first time seeing pomfret cooked in sweet and sour style, no wonder their signature dish lah, haha!! but i don't care what fish i eat, as long as meaty and not fishy smell that's it~~ :p


Thank you, readers!

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